Mayweather: McGregor and Rousey are proof racism still exists in combat sports

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Article is from yesterday, searched, found nothing, so here it goes:

Some excerpts:

Floyd Mayweather unloaded on the amount of racism that he believes still happens in the sport of boxing, but brought his vitriol full circle and ended up aiming it directly at UFC featherweight champion Conor McGregor and former women's champion Ronda Rousey.

"They say (McGregor) talks a lot of trash and people praise him for it, but when I did it, they say I'm cocky and arrogant," Mayweather told Fight Hype. "So biased! Like I said before, all I'm saying is this, I ain't racist at all, but I'm telling you racism still exists."

"Ronda Rousey, you know, I think she fought somewhere like 11 or 12 fights, which is not a bad thing," Mayweather added. "Laila Ali went undefeated and was dominating too. After Ronda Rousey fought I think 9, 10, 11 fights, it didn't even take that long, she got all types of endorsements, movies, and everything.

Mayweather certainly isn't backing down from his claims, however, and says that like it or not, racism still exists in combat sports.

So, what do you guys think? Agree or disagree? The kind of double standards he is talking about reminded me of those serena williams threads so I think he is on to something.


Usually when someone has to say "I'm not racist" it means that their comments are going to be racist.


get some go again
a lot of the shit mayweather gets is also stuff he has done outside of the ring and lets face facts it's also his fighting style. if he were knocking out guys like tyson i'm sure many would overlook many of his downsides.
Ongoing racism in America aside Floyd, you ARE kind of a cunt. It may not be fair to just tie all his criticism to racism.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
It's true, you see it in almost every sport. Black athletes aren't allowed to be confident, or they get called out for being "too cocky."


It sure does Floyd.

"I'm on vacation for about a year, about a year," Mayweather said. "As soon as we come off vacation, we're going to cook that little yellow chump. We ain't worried about that. So they ain't gotta worry about me fighting the midget. Once I kick the midget ass, I don't want you all to jump on my d---. So you all better get on the bandwagon now. ... Once I stomp the midget, I'll make that mother f----- make me a sushi roll and cook me some rice."


You see it in other sports constantly. Look at Cam Newton in the NFL and the treatment he gets compred to other abs who brag and celebrate just as much if not more.
I remember after Bolt first broke the Olympics record and did his now signature "to the world" pose a lot of people were on about how disgraceful he was for an olympiad champion


Combat sports have always had a great nationalist (and racist!) element to their fan bases. When Cotto fights, or Canelo fights, or Pacquiao fights, their respective countrymen rush out to support them. It's the same for white fighters and white Americans.

Mayweather is right and it's obvious, really.

Also, white fighters have enjoyed a lot of media attention, disproportionate to their talent, in many cases. Mayweather is right about that too. And you can understand his frustration. He was the best combat sports athlete of his generation, and the mainstream media salivated over a woman who fought in an incredibly-weak division, who got thrashed by the first legitimate opponent that she faced.


You see it in other sports constantly. Look at Cam Newton in the NFL and the treatment he gets compred to other abs who brag and celebrate just as much if not more.

Cam Newton is a QB on the winningest team in the NFL this year. His entire team is insufferable. The shit he got in previous years for having a towel over his head was the shit that was fucked up.


You like me, you really really like me!
Ronda and McGregor finish fights. They break arms and knock motherfuckers out.

Mayweather wins decisions. Big difference.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
Sports in general have a racism problem but I think boxing and combat sports its maybe not quite as pronounced in this day and age.

I mean boxing in particular is often dominated by non white fighters be they Mexican, Black, and so on. Some of the greatest fighters in the sport were black though many of them faced huge battles outside of the ring as well as in.

That said I do think a lot of it is people just dont like Mayweather. I'm sure his skin color matters for some people but I was not a fan of his style of boxing and found his attitude in general displeasing, let alone all the other more obvious stuff like the woman beating.


He's right it still exists in combat sports and he's part of the problem too. I had no idea people thought combat sports were free of this plague.

oh boy, cue the complaints of his fighting style. Doesn't matter, he's one of the greatest fighters alive.


He's right.

I just wish it was coming from someone who could say such a comment without being a massive hypocrite in retrospect, so the valid point isn't outright dismissed.
You see it in other sports constantly. Look at Cam Newton in the NFL and the treatment he gets compred to other abs who brag and celebrate just as much if not more.
You can't compare Newton to Mayweather. Newton has never done anything to get the hate he gets.

Some portion of the hate Mayweather gets is probably because of his race, but most of it is just because he just seems like a shitty person.
Ali is the most revered fighter ever and he talked way more trash than you ever will Floyd.

Ali was shitted on for standing up for what he believed in, including the fight for civil rights. Get this shit outta here

Ali is only revered in hindsight, the same way MLK is praised (read used as a tool) by the conservative right present day.


Ali is the most revered fighter ever and he talked way more trash than you ever will Floyd.
He's the most revered fighter now. It was a different story back in the day when he was being loud and controversial, joining the Nation of Islam, and being stripped of his title for refusing to be drafted.

You see it in other sports constantly. Look at Cam Newton in the NFL and the treatment he gets compred to other abs who brag and celebrate just as much if not more.

This is one of those things that's kind of hard to see in individual situations, but starts to look like a trend when you step back.

There's absolutely truth in what Mayweather is saying, but it's coming out of the wrong asshole's mouth, so it will be dismissed.

dave is ok

aztek is ok
Sponsors want positive role models for their brands and Floyd isn't one. He still makes plenty of money without having to shoot a commercial or read a script.
Ali was shitted on for standing up for what he believed in, including the fight for civil rights. Get this shit outta here

Ali is only revered in hindsight, the same way MLK is praised (read used as a tool) by the conservative right present day.

My man speaks the truth. Ali didn't get half the media attention Rhonda is getting when she was dominating. However on the other side, MMA has much more mainstream popularity at the moment.


He's right.

I just wish it was coming from someone who could say such a comment without being a massive hypocrite in retrospect, so the valid point isn't outright dismissed.

Yeah, this is where I'm at. I'm sure there's a sizable amount of people who only hate Floyd because he's black, but when you look at the dude, I mean, I can't really feel sorry for him. Which is shitty, because it's a real issue in sports, and the fact that you can easily handwave this off just makes it harder for some folks to take it seriously.


McGregor backs up his smack talk with an exciting fighting style and has the support of an entire nation

I don't think it's got anything to do with race really

Floyd is just.... boring


Ali was shitted on for standing up for what he believed in, including the fight for civil rights. Get this shit outta here

Ali is only revered in hindsight, the same way MLK is praised (read used as a tool) by the conservative right present day.

Ooh boy. I read articles and saw vintage clips of "mainstream" press calling Ali a Viet Cong sympathizer. Ali basically said "They (The Vietnamise) never did anything to me! They never called me a nigger!"


I agree that there are double standards and racism, but Mayweather is probably one of the worst people to be trying to lead that charge.
There's absolutely truth in what Mayweather is saying, but it's coming out of the wrong asshole's mouth, so it will be dismissed.

The problem is that Mayweather is using a valid trend in sports popularity in general, to try to justify why *he* is so disliked.

Yes, there is absolutely some level of racism (whether it just be a race bias or much worse) in sports just as there is in pretty much every level of society. However that's not the primary reason why Floyd specifically is disliked.


Man read up on Ali-Liston and that was some shit. White America basically calling Liston an uncle Tom who kept "rowdy negros in check" or something very similar to that effect and the general shit talking that devolved into a ton of racism towards Liston and Ali both, though Liston took the brunt of it and eventually had his whole fucking career ruined.


McGregor is proof that an over the top pro wrestling gimmick can make you some serious amounts of money and fans. Floyd should know about this more than anyone. His over the top gimmick is what got him over in the De La Hoya fight. McGregor's actions in the ring is what makes him popular though.

He's right on the money with Ronda. One of her main appeals is that she is a pretty white woman.
Are there people who hate you cause you're black Floyd? Yeah.

Are there people who hate you cause you're a woman beating piece of shit? Also yeah.

Using yourself as the litmus test for Racism in general isn't the best way to gauge it, considering the vast majority of people that hate you, hate you because you're a bad person.


get some go again
My man speaks the truth. Ali didn't get half the media attention Rhonda is getting when she was dominating. However on the other side, MMA has much more mainstream popularity at the moment.
i doubt any mma fighter today or boxer gets half the attention the heavyweight champion did at those times. boxing was freaking huge. although in those days you didn't have the espn's of the world reporting on every little thing about an athletes life.


McGregor is proof that an over the top pro wrestling gimmick can make you some serious amounts of money and fans. Floyd should know about this more than anyone. His over the top gimmick is what got him over in the De La Hoya fight. McGregor's actions in the ring is what makes him popular though.

He's right on the money with Ronda. One of her main appeals is that she is a pretty white woman.

First, excellent avatar. Exquisite taste.

Second, whenever I see McGregor, I think "I don't know if that dude is racist, but I bet he has a lot of racist fans." His gimmick works because of his look.


Until McGregor knocked out Aldo my impression was that he was widely disliked, outside of Ireland obviously.

After Aldo people seem to have accepted he's actually not a bad fighter.
First, excellent avatar. Exquisite taste.

Second, whenever I see McGregor, I think "I don't know if that dude is racist, but I bet he has a lot of racist fans." His gimmick works because of his look.

I'm sure skinheads love the dude. He's basically their wet dream (cept he's not blonde but I'm sure they'll let that slide).

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
This is an example of being able to see the forest for the trees.

The fact that HBO Boxing sells Mayweather as a huge shitheel is why he's the richest man in sports and Rousey and McGregor are probably worth 1/100th of what he's worth.
i doubt any mma fighter today or boxer gets half the attention the heavyweight champion did at those times. boxing was freaking huge. although in those days you didn't have the espn's of the world reporting on every little thing about an athletes life.

Talking about Laila Ali.


This is one of the rare cases of right message, wrong messanger.

And all sports still have a racist background.

Listen to any conversation on black quarterbacks on Sports radio, whistles so loud even I can hear them
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