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McDonalds testing new Signature Burger, Dollar Menu to be renamed Lovin’ Value Menu

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What I wanna know is why they are being so fuckin stingy with sauces. Ask for an extra packet, and they give you the stink eye.
RIP Dollar Menu.

I remember when the double cheesburger, McChicken, small fry, small drink, and others were $1.

$5 was all I needed with tax for a meal.

  • That lovin' thing is embarrassing at this point.
  • We still have the jalapeño double here. It's delicious.
  • That signature sandwich sounds delicious.
  • That mini-meal menu sounds like such a rip-off.
  • McDonalds is doomed.


I miss the Japapeño Double.

More spicy option pls.

No jalapeno doubles? I haven't had mcdonalds in like 2 weeks but if the jalapeno peno double is gone ima be pissed

What the fuck is wrong with your prices? They are so CHEAP WTF.
I pay 8€ for a Big Tasty menu.

Lol the big and tasty still exists somewhere?

RIP Dollar Menu.

I remember when the double cheesburger, McChicken, small fry, small drink, and others were $1.

$5 was all I needed with tax for a meal.

The best was like 15+ years ago back when they used to have 29 cent Hamburger Wednesdays and 39 cent Cheeseburger Saturdays.

Red Comet

This is McDonald's way of saying "plz respond"

Though I think it is sort of a step in the right direction since I only go to there for the value menu. Still doubt I'd ever order this over 2 McDoubles though.
Honestly, the good things at McDs are just not really all that great.

I love the double jalepenos and Mcchickens. The onion and cheddar is good too. Big Mac is good but fucking ridiculously priced.

I can go buy a pound of grass fed beef on sale for 6 or 7 bucks man. And then get some nice fluffy whole wheat buns. The place is just too damn expensive for the shit quality of beef. A properly done Mcchicken though is still very good.

They need to singe their burgers better and create a better patty. Start there.


will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
The problems with McDonalds is that their logistics make it impossible for them to react fast enough to changes in the marketplace and to compete with new competition.

Their "more choice" solution is just crazy. It's fast food. You should be able to look at a menu and know what you want (and what everything is) within seconds. They should focus on their basics with occasional "marketing gimmick" burgers like they did in the old days. The only other option they have is to risk bankrupting the company in changing their burgers, supply chains, cookers, training, and every other logistical element that would come from a complete "modernisation" of their menus and services.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.

Hey, now. Sexy Hamburglar could steal my burger any time. If you know what I mean, which I think you do. [ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°]

The problems with McDonalds is that their logistics make it impossible for them to react fast enough to changes in the marketplace and to compete with new competition.

Their "more choice" solution is just crazy. It's fast food. You should be able to look at a menu and know what you want (and what everything is) within seconds. They should focus on their basics with occasional "marketing gimmick" burgers like they did in the old days. The only other option they have is to risk bankrupting the company in changing their burgers, supply chains, cookers, training, and every other logistical element that would come from a complete "modernisation" of their menus and services.

Hell, if you've seen episodes of Kitchen Nightmares, Gordon Ramsey pretty much drills that into people's heads (or tries to) for "upscale restaurants."


I only eat fast food when I have zero alternative, but even then I never buy meals from fast food. I just stick with the burger al a carte.

This is horrible.


They have no idea what to do at this point do they.

Thats been true for years now.

But seriously, every move they're doing has been (more or less) good.

The problem is its all too little, too late.

McDonalds should have seen the cracks appear 5 years ago when Chipotle, Wendy's, and fast casuals like Five Guys started getting huge.

Instead they got arrogant, and now they're gonna be playing catchup for a long time.

McD's is basically the Microsoft of the Fast Food world.

Permanently A

Junior Member
$14 is a weird price point for the classic pack. It shouldn't be more than $10, downgrade the burger size or the amounts of nuggets if necessary.


Every week it seems they try something new to grab folks attention. Calling it, their next attempt is letting Mac Tonight run their Twitter feed.
Super Size Me truly destroyed McDonald's. That started their whole change in philosophy to being more healthy. Meanwhile their competitors didn't do shit and have been gaining ground ever since.

They just need to own what they are

1. Simplify the menu
2. Bring back supersize
3. Drop prices (facilitated by shrinking the menu)
The only good thing about this is my $4 employee meal allowance may actually mean something more than 2 McChicken and a parfait now.

Can't wait to get out of there for medical. Lol.

Or maybe I read it wrong. Meh.


will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
Hell, if you've seen episodes of Kitchen Nightmares, Gordon Ramsey pretty much drills that into people's heads (or tries to) for "upscale restaurants."

Every time I've seen that show, Ramsay's approach is always to find something the chefs can cook well (and something they like cooking) and to roll with it. In the case of more upmarket restaurants, specialising in one dish is the best plan of action - because they'll gain a reputation of "you've got to try out the <dish> at <restaurant>."

With that said, a proper restaurant can get away with having a large menu. Because part of the experience is sitting down and being able to browse the menu for a few minutes before ordering. That and there's no queue behind you waiting on you to decide.
Dear McDonald's. Do away with the "Lovin it" shtick. People are sick of it, it reminds them of your nasty food and failing image.

Your goal is to change the public's perception of you to be more favorable. No one expects you to change your name like Dominos did, but you could do like Wendy's has done and change that image.


If I'm in the mood for Fast Food lately I've been going to Wendy's. Love their fries and their Chicken sandwiches are awesome, especially the new Jalapeno Fresco sandwich.

Plus unless my hands have gotten massively larger, they started using the small Mcflurry cups and calling them large, but keeping the price the same. McDonald's overall is just gross though, every time I bite into a burger it kinda just turns to mush almost instantly. Bleh.


Why did they move from the kids pandering and cheap burgers concept anyway?

I think they tried too hard on the go healthy push and it totally derailed them. People buying fast food know its shit for health but that is the food they want. I mean that is exactly why Hardees does the crazy shit they do.

Hardees/Carls Jr CEO plainly says hey we know the food isn't good for you. We aren't going to pretend it is and we are going to continue to serve the food you want not try and health it up. McDonalds tries too hard to jump on fads



They really need to simplify their menu as much as possible to reduce costs. This is just confusing and stupid.


Wait, does this mean the dollar menu is gone?

Like, no McChickens or $1.29 double chee'boogies?

My Mcdonalds lost the $1 menu, besides drinks, a long time ago. Nothing is cheaper than $1.50. I usually get the Big Mac meal or the 20 piece nuggets when I go.

McDonalds is terrible in my area because theres so many better places right near them. I can throw a rock from their drive thru and hit 4 better fast food places.


Ummm only giving you 3 sauce tubs with a 20 piece nugget is a fucking insult.

These fast food chains keep getting so stingy on the condiments.


bitch I'm taking calls.
14 dollar item on a "value menu".


Might as well eat somewhere good for that kind of money.


no more $1 mcchickens? guess i'll just have to wait for mcdonald's to flop back on this decision in a month.
my local mcdonald's is testing a triple cheeseburger that is the same price as the double($2). the last thing i need is more shit on the burger, but it actually is pretty good. the only thing i don't understand is why the drive thru is so fucking slow at mcdonalds now



No, that's some hot nonsense. Firstly, I'm not paying more than a $1 for a mystery burger. Secondly, no McChicken no service.


Lol the big and tasty still exists somewhere?
It's the best burger by far and the only reason (along with McFlurry) why I actually visit a McD once in a while. I hope they keep it forever. It used to be only "during monopoly winter stuff" or every now and then in summer. At some point it became a staple. Nowadays it leaves the menu for other temporary, "special" burgers, but keeps coming back.


I think McDonalds best bet at this point is to drop everything and to release a game streaming service to compete with Twitch and YouTube.
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