firehawk12 said:Huh, the last DLC actually sounds interesting. Was that a pre-order bonus somewhere? said:This has probably been axed before, but the search is borked, so does anyone know how I find the DLC I own @ the Bioware Social Network. I want to make sure my Dragon Age DLC will be tied to my 360 because I redeemed the code on my PS3. Multi-console owner for the fail.
gillFTR said:Apparently something got messed up and all the pre order bonuses are on the microsoft site for free
Confirm all them go to your active downloads lists on your console click whatever is on top of the queue and then press download all items and you will have all pre order friend reported it down but I still managed to get em.
Mutanthands said:Will the game be able to see these downloads? They may be on your Xbox, but they won't be registered on the EA site, a la like they did with Dragon Age. Will be curious to see what happens in a couple of days.
(talking about the free bonanza just fleetingly offered up by Microsoft)
Papercuts said:If I leave all 9 items in the queue will they still be there no matter what? I don't really want to go out and turn my 360 on right now.
Sebulon3k said:I think it's one of the items offered through the Cerberus network, if your talking about theNormandy Crash site
Killthee said:
Arjen said:Finished my third ME1 playtrough yesterday, so all the choices i made would still be fresh in my head when i start ME2. Tried to get to level 60, but i had no idea the xp needed from 59 to 60 was such an ansurd amount, so i'm importing a level 59 femshep vanguard.
Oh, 2 more things
1. Great OP
2. Damn you Americans for playing this 3 days early, DAMN YOU! *shakes fist*
Rhino said:This comic reflects my own feelings about our new Krogan friend.
There areRevolutionary said:- Exploring planets was pointless and repetitive; it was literally the same shit EVERY TIME.
- The game didn't give you much incentive to use other characters aside from your default team (whatever that may be), mainly due to the equipment system.
- gunplay was meh, and the retarded friendly AI didn't help in those situations.
In this game, they've "rectified" all three of my complaints:
- by removing the planet exploring mechanic entirely (at least, I haven't found a single explorable planet yet) - all you can do now is play a shitty Planet Scanning mini-game which is just as repetitive and even more monotonous than the exploration in the first game.
gillFTR said:Apparently something got messed up and all the pre order bonuses are on the microsoft site for free
Confirm all them go to your active downloads lists on your console click whatever is on top of the queue and then press download all items and you will have all pre order friend reported it down but I still managed to get em.
syllogism said:There are"explorable planets". While it's a bit generous to call them quests (a few of them aside), most of them are quite good and a few stunning visually.15-20
Its trying to make me register.
Snuggler said:Wait...can I get this pre-order shit for free for my sexbox 360? It's not on the marketplace.
You wonderful man.gillFTR said:Apparently something got messed up and all the pre order bonuses are on the microsoft site for free
Confirm all them go to your active downloads lists on your console click whatever is on top of the queue and then press download all items and you will have all pre order friend reported it down but I still managed to get em.
Sebulon3k said:If it's the one for the pre order codes, you need to put in your xbox live registered e-mail / password. If you have a windows Live ID that's pretty much it
Snuggler said:Ah, I see. Hopefully they (MS) don't ban me for this.
Why would you be banned for downloading content that is freely available on THEIR site?Snuggler said:Ah, I see. Hopefully they (MS) don't ban me for this.
thetrin said:Why would you be banned for downloading content that is freely available on THEIR site?
That's like being kicked out of a book store for buying a book that rang up at $0 for only that one day.
StoOgE said:ME1 is one of my favorite games of all time already. Probably my favorite RPG.. though I go back and forth with Morrowind and Crono trigger.
The last 2 hours of the first game was so unbelievably epic... really good character development throughout the game. My decisions felt like they had a real impact on the story. The fact that I'm going to get to play a sequel that is shaped by the decisions I made in the first game blows my mind.
It's like shit Lionhead promises but never managed to deliver.
If the sequel is as good as the first one it will be vaulted to the top of my favorite RPG lists... the wait for ME3 is going to be much harder than ME2 though since I expect this one to leave us hanging in a much worse situation than the end of the first game. Nothing to base that on other than the fact that the 2nd part of a trilogy typically has to leave you in a bit of a pickle to be solved in the 3rd act.
Sebulon3k said:If it's the one for the pre order codes, you need to put in your xbox live registered e-mail / password. If you have a windows Live ID that's pretty much it
Saw this on CAG and got it all downloaded.gillFTR said:Apparently something got messed up and all the pre order bonuses are on the microsoft site for free
Confirm all them go to your active downloads lists on your console click whatever is on top of the queue and then press download all items and you will have all pre order friend reported it down but I still managed to get em.
:lol Thanks for that.gillFTR said:Apparently something got messed up and all the pre order bonuses are on the microsoft site for free
Confirm all them go to your active downloads lists on your console click whatever is on top of the queue and then press download all items and you will have all pre order friend reported it down but I still managed to get em.
Pretty sure they worked when it happened to DA in the Euro PS Store's and fwiw, I can use DA DLC on my alt PSN account even though its tied to my main PSN/EA/BioWare accounts.Son of Godzilla said:I doubt those will even work. Dollars to pesos you have to synch something with your EA account to even get access to them in game.
Yeah, there's no doubt it will work fine.Killthee said:Pretty sure they worked when it happened to DA in the Euro PS Store's and fwiw, I can use DA DLC on my alt PSN account even though its tied to my main PSN/EA/BioWare accounts.
Is there a way to view all DL content you have purchased or downloaded for every game you have ever played on your 360?
Dark Octave said:Is there a way to view all DL content you have purchased or downloaded for every game you have ever played on your 360?
Thanks.sweetvar26 said:Yeah you will have to go to purchase history and you should be able to access it.
gillFTR said:Apparently something got messed up and all the pre order bonuses are on the microsoft site for free
Confirm all them go to your active downloads lists on your console click whatever is on top of the queue and then press download all items and you will have all pre order friend reported it down but I still managed to get em.
Yeah, go to, log in, and from the "My Account" dropdown list, select "Purchase History".Dark Octave said:Is there a way to view all DL content you have purchased or downloaded for every game you have ever played on your 360?