There was no Media Create or Famitsu top 1000 for 2014, was there?
Top 100There was no Media Create or Famitsu top 1000 for 2014, was there?
There was no Media Create or Famitsu top 1000 for 2014, was there?
Is that true? I don't know any numbers but that's disappointing. I liked the original release on the Vita and have been debating on which version to get (and waiting for a price drop on both to get both like FFX/X2 HD).
Media Create Annual Video Game Industry Report will be released this friday 24th. It includes Top 1000 software sales 2014, second hand top 500 and other things like Amiibo sales data and more.
You will try to get MC Top 1000 this year too ?
Of course I will
P.D: and last year's Famitsu too
- Style Savvy 3 should keep the second spot. The third place will be disputed for various games as Toukiden PS4, Neptunia Victory II or BlazBlue Chrono Phantasma and others.
Tsutaya's report
- Style Savvy 3 sold better than expected. Compared to the last entry (released in September 2012), the level of sales remained at the same level.
- Dying Light for PS4 also sold better than expected, and stores faced severe stock problems due to its demand.
Next week's prediction:
- Bravely Second for 3DS is expected to top the charts. Pre-orders are stronger than the last entry.
- Style Savvy 3 should keep the second spot. The third place will be disputed for various games as Toukiden PS4, Neptunia Victory II or BlazBlue Chrono Phantasma and others.
Gematsu said:It might make you say What?! given the timing, but I already have the concept for Bravely Third in me, Asano told the latest issue of Famitsu. If sales for [Bravely Second] are good enough, Im planning to immediately submit a proposal. Please give me your support!
Well, if the series disappears, we'll know why.
I think an issue with Bravely Third is what system Asano wants to make it for. 3DS will probably be dead and a sequel for the successor would probably need higher sales to justify development.
Mobile is possible, they use the same assets for a third time!
Square Enix is kind of an interesting one on that front since they usually make games that have high end production values for the systems they're on, so if it's a 4DS game, and the 4DS is a fair bit ahead of the Vita, they gets pretty expensive very quickly.
More like Bravely Turd amirite.
Well, among the selling points of the first game there were hand-drawn scenarios; these would look much better on a system with higher resolution with zero additional costs. As for characters models, they are already super-deformed, so I do not think a more capable hardware would require much more work. Perhaps, the world-map would be more detailed, and perhaps dungeons.
I wonder how many people talking about Bravely Second in these MC threads have even played Bravely Default.![]()
I wonder how many people talking about Bravely Second in these MC threads have even played Bravely Default.![]()
Square Enix is kind of an interesting one on that front since they usually make games that have high end production values for the systems they're on, so if it's a 4DS game, and the 4DS is a fair bit ahead of the Vita, they gets pretty expensive very quickly.
I wonder how many people talking about Bravely Second in these MC threads have even played Bravely Default.![]()
Would they actually keep them the same?
Square Enix feels like the type of company that would make the characters more like the concept art and then, even if they were still similar to the 2D areas, probably go and render them in 3D a la how Ace Attorney and Professor Layton changed from DS to 3DS.
I could be wrong, but that feels like the kind of move they would normally make when presented with more horsepower.
the last huge whiff was on Majora's Mask 3D week 2, they predicted less than Ocarina of Time 3D week 2 and failed horribly
Pokemon ORAS also trolled them last holiday
I see, thanks for the info =)Yes, it's possible that the game will do a fair bit better or a fair bit worse.
They tend to be pretty on, but not always as theprodigy points out.
A Comgnet comparison would give some indication, but i cant remember any specific numbers right now. I remember that Pokemon games usually gets a pretty high pre-order on Comgnet at least.I'd have to wonder what is the rate of WiiU owners who even pre-order. I don't pre-order Nintendo games anymore but I'll still buy them day one or two because there's no shortage of availability.
I wonder how many people talking about Bravely Second in these MC threads have even played Bravely Default.![]()
Well, historic record indicates that won't really be the case?
I wonder how many people talking about Bravely Second in these MC threads have even played Bravely Default.![]()
I reached probably half the game, but then I abandoned it
Because my save file got corrupted, and I had to cancel it. I've yet to re-start it >___>
I wonder how many people talking about Bravely Second in these MC threads have even played Bravely Default.![]()
I wonder how many people talking about Bravely Second in these MC threads have even played Bravely Default.![]()
Would they actually keep them the same?
Square Enix feels like the type of company that would make the characters more like the concept art and then, even if they were still similar to the 2D areas, probably go and render them in 3D a la how Ace Attorney and Professor Layton changed from DS to 3DS.
I could be wrong, but that feels like the kind of move they would normally make when presented with more horsepower.
I wonder how many people talking about Bravely Second in these MC threads have even played Bravely Default.![]()
Well, if the series disappears, we'll know why.
Lol I put around 50 hours in the game and I barely reached chapter 2
I did. It was pretty great.I wonder how many people talking about Bravely Second in these MC threads have even played Bravely Default.![]()
Do you mean losing the Chibi-style? I don't think they would do that considering BDFF and BS already have more standard proportioned characters in them. It seems to be legitimately a design choice.
They could do full-3D areas(they already have geometry in BDFF) but BDFF was significantly less 3D than 4HoL in that regard. Although judging from the Bravely Second footage some dungeons will have behind the back camera and 3D traversal.
I suspect the characters would look like the Agnes AR demo if they felt they could do that with eight characters on screen, especially given they decided to render her that way with realtime assets instead of just a CG trailer by VisualWorks.
As it is they have to fit everyone on a relatively small screen (see the OG 3DS) with a tiny resolution and get within the polygon and texturing limitations of the 3DS.
Don't lose faith Niro, We know that the sales would be good enough and we will have Mrgrgr together here.^_^
I wonder how many people talking about Bravely Second in these MC threads have even played Bravely Default.![]()
Oh, I kind of forgot about that. That would indicate some kind of target but I'm not sure that level of fidelity would be feasible for anything but a high budget console game. Especially with switchable costumes.
Also IIRC VisualWorks were credited with the AR stuff. Not sure quite how that stuff works from a rendering stand point.
I wonder how many people talking about Bravely Second in these MC threads have even played Bravely Default.![]()
[PSV] ship this breaks (Limited Edition) - 78pt
Is that Cancolle?![]()
I'd consider the 3DS far enough ahead of the PSP to allow a fair budget increase, so unless we expect a worse gap than that, you could work up a pretty good budget if you really wanted to.