80%.stupei said:Loyalty related question for near the end:How much do I have to build up my Paragon meter to get Miranda to talk to me once she's become angry over Jack? I've been assuming I have to build it up nearly all the way, but wanted to be sure.
Hopefully.firehawk12 said:'cause I'm sure we'll have thousands of Miranda/FemShep videos if that were the case. :lol
SentBrassMonkey1010 said:
ianp622 said:I had this crazy idea after finishing ME2.
So I think this game it a little front-heavy. From the beginning to about 15 hours in, I thought this would be my favorite game of all time. Starts out with a bang, great characters, and interesting missions. However, after I had done the majority of the loyalty quests, things started to peter out - my squadmates wouldn't talk much anymore, some of the loyalty quests weren't up to the standard of some of the others, and there wasn't that much impetus to continue. I was still enjoying myself, but it seems like it burned out too soon.
So when school and stuff dies down, I'm thinking of doing a "Director's Cut" - since this is a game that lets you decide how things play out, I'm going to go through and redo things that I loved doing and forget about the things that I didn't. I'll also play through mostly Renegade, and as a female this time.
I call it a cut because I think some parts just didn't work out that great, and I think by changing the missions I take on, I can improve it, given that I have a general idea of what missions are good and which ones aren't. Also, I don't have to go to every team member after every mission when I know they aren't going to say anything (this really broke immersion for me).
So I'll plan out my recruitment and loyalty missions so that I play the ones I like in increasing order of quality. This should shift the balance of the game and provide a more satisfying conclusion. And on the way, I'll find new outcomes that I didn't get to see the first time.
Of course I would have hoped that the main storyline gave the recruitment missions more structure, but in a way I think it's good that they give some freedom to the player. I just need to do something constructive with that freedom.
So, what do you guys think? Any suggestions? My greatest fear is that my initial reactions were from the novelty of the game and the missions, and that this won't change how I feel about the game, but I don't think this is the case.
Man, what I wouldn't give for extra loyalty missions as DLC. We have enough characters.
TheHeretic said:Its a ridiculously ambitious series. It wants the combat of a perfect TPS with the dialog, story, characters and voice acting of a top RPG all in a fairly freeform design. I think you just have to appreciate it for what it is, because there are some not-so-obvious problems.
Revelations said:You gotta finish the game first and foremost. After that I dunno. maybe just talk to her and tell her to meet you upo there.
Gotta link to the youtube vid?
kingkitty said:On the shagging aspects:
I got Shepard to have sex with Morinth and she ended up killing him. Made me lol.
Also, I didn't figure you could shag the Chambers chick, too bad I did some extra missions before the suicide level which ended up getting her killed. I guess I'll get Shepard to bed her in my second run.
Or the opposite, though none of the male characters are interesting.firehawk12 said:Someone made a save game editor for the PC version:
What's interesting is that there's a flag to set the character's gender (isFemale = true/false)... what I wonder is how the game might break (or whether you can even break it after the character is created) if you change this to the opposite gender.
'cause I'm sure we'll have thousands of Miranda/FemShep videos if that were the case. :lol
Darklord said:Do ship upgrades actually do anything? I mean if I fully upgrade or don't upgrade anything will the effects be seen later in the game?
Darklord said:Do ship upgrades actually do anything? I mean if I fully upgrade or don't upgrade anything will the effects be seen later in the game?
hateradio said:Or the opposite, though none of the male characters are interesting.
MisterAnderson said:Has anyone come across a glitch in the side mission where? If I choose one, the journal mission complete says I chose the other. But then in the mission complete screen it says I chose the one I actually chose. So what do I go by? The mission complete screen or the journal entry?Batarians launch two javelin missiles at a human colony, one headed for the Alliance spaceport and another headed for the capital city and you have to choose to save only one
Rikyfree said:http://translate.google.com/transla...ww.kikoo.pl/news/3045-1/Mass-Effect-2-na-ps3/
A little fuel on the fire.I just think it is interesting that this is out there. Reminds me of the whole Bioshock thing.
mYm|17| said:Well I just got finished with Legion's loyalty mission.Then Tali and him got into a fight and I had to choose. I chose Legion :lol , now Tali is not loyal to me anymore. Am I screwed, cause they are installing the IFF now.
MisterAnderson said:I'm sure this is too late, but if anyone has an unused Terminus code/Worm hole gun code or whatever from the Gamestop preorder bonus, I'd gladly take it off your hands and compensate you for it somehow (I'm thinking money, sorry no blowjobs). I have the PC version if it matters.
mYm|17| said:Well I just got finished with Legion's loyalty mission.Then Tali and him got into a fight and I had to choose. I chose Legion :lol , now Tali is not loyal to me anymore. Am I screwed, cause they are installing the IFF now.
Revelations said:Yes it is part of keeping your crew alive.
mYm|17| said:Well I just got finished with Legion's loyalty mission.Then Tali and him got into a fight and I had to choose. I chose Legion :lol , now Tali is not loyal to me anymore. Am I screwed, cause they are installing the IFF now.
Darklord said:Well shit. I just lost my whole crew in that Joker mission. I hope that wasn't the bit where you needed to keep them alive. I better get them back. :lol I'm pretty sure I had all the upgrades...
Darklord said:Well shit. I just lost my whole crew in that Joker mission. I hope that wasn't the bit where you needed to keep them alive. I better get them back. :lol I'm pretty sure I had all the upgrades...
Revelations said:bail out dude. Always keep a save before a major event.
Revelations said:reload a previous save. Do it now!
Crunched said:Any help for the Tali recruitment mission on insanity? I'm at the part whereI'm supposed to be taking down a Geth Colossus while fending off wave after wave of geth troops. But how the hell do you kill this thing? Even with the quarian marine shooting rockets at it, I can't make a dent. It just keeps healing. I'm repeatedly being overwhelmed by the geth. It's really frustrating.
Crunched said:Any help for the Tali recruitment mission on insanity? I'm at the part whereI'm supposed to be taking down a Geth Colossus while fending off wave after wave of geth troops. But how the hell do you kill this thing? Even with the quarian marine shooting rockets at it, I can't make a dent. It just keeps healing. I'm repeatedly being overwhelmed by the geth. It's really frustrating.
Crunched said:Any help for the Tali recruitment mission on insanity? I'm at the part whereI'm supposed to be taking down a Geth Colossus while fending off wave after wave of geth troops. But how the hell do you kill this thing? Even with the quarian marine shooting rockets at it, I can't make a dent. It just keeps healing. I'm repeatedly being overwhelmed by the geth. It's really frustrating.
I guess for the slash fan-girls ... but really none of the males seem interesting in terms of a romance, imo, for any purpose.firehawk12 said:Ah, there are enough Garrus fans amongst the female population I imagine. :lol
I'm using Garrus and Mordin, overloading and incinerating like crazy. Neither one seems to be making a difference. Incinerate helps to deal with thePatryn said:Bring someone with Overload to take out the shields, then hit it with Incinerate (preferred) or Warp. Incinerate should permanently halt the healing (according to the description, I forget if that kicks in for that particular encounter), while Warp may only temporarily stop the healing. Reave or Armor-Piercing Ammo may also work.
Make sure you get in close, as well. I went up the left side and he went down like a chump for me.
Only part that's given me much trouble so far story-wise is the last one you listed. It was ridiculous, I thought I might have had to quit playing and restart with a different class. My adept was dying in mere seconds. Eventually exploited the AI enough to avoid getting hit, for the most part.mYm|17| said:The Tali recruitment mission on Insanity with my Vanguard wasn't too bad after figuring out what to do. Every other mission has been alright
The hardest parts for me were Jack's recruitment mission, Horizon (the end), Collector ship(the floating part)
Crunched said:From what I understand from your suggestions is that there are not infinitely spawning enemies, but my experience has been different. I just counted forty two geth kills before dying and there were at least six more on screen :lol
I have the singularity projector equipped as my heavy weapon, but I don't have enough time to use it. I'm chucking warps and singularities from behind cover and hiding like a baby.
I'm using Garrus and Mordin, overloading and incinerating like crazy. Neither one seems to be making a difference. Incinerate helps to deal with thedestroyers, but it hardly even scratches the colossus.
Moving up the right side, getting swarmed after a few seconds. Three or four come from my left and one or two shoot me from the right if I move all the way up and down the ramp. I can deal with one or two at a time, but it's a massacre when I have more than that after me. Especially when there's a destroyer, and one of those usually accompanies the group that attacks from the left.mYm|17| said:Are you just staying still and killing them or moving up after you kill them?
Nose Master said:ROFL @ Probing Uranus.:lol"Really, Commander?"
FFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUU-Patryn said:Apparently there are a few infinitely respawning points. The only way to stem the tide is to progress until you hit the invisible point that stops the spawning.
You have to get close to the boss there to kill it, so you just have to figure out a way to move forward enough to stop the spawning, take out the cannon fodder, and then concentrate on the boss.
Patryn said:What happened is supposed to happen. HOWEVER, if you do not immediately progress into the Omega Relay, they will begin to die. The longer you dilly-dally the more will die. Do enough quests and they will all die.
However, if you haven't gotten a totally loyal crew and an upgraded ship, your squad may die (and your crew as well, as a side effect). Your choice.
Just keep at it. You will get it.Crunched said:FFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUU-
Well looks like I have a long night ahead of me. Thanks for the suggestions.
kingkitty said:On the shagging aspects:
I got Shepard to have sex with Morinth and she ended up killing him. Made me lol.
Also, I didn't figure you could shag the Chambers chick, too bad I did some extra missions before the suicide level which ended up getting her killed. I guess I'll get Shepard to bed her in my second run.
I died in that Tali mission a ton of times at the end [in Normal], pretty much due to the never ending re-spawning. Then I just finished that part in like 1-3 minutes by going to the right, so frustrating.mYm|17| said:Just keep at it. You will get it.
Most of the missions, I have died LOTS of times, but you eventually figure out how to do it and it feels freakin great once you beat it.
Try what I did one time and see if that works. It did for me, but I was using my Vanguard.
Still, it might work for you too. I had Garrus and Miranda with me.