Master of None Season 2 |OT| Aziz Ansari's Show Finally Returns (May 12th - Netflix)


Season 2 ending spoilers
show does such a good job making you root for dev. I seriously didn't know how it would end but it looks like Francesca and dev are together. I wonder how it'll shake out in season 3


Was getting caught part of your plan?
God the secondhand embarrassment just keeps escalating this season

Also the photography in Episode 9 is ace damn


I think I'm straight for Francesca.

I also think she and Dav had better chemistry than he had with Rachel, which I would never have guessed.




I'm liking this season, it's very different from the first and each episode is its own little thing. Episode 6 was a bit random and strange and I didn't see the point of it tbh.

Also Francesca is very cute.

I just got done with ep 6 and I liked it. It was nice.


Had no idea this was coming back so I was happy to see it pop up my netflix feed. Just finished ep 1 and I'm glad it's back.
I had no idea this was getting a season 2. Just finished the first episode, that was great. The dialogue and character interactions are so funny and well done. Great start!


Up to episode 6 part of me is like " oh you so fancy 1st world problems" but it's hilarious. Best episodes are with his parents. Death castle was great too.


Was digging the first episode, but instantly remembered why I was kind of iffy on the first season the minute Arnold showed up.

Bottom tier character.
Eric Wareheim (sp?) Is kinda a shitty actor but I find him endearing for some reason.
It only occurred to me that the last season came out in 2015.
What? I could of sworn it was last summer. Man my concept of time keeps getting worse the older i get.


Was getting caught part of your plan?
Eric Wareheim (sp?) Is kinda a shitty actor but I find him endearing for some reason.

What? I could of sworn it was last summer. Man my concept of time keeps getting worse the older i get.

I kinda feel like the bad acting helps shape his character's nonchalant personality for some reason. Although, it really only works when it's not cases like episode 2 where it really demands some form of other emotion that's not snooty.

Also yeah, I remembered bringing up the first season with this one girl in the office. Then I realized that I hadn't spoken to that girl in nearly two years.

Finally, I just remembered that Pino was the bad guy from John Wick 2. Couldn't put my finger on it as I was watching.
Oh my god this Religion episode is too good

I'm not muslim but I get the same shit with beef and my parents or eating meat on Tuesday and Fridays
i just shot through like 4 episodes, holy fuck i swear i almost teared up in the

that and the indian actors episode from season 1 are mentally and sometimes emotionally looking in the mirror


Just binged the whole show.

It's really a great season. I loved the new yorkers episode. Things like that always endear me to a series.


As someone who watches way too much Food Network/Cooking Channel, Clash of the Cupcakes makes me laugh every time the logo pops up onscreen.


listen to the mad man
The message that was trying to be communicated at the end of S1 was for Aziz to live for himself/follow his streams. That's what's Noel Wells character did so it would be sort of weird for her to just come back unless they've been filming in Tokyo as well.

Sure, of course, but it's a comedy TV series so I assumed it was going to be reset button immediately.


first two episodes and i'm already loving it. i can see why people find arnold annoying, but i really enjoy his character. wish i had a goofy ass friend like that.

hoping he gets with the girl from the pasta restaurant in the 1st ep cause she was awesome as hell


Quick thoughts from my phone:
Each episode has been unique and enjoyable in its own way, but episode 9 hit so, so close to home for me and hurt me to my soul. I mean, holy shit did they build that so well over the season that I was in pain by the end.

About to start the tenth episode, because I can't stop.
The parents are the best part of this show, especially Aziz's dad. The conversation when he's showing Aziz
all the stuff he's pulled out of people's stomachs
killed me.

Edit: Also, Arnold is great.
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