It's kind of silly to give my thoughts after the first two episodes, but, hey, it's the internet:
I really, really like this show AND I'm a bit let down because of all the superlatives being thrown at it. It's cute, it's funny, and it has messages, but it definitely has its shortcomings. For all the mentions of Louie this show has inspired, I was expecting a similar level of acting, and so far it's not even close. Dev's friends are absolutely terrible actors. I was also expecting a similar level of subtlety: Louie, the show and the comedian, often work with lots of small ideas, putting in a lot of effort to explore a certain point of view. So far, Master of None is happy just literally telling the viewer what it's about.
Having said that, I am still really enjoying it. I'm treating it like a cartoon, in the best sense of the word, and I still find it very cute and with relatable themes. There is plenty of room for many different kinds of show, and not everything has to be super cereal all the time. I'm just warning other big Louie fans not to expect the same level of mastery... maybe that's what the title implies