thanks Lime 
Can someone please re-up the 3Dizzy Xpadder profile?
I can't seem to download it for some reason, and the forum where it's originally posted doesn't allow new registrations.
Alright, so I'm ready to double my Effective military strength. I've got the Gibbed save editor. How exactly do I double my EMS using the tool?
Is someone releasing high res textures? Is there a link to them all somewhere?
Also, is anyone else not able to get the FOV fix to work anymore since Origin just patched ME3?? It isn't working for me anymore. :/
How the hell do I actually use the Widescreen Fixer tool? These are my options:
I start the game through Origin and the tool properly detects that and switches to Game Running: Yes. During the Bioware intro cinematic I press the designated hot key and the tool tells me Fix Enabled: Yes. Yet nothing has changed when I get into the game. Do I need to enable interface centering for it to actually apply the FOV fix?
Use widescreen fixer.
You can just use the Coalesced.ini editor to change FOV, or wait for the guy to update the program.
Just picked up ME3 from Amazon after finishing ME2 (again). Can I get a comprehensive list of essential mods or tweaks to make the game look/perform better?
Amazing work, especially on Garrus. I guess I just wasn't noticing it when playing through the first time, but man, the texturing on Garrus was just awful.
More textures from the same guy (smarteck). He takes some liberties with the original art, but at least it's at higher resolutions. Be prepared for jpg artifacts.
There can be, since this is just one person's take on it.I liked the smooth, clean look of the original design. These just look ugly. Why can't there be a texture pack with higher textures without fucking up the original art?
Levi's is a sponsor.Denim armour texture is balls . . .
Uh, yeah. A stable framerate and load times that last seconds instead of a there a significant boost in performance for the PC version over the PS3? I thought about gifting my PS3 and getting the 30 dollar PC version from Amazon.
Uh, yeah. A stable framerate and load times that last seconds instead of a minute.
is there a significant boost in performance for the PC version over the PS3? I thought about gifting my PS3 and getting the 30 dollar PC version from Amazon.
How good is your pc
Its pretty good. I upgraded it just last summer with the i5 2500 and raedeon 6900 and 4gb ram.
You are going to max it out and get well above 60fps. Never seen the ps3 version but i can almost guarantee pc version is better.
Its just invisible people talking.
Any idea why the game wont acknowledge my 360 controller? I downloaded xpadder and it has ME3 as the profile but when I get in game it doesn't work.
I'm sure this isn't the problem, but Xpadder needs to be running
I haven't played the game yet, but did they explained why does EDI look like that? Why does a body for AI need a pretty face, tits, an ass and a tight suite?
Don't forget cameltoe!
Please tell me that this is only from the fan textures and not the official ones. BioWare can't be that creepy.
Please tell me that this is only from the fan textures and not the official ones. BioWare can't be that creepy.
It's from the official textures that shipped with the game. Check it yourself. Even on consoles.