That was a nightmare
Thanks for your post. Please keep safe and keep us updated.
That was a nightmare
People will still defend this. Because ideology comes before human rights.VOLUME WARNING: Here's a video of the ongoing violence on the streets. Looks like something out of a dystopian film:
Thanks a lot!CNNE (en español) is a good source, venezuelan people send videos and images to this channel. Ultimately, Maduro has shown hostility towards CNN journalist Patricia Janiot
NTN24 (twitter) (blog)
RCTV_CONTIGO (twitter) This website is constantly banned from Venezuela. (twitter)
I believe the "spark" was because a Tachira governor's bodyguard tried to rape an under-aged girl. For that reasons the justified outraged student's movement shot several rocks at the governor house. After that, at Youth's day, the protest started across the country for several reasons but in a nutshell:
-Food and goods Shortages.
-State of law's (constitution) violation.
Since Youth's day, students and citizenship protest against Maduro and his de facto regime. And until now there were several casualties: deaths, tortured, injured, vandalism, authority abuse and harassment.
The FNB (National army) storms residence and flat buildings without any respect for private property or human rights, launch tear gas and shoots buckshot. During their assault they try to destroy smartphones and cameras and anything that will mean substancial evidence , when they capture students they don't doubt in gave them an inhuman beating or jail them in order to blackmail parents, they let paramilitary motorbikers to harass and shoot random people....
Yesterday my residential community was assaulted by Army forces, they broke the fences and security cameras, launched several tear gas bomb and gave a beating to any student outside they find..That was a nightmare
Responsible governanceIf fascism eliminates me, I authorize you to take to the streets to defend the homeland.
Which statement?You do realize that half of "the people" are in support of Maduro and the revolution, right?
His statement is totally reasonable.
Which statement?
The part about taking to the streets if fascists kill the president.
Maybe something of a flippant statement on my part since I'm thinking more about Ukraine currently where literal fascists are are at the forefront of things whereas they're not in Venezuela, just liberals for the most part. But hey, if something like that happened, he'd be totally right!
FYI, I don't actually like Maduro. I just like the PSUV's opposition even less.
The part about taking to the streets if fascists kill the president.
Maybe something of a flippant statement on my part since I'm thinking more about Ukraine currently where literal fascists are are at the forefront of things whereas they're not in Venezuela, just liberals for the most part. But hey, if something like that happened, he'd be totally right!
FYI, I don't actually like Maduro. I just like the PSUV's opposition even less.
Is it still possible for people to leave the country, without sneaking out.
Hell, can people sneak out?
You do realize that half of "the people" are in support of Maduro and the revolution, right?
His statement is totally reasonable.
What mass facist protest are you imagining? He's just using a blanket term that doesn't even apply.
VOLUME WARNING: Here's a video of the ongoing violence on the streets. Looks like something out of a dystopian film:
The quote is creating a facists opposition out of nothing its like the US republican party fighting against their 'socialist opposition'' It's not real. He quote is pretty much saying "if these people force me to resign, start a civil war". That's not a quote anyone should support.
You like the opposition worse than a government that doesn't respect freedom of speech, shoots protesters and can't provide security?
the guy is a bus driver for crying out loud
Maduro is the elected president of Venezuela and the opposition is trying to force him out instead of elect him out. That's what you are endorsing, which as I understand your principles is a betrayal of them. Would you support tea party actions to oust Obama? Mind you, I'm not necessarily opposed in principle to mass action ousting an elected government, but I do suspect that you are. In this particular instance, of course, I am opposed ideologically to the Venezuelan opposition and so do not wish for their success. What's wrong with having worked as a bus driver?
God. Why all the leftist always try to argue in favour of a bloodthirsty left wing regimen adducing they were democraticaly elected in first place?
Damn it. I wrote a long message explaining how Maduro and TSJ (Tribunal Justice) made a constitutional coup but I commited a mistake and lost the post. So i'm really jaded to write all again. Instead, i will leave links in spanish explaining more or less this situation. Up to you to read it or not.
(1), (2), (3)
By the way. This is not a opposition vs Government scenario. This is a civil resistance against a murderous illegal de facto regime. Regardless of the ideology.
Maduro is the elected president of Venezuela and the opposition is trying to force him out instead of elect him out. That's what you are endorsing, which as I understand your principles is a betrayal of them. Would you support tea party actions to oust Obama? Mind you, I'm not necessarily opposed in principle to mass action ousting an elected government, but I do suspect that you are. In this particular instance, of course, I am opposed ideologically to the Venezuelan opposition and so do not wish for their success.
What's wrong with having worked as a bus driver?
Nice, well thought out counterargument.Nonsense.
Are you really that desperate to hold on to the ideal of a utopia that you'll turn a blind eye to all the corruption going on in there. The fact that Caracas has no rule of law and is the most dangerous city in the world should be a tiny hint.
It's no different from Ukraine. Except instead of blinkered morons blaming it all on a secret fascist conspiracy it's a capitalist one.
The Braves sent out a message of support. Particularly Avilan and Gattis (Who played winter ball there, and got his nickname there)
A lot of them also remember Martin Prado, who was really popular.
‏@Mets Feb 23
The #Mets show their support for Venezuela. "Venezuela, we are far but never absent." #Venezuela #venezolanos
This revolution happens you know cuba is next
This whole situation looks awfully familiar to the 2002 coup d' etat.
And I don't think Maduro will accept to step down in a pacific way. He's fucking crazy and stupid
He's not even Venezuelan for christ' sake.
He was born there. What makes him not Venezuelan?
you can believe that as long as you want.
Not to mention the democratically elected president who is legally entitled to his public position...
crazy fact: a harvard graduate (Leopoldo López) is illegally in prison while a bus driver is the president.
It is not the first time the people throw an incompetent president out. It has happened in Argentina and in other Latin American countries. I would agree they should wait for elections, but the elections just happened... there's no way he can stay in power like this for so much time.
Will be interesting to see how this ends.
Of all the stupid shit that Maduro does thats the only one you cant argue properly. The bus driver shit is also pretty fucking offensive.He's not even Venezuelan for christ' sake.
Venezuela also has a formal recall process. It's even been through one recently.
Of all the stupid shit that Maduro does thats the only one you cant argue properly. The bus driver shit is also pretty fucking offensive.
Not to mention the democratically elected president who is legally entitled to his public position...
I think the thing that frustrates me most of all is the Western Socialists in the Guardian etc.. trying to defend this regime. The 'socialists', much like in China or Cuba or Eastern Europe, have enriched themselves at the expense of the people. Yes, poverty has gone down which is nice, but when the murder rate is one of the highest in the world, and food and toilet paper are hard to find in government shops, that does not make the government a success. This is a regime that does not care about the people, and certainly does not care about freedom.
Venezuela should be the Norway of South America. There is enough money there to make so many people have great lives. But because of a corrupt and ineffective regime, the population remains mostly poor, even 15 years after Chavez promised to 'free' them.
We elected a mentally challenged person as a president, isn't that inclusive enough?
Look amigo, I live in this shithole, if you watched venezuelan television you'd realize in a second that this guy deserves any demeaning word he's received.
I don't believe Venezuela's elections are fair though I believe their is no vote rigging as I trust the election monitors. Not with their suppression of the media and internet.
Just like Yanukovych? Where was your cheerleading then?
Their media owners were instrumental in orchestrating a coup. That more business owners in Venezuela are not in prison is a testament to its government's restraint.
I do not think Yanukovych should be deposed absent evidence his election was not democratic. At the same time, I don't really care which neoliberal power prevails in the Ukraine. Unlike Venezuelans, they are damned if they do and damned if they don't.
I am a professor I have quite a lot of merits and my wage is Bs.
first: I can't say "I live in this shithole"? very brave for you to speak like that while you're in miami making $$$ and I'm here waiting in line for 2 hours just to buy one harina pan. Probably your mom lives next to a supermarket where she finds everything and she doesn't have to make a line for it and next to the supermarket there's a public hospital that is fully equipped. I also imagine that in front of this supermarket there are clothes shops that sell items according to your mom's wage. If you are s brave why don't you came back to this SHITHOLE? i can assure you this SHITHOLE is millions of times worse than it was 9 years ago.
while bus driver alone might not be an insult, a bus driver who's birth certificate is unknown and acts as the whole population needs to change their mind except him should be bellitled.
May I ask where you live and what you do for aliving? I'll start and tell you a bit about myself. I am a professor I have quite a lot of merits and my wage is Bs. 6500, Dolar is worth Bs. 88 (don't give me that crap it is worth Bs. 6,30) so I make $74 a month. can you tell me, Mr. Venezuelan-who-lives-in-another-country yet defends this SHITHOLE, would you be able to live well, pay utilities, buy food/clothes, pay for transportation and pay for your own house or pay rent and feed your family for that amount of money?
Which media owners, you mean the current government?Their media owners were instrumental in orchestrating a coup.
What does this have to do with fawning state media coverage violating election rules? Way to dodge the question.
So you had no feeling whatsoever on the police shooting protesters or how it affects Yanukovych's mandate and legitimacy? How very unlike you, why it's almost as if you're maintaining cognitive dissonance so that you don't have to accept the reality of the shithole Venzuela has become!
first: I can't say "I live in this shithole"? very brave for you to speak like that while you're in miami making $$$
and I'm here waiting in line for 2 hours just to buy one harina pan. Probably your mom lives next to a supermarket where she finds everything and she doesn't have to make a line for it and next to the supermarket there's a public hospital that is fully equipped.
I also imagine that in front of this supermarket there are clothes shops that sell items according to your mom's wage. If you are s brave why don't you came back to this SHITHOLE? i can assure you this SHITHOLE is millions of times worse than it was 9 years ago.
while bus driver alone might not be an insult, a bus driver who's birth certificate is unknown and acts as the whole population needs to change their mind except him should be bellitled.
May I ask where you live and what you do for aliving?
I'll start and tell you a bit about myself. I am a professor I have quite a lot of merits and my wage is Bs. 6500, Dolar is worth Bs. 88 (don't give me that crap it is worth Bs. 6,30) so I make $74 a month. can you tell me, Mr. Venezuelan-who-lives-in-another-country yet defends this SHITHOLE, would you be able to live well, pay utilities, buy food/clothes, pay for transportation and pay for your own house or pay rent and feed your family for that amount of money?
I guess not only the rich and powerful have money for computer and internet, isnt that what they say to you when you argue against that piece of shit government?
You may not care about poor people who don't speak English and don't have an internet presence (many of whom until recently were totally illiterate), but I do.
I'll take your advice bro but I want to state that I'm in no way shape or form an oligarch.
Gracias hermano. Un abrazo.