Anyone know how to redeem the blood dragon armor from dragon age in this game? I try logging in to the EA online account I have linked to ME2 360 and there is a server error. (steam version).
FleckSplat said:Anyone know how to redeem the blood dragon armor from dragon age in this game? I try logging in to the EA online account I have linked to ME2 360 and there is a server error. (steam version).
Macmanus said:Holy shit thewas awesome.Collector's Ship
Holy shit the claymore shotgun is incredible. It makes the vangaurd good again.
FleckSplat said:I didn't download it on DA yet. How do I do that?
Yeah, the range is much better and it is very powerful. Only downside is the single shot clip, you have to reload after every shot.ColonelColon said:Is the range any better than the other shotguns? I gave up on shotguns because I needed to get too close to enemies for them to be effective.
ColonelColon said:Is the range any better than the other shotguns? I gave up on shotguns because I needed to get too close to enemies for them to be effective.
Jamesfrom818 said:My female Shepard, Athena, is hot.
X26 said:There's one thing I like much more in ME1 than in ME2, and that's the feeling of your character progressing. In ME1 when you find a good gun and add a bunch of nice mods to it or beef up your abilities, it shows. In ME2, not so much, if at all. I just started a new game+ and my level 28 shep doesn't take down stuff in the first missions any faster than my level 3 or shep did. New game+ may just have level scaling I'm not aware of, but this is the case within my inital playthrough too.
X26 said:There's one thing I like much more in ME1 than in ME2, and that's the feeling of your character progressing. In ME1 when you find a good gun and add a bunch of nice mods to it or beef up your abilities, it shows. In ME2, not so much, if at all. I just started a new game+ and my level 28 shep doesn't take down stuff in the first missions any faster than my level 3 or shep did. New game+ may just have level scaling I'm not aware of, but this is the case within my inital playthrough too.
TheFreshPrince said:Can someone help me with the 'point of no return', and what exactly you can't come back to? I'm about to do the, and it seems like this might be that point.IFF Reaper Mission
Also, how much main game left? 25%?
Macmanus said:What classes have you played? I feel the complete opposite.
I'm feeling rock solid progression in this game. I feel like I'm getting stronger as I'm unlocking the tier 4 abilities for myself and my team mates in addition to researching upgrades.
In Mass Effect 1, their were two stages of the game for me. Before the Spectre weapons, and after the Spectre weapons. Since their were so many worthless side missions you could do for heaps of loot, by level 15 you easily had the 1,000,000 credits and it was all down hill from there.
ianp622 said:Does anyone have some non-loyalty side-missions they found particularly compelling or fun? I'd prefer mostly talking, but if the action is good, I wouldn't mind either. I already did theones.crashing ship and mech virus
TheHeretic said:Why is the upgrade menu system such a mess. Why can I see so many upgrades that I can't actually upgrade? Most of them are grey and for a lot of them I see I don't have enough resources, but then I get the resources and the upgrade still can't be made. I really don't understand how its supposed to work, why its showing me all these upgrades I can't use.
TheHeretic said:Why is the upgrade menu system such a mess. Why can I see so many upgrades that I can't actually upgrade? Most of them are grey and for a lot of them I see I don't have enough resources, but then I get the resources and the upgrade still can't be made. I really don't understand how its supposed to work, why its showing me all these upgrades I can't use.
Laughing Banana said:Maybe part of the reason why I'm doing that is because I always think (while playing ME2 for a brief while) that if I want to act all Renegade-like, I am bound to miss some quests or, since this game employs loyalty-system just like Dragon Age, all of the party members will hate me and shower me with no loyalty
My experience from playing Dragon Age giving me the impression that playing as a 'good guy' tends to pay off more: party members liking you more (giving bonuses to stats, or in ME2 case, loyalty?) and you can avoid risking losing quests.
Or should I just brace my teeth and continue my renegade character as is...? Hmm, need some advice please, GAF.
MegaKungFuRadio said:Because it tells you what you need in order to acquire it. The menu listing purchased upgrades can use some organization, but what you're complaining about isn't confusing at all.
TheHeretic said:Its confusing because it doesn't distinguish between:
What you already have and can use
What you already have but can't use
What you don't have
At least as far as I understand it. Its pretty fucked up. I don't even know if you have to buy/find all upgrades, I seem to have some I have no recollection of obtaining.
MegaKungFuRadio said:Everything you've upgraded it the Upgrade menu. Everything you can research is in the research menu. What you don't have doesn't show up anywhere.
You need to buy/find an upgrade first. I think the way it works is that there's some upgrades you find/buy and benefit from, and then those unlock further research projects. At least, that's what I gleaned from the text.TheHeretic said:So why is certain stuff I can afford with no prereqs being grayed out?
For example, Sniper headshot bonus damage. I have the resources for it but its still grayed out, I'm not seeing anything in the description I need before I can use it.
TheHeretic said:So why is certain stuff I can afford with no prereqs being grayed out?
For example, Sniper headshot bonus damage. I have the resources for it but its still grayed out, I'm not seeing anything in the description I need before I can use it.
Metroidvania said:You can still gain loyalty as a renegade, and I don't recall any paragon only quests this time around.
You may end a sidequest rather early, or dismiss them, but there are always neutral options, and renegade options once you get into the quest itself.
prodystopian said:I just finished rounding up the squad members at the beginning and saved. Then,The Illusive Man called me in for a debriefing and sent me to where Ashley is. I didn't unfreeze the Krogan yet and I want to try that before going. Also, I was considering going to the Citadel. Without spoiling anything for me, can I just do the Citadel after this mission or should I do it first?
Laughing Banana said:A question, if I may. Uh, I'm not sure if it's spoilerish or not--I think not, but just on the safe side:
I don't really care about romance in ME1 since I personally think that all of the available options are uninteresting and 'I am alone' attitude befits a Renegade character well. However,Man, now that would be hard to resist even for my Renegade character :lolis it true that Tali is available as an option for romance in ME2?
Should I be always nice to her if I want to romance her? If I kept my Renegade-ish attitude around her she will still be available? Hmm. Because it would be weird for my character to be rude to anyone else and act all bigoted to Aliens and yet he's still all nice and warm to her, hahaha.
MegaKungFuRadio said:So it doesn't say requires one more Sniper Rifle damage upgrade? Can't say I've come across that in nearly 60 hours of gameplay.
Laughing Banana said:Should I be always nice to her if I want to romance her? If I kept my Renegade-ish attitude around her she will still be available? Hmm. Because it would be weird for my character to be rude to anyone else and act all bigoted to Aliens and yet he's still all nice and warm to her, hahaha.
I assumed it was showing me things I hadn't found yet, are you sure this isn't how it works? The whole thing is poorly designed regardless as I really don't know whats going on. I don't recall ever finding the upgrade, for one.
Metroidvania said:As others have said, it is indeed possible.
However, acting as a renegade never leads to a romance, no one's going to like you if you're a dick.
You'll have to be nice to people if you want to romance them. I know several people in the thread who have done just that, be nice to one specific person in order to get the romance.
careful said:How do you call up Tali to your room to hang out and cuddle? (saw it on Youtube)
ianp622 said:It's true.
Revelations said:You gotta finish the game first and foremost. After that I dunno. maybe just talk to her and tell her to meet you upo there.
Gotta link to the youtube vid?
.ijm72 said:I have an Inferno Armor code that I got from amazon but I have no use for it since I downloaded everything for free thanks to the online glitch. The first person to quote me gets it.
Laughing Banana said:I must be crazy, GAF.
I just purchased this game and uploaded my Renegade character from ME1. A few hours in, I somehow feel that I am uncomfortable with a Renegade-aligned character (though for strange reason I didn't mind doing it on my around 40 hours ME1 play-through), and so I have decided to redo the entire ME1 just so I can play as a Paragon character from the very first part of Mass Effect universe.
Metroidvania said:It's odd, to say the least.
For the "extra" upgrade, i.e. snipers do more headshot damage....those will be grayed out until you buy/find and upgrade the respective weapons damage 10% + mod. Then, after x mods, you will be able to research the "special" upgrades with your resources.
It should always say "requires one more sniper rifle upgrade to research" or something.
Laughing Banana said:Then, I suppose, for the sake of consistency, it would be better if I act as a Paragon character then. Like I said, it would be very weird if my Shephard acts all rude towards anyone else and bigoted to Aliens and yet when it comes to her he acts all candies and rainbows. Unless, of course, acting all candies and rainbows to her is not strictly required for me to romance her?
I am uncomfortable playing inconsistently like that... uncomfortable enough that I think I will just replay my game all the way to the beginning of ME1. Yeah, I am weird like that.
Ah... well...