Sammy Samusu
Nintendo tryna make Pikmin 3 look important with a Saturday release date.

Yes, I just noticed it.
So, it'll be like AC:NL with the download cards being sold in significant numbers, too. Famitsu wins again.
edit: there it is![]()
|System | This Week | Last Week | Last Year | YTD | Last YTD |
| ALL | 1.010.000 | 517.000 | 1.117.000 | 21.436.000 | 23.650.000 |
Nothing from Dengeki (hoping Injustice Wii U made it in the top 3 of Wii U releases; I'm so eager to see how much it failed!)?
What confuses me about the situation is that Iwata said all the right things a few years ago. Nintendo is one of the saddest companies to watch because with other big corporations they basically get shoved out of the market after a few mistakes so even when they correct their mistakes it;s too late and they end up spiraling downward. Nintendo continues to get chance after chance after chance after chance and then screw it up again and again and again and again. Something has to change at the top level because its just been a mountain of excuses coming out of Nintendo executive's mouths.
And their strategy for 3rd party support now is just plain stupid. Build up the userbase and 3rd parties will come running? How about actually designing the system around a very easy to port to architecture. Takeda should have been let go years ago but I guess the Wii and DS bought him a lot of goodwill. Looking at the what Nintendo has done (or the lack of things Nintendo has done) it amazes me how people can shift the blame off Nintendo and make up conspiracy theories as to why no one seems to be on their side in the industry.
Eh, I don't necessarily disagree with anything that you specifically said but I think you're focusing a bit too much on the wii u as well as being overly dramatic. In the past 2-3 years, the nintendo brass has made a plethora of mistakes but for 5 years or so before that, they did a lot of great things for the company. It's easy to pick on the wii u but even with the 3DS, the two big mistakes they made were giving 3rd parties breathing room during the launch and pricing it too high. Since then they've done a lot of great things for the platform and it's probably selling about as well as you could hope a dedicated gaming handheld can sell in the current market climate.
Nintendo screws up a lot but that's not all they do.
Again, I just think you're being overly dramatic, which is funny since you can still easily criticize nintendo without doing so. You're also too quick to discount the wii/ds success. Those weren't complete flukes, even if luck did end up playing a part. You also don't seem to want to acknowledge the mild success the 3DS is experiencing either. Saying they didn't prepare the company during the wii/ds years is one thing but you seem to be claiming the nintendo brass can do nothing right which is just as myopic as saying they can do no wrong.
Again, I just think you're being overly dramatic, which is funny since you can still easily criticize nintendo without doing so. You're also too quick to discount the wii/ds success. Those weren't complete flukes, even if luck did end up playing a part. You also don't seem to want to acknowledge the mild success the 3DS is experiencing either. Saying they didn't prepare the company during the wii/ds years is one thing but you seem to be claiming the nintendo brass can do nothing right which is just as myopic as saying they can do no wrong.
Wii especially looks more and more like a complete fluke every day.
Wii especially looks more and more like a complete fluke every day. Motion control was a brilliant idea and a massive success for a few years, but that success appears to have accomplished very little for Nintendo in the long run.
So one thing I noticed this week is that a fair number of people weren't aware of what Toukiden was, and it got me wondering if people would like me to do some write-ups on what notable upcoming games are about. This would basically only be when the game is either announced (or the first real details come out if it's a detailless reveal), or when something large enough happens that we can make new inferences about a title's sales potential. I can also provide some brief speculative sales analysis to along with it.
I disagree with this just like I disagree with the general sentiment that wii sports was the only game that sold people on the wii. While I do think luck played a major factor and that nintendo made plenty of missteps along the way, they did a lot of great things to ensure its success. Wii Sports - an accident? a fluke? whatever, I don't want to get into that but even if it was...
- $250 price point
- Moving TP to the launch
- Fantastic marketing
- Wii Fit and Wii Play
- The timing and quality of Mario Kart, Brawl, NSMBWii, Galaxy 1/2, Donkey Kong, Wii Sports Resort
Maybe I'm misunderstanding you though. It sounds to me like saying the wii was a fluke is akin to saying Nintendo dropped it into the marketplace with wii sports and then everything fell into their lap accordingly. That doesn't make any sense to me. They did a lot from 2006 to the beginning of 2011 to make sure it a tremendous success. Did luck play a part? Yeah, I'd say so. But I don't think it was just luck.
Of course, the discussion of whether or not they squandered that success is something completely different.
The Nintendo of 2006 seems so different compared to the NIntendo of 2013. It just takes a watch of E3 2006 vs watching E3 2012 to see the differece and how vast it is. The marketing was on point. The price was good. They had a huge core hitter right out of the gate and they had confidence in the product they were selling. I don't think it was a complete fluke the Wii enjoyed the success it did otherwise it would have died off in a year after Wii Sports 1 got old, but yes it does seem they were extremely lucky.
I think another factor we don't really talk about is because of the Wii hardware decision it was very easy for Nintendo to have a ton of software ready for launch and 2007.
So one thing I noticed this week is that a fair number of people weren't aware of what Toukiden was, and it got me wondering if people would like me to do some write-ups on what notable upcoming games are about. This would basically only be when the game is either announced (or the first real details come out if it's a detailless reveal), or when something large enough happens that we can make new inferences about a title's sales potential. I can also provide some brief speculative sales analysis to along with it.
Basically, I will do an example version below, and feel free to tell me if you find this useful or not useful. I don't want to clog up the threads if people feel this is off-topic or unhelpful.
1.) Sengoku Basara 4 (PS3)
Sengoku Basara is basically a Dynasty-Warriors-type game based around stylized versions of historical Japanese generals with plotlines and combat styles that are highly flashy and highly unrealistic in favor of entertainment and drama. The series also had a (successful IIRC) anime adaptation, and has shown a somewhat atypical ability to appeal to women. While Capcom did not say a large amount about this game, what they did say is potentially telling as far as their plans for the series. Instead of taking place during the actual Sengoku period, everyone is teleported back in time a few hundred years to a fictional alternate history featuring both popular mainstay characters as well as new, rookie generals who serve as entry points for players new to the series. The game's director was eager to tell Famitsu that this is being built to be an excellent entry both for fans and newcomers to the series. The screenshots they released were too small for me to be able to tell if they're making notable use of the increased horsepower available now that the series is no longer on the Wii.
Sales Potential: The director's comments imply that Capcom is notably interested in having this game reach new audiences while retaining their old audience. This suggests that they will likely step up their marketing efforts to assist in achieving their goal. The PS3 is also quite old now, but still a market relevant platform, so there should be a large potential audience to sell to even among people who only pick up consoles when they're cheaper.
Hardware Impact: Minimal at best. While the previous game was also on Wii and this one is only on PS3, given how old the PS3 is, I imagine that by the time this comes out a large number of people who bought the game on Wii will have either already picked up the PS3 or likely don't have any intention of buying a PS3 regardless. The game's sales may ultimately be hardware relevant however if Sengoku Basara 5 is on a new platform.
2.) Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Storm 3: Full Burst (PS3/360/PC)
This game is essentially a game of the year style re-release of Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Storm 3 that is releasing in tandem with a new DLC pack that adds the same extra content that is present in Full Burst for people who already own the game. The headline feature here is the PC version, but that's largely irrelevant in Japan. You may remember that Namco/From have done this previously with Dark Souls: Prepare To Die Edition and Capcom with Resident Evil 5: Alternate Edition. The series is essentially a light licensed fighting game that focuses around retelling the plotline of Naruto.
Sales Potential: It's a re-release of an existing game that didn't really set the charts on fire the first go around, and the only new platform present is irrelevant in the region.
Hardware Impact: None, it's a re-release in a series that has already had four entries on the PS3.
3.) Hatsune Miku: Project Mirai 2 (3DS)
The first trailer for Project Mirai 2, the newest Hatsune Miku rhythm game, finally released. Unfortunately, unlike the lavish, high production value videos and intricate dance routines present in the Vita/PS3 game, this entry mainly consists of Miku and/or other vocaloids standing in place in the middle of a mostly static stage and moving around a bit, given that the chibi/gashapon versions of vocaloids don't have much in the way of limbs to work with in terms of creating a detailed dance to begin with. Relative to the Vita/PS3 game, I would compare it most directly to a PSP spin-off of a notable PS2 game. However, this isn't that different from the nature of the Miku PSP games, which were also heavily based around singular stages upon which the characters danced. The most notable difference this go around is that Project Mirai 1 was released before the Vita/PS3 game raised the bar, whereas Project Mirai 2 is being released after.
Sales Potential: This one I feel is the hardest to tell with. On the one hand, the Vita/PS3 game reached a lot of people who have now experienced a notably higher standard. On the other hand, the 3DS is by far the best selling system in Japan. I think what the sales of this game will reveal the most is how important the actual videos/presentation/dance routines are to the Miku fanbase versus how many people just want a rhythm game with vocaloid music and don't care about all the extra aspects very much.
Hardware Impact: Very minimal at best, given that everyone who would buy the system for this game presumably either bought it for the first Project Mirai or already owns a 3DS due to all the other much higher profile games already released on the system.
That's a great idea Nirolak. Those examples are good.
Yea, I feel like people don't factor this when they say Nintendo should have put in stronger hardware. What troubles they're encountering now would have been even worse back then.
Basara 4 is ripe for a Wii U port considering past entries, it's odd that Capcom wouldn't announce it there, but maybe like last year Nintendo's in this (we'll announce it ourselves later) thing or something.
Well I think it would have somewhat been mitigated if Wii Sports was still the success it was. Let's not forget the Wii lineup was awful post launch as well. Wii Sports and Twilight Princess carried the thing for almost a year until stuff like Metroid Prime 3 and Galaxy game out. Nintendo's Wii lineup would have probably been vastly different though and I doubt we see something like Sin and Punishment 2. I don't know what would have been better for Nintendo: facing difficulties for development while in the middle of 2 massive successes or facing difficulties now while having the Wii U be a failiure why they get a handle on it?
Thats why i believe the new ps4 wont be a hot crazy seller as many think. It will do good numbers, but nothing like ps2 or DS.
Anyone think Nintendo might announce Basara 4 in the Fall Direct?
Remember some JP ports were announced then, like:
Monster Hunter 3G
Warriors Orochi 3 Hyer/2 Hyer
Ken's Rage 2
Was Dragon Quest X announced then or at another event?
Basara 4 is ripe for a Wii U port considering past entries, it's odd that Capcom wouldn't announce it there, but maybe like last year Nintendo's in this (we'll announce it ourselves later) thing or something.
Does Nintendo always hold Fall conferences now?
That's a bit bullish. Looking at this list, I see they released a bunch of titles throughout the year and it's actually had a bunch of games and a bunch of shovelware coming out. The Wii U list is literally empty with Nintendo developed (specifically leaving out Lego City Undercover) games for literally 6 months. Their output would have been drastically affected if the Wii had stronger hardware.
Your example of Sin & Punishment 2 is weak since it was made due to the sales of Sin & Punishment on the VC.
So one thing I noticed this week is that a fair number of people weren't aware of what Toukiden was, and it got me wondering if people would like me to do some write-ups on what notable upcoming games are about. This would basically only be when the game is either announced (or the first real details come out if it's a detailless reveal), or when something large enough happens that we can make new inferences about a title's sales potential. I can also provide some brief speculative sales analysis to along with it.
Basically, I will do an example version below, and feel free to tell me if you find this useful or not useful. I don't want to clog up the threads if people feel this is off-topic or unhelpful.
Does Nintendo always hold Fall conferences now?
That's a bit bullish. Looking at this list, I see they released a bunch of titles throughout the year and it's actually had a bunch of games and a bunch of shovelware coming out. The Wii U list is literally empty with Nintendo developed (specifically leaving out Lego City Undercover) games for literally 6 months. Their output would have been drastically affected if the Wii had stronger hardware.
Your example of Sin & Punishment 2 is weak since it was made due to the sales of Sin & Punishment on the VC.
Anyone think Nintendo might announce Basara 4 in the Fall Direct?
If the Wii was based off of so many wise decisions how in the world did they fall so hard? I would say hubris, but Iwata seemed to be saying all the right things before the Wii U launched in regards to lineups and 3rd parties.
I believe that 3rd parties want to consolidate their target audience to as few platforms as possible (PS, XBox, and PC) without giving up what leverage the have over a platform holder. I think a major reason why many 3rd party Wii, & Wii U ports had either a different artstyle, release date, advertising push, etc than the other versions was because 3rd parties didn't their audience to migrate to a fourth platform (in this case Nintendo). The end result are ports (tests) that are targeted at those that make Nintendo systems their primary console.
I don't think 3rd parties are interested in how much a Wii U port sells, but rather how much it can sell to those who only or mostly invest in Nintendo platforms. Thus, we get Yakuza tests, stealth CoD & Watchdogs updates, etc...
I think it could be very helpful. But the people who will need this the most are probably going to be those who don't follow these threads too closely. In that case, accessibility may be more important than full detail. Going towards that extreme:
Sengoku Basara 4
Genre: Hack and slash (e.g. Dynasty Warriors)
Port/Multiplatform: Exclusive
Aesthetic: Historical/Over-the-top
Sales concerns: Attempting audience expansion, aged platform
Hardware impact: Unlikely (Aged platform)
Not nearly as informative, but less intimidating and easier to get a quick answer from. If any of those things concerned me I could quickly see them. You could also include your in-depth analysis alongside a more accessible summary.
What would you say the chances of Sengoku Basara 4 coming to the West are (SB 3 was an absolute disaster outside Japan IIRC)?
As Spiegel mentioned, Iwata just noted that he would like to announce more games, but third parties have full control of that, so it doesn't really make sense for Capcom to sit around driving tons of attention to Basara as a PS3 only game if there's a Wii U version.Anyone think Nintendo might announce Basara 4 in the Fall Direct?
So does anyone think that SE has sent FFX and X-2 HD to die if the rumors of it being released in October are true? If it does get released a few days before the Pokemon craze, won't that affect its sales on Vita?
I disagree with this just like I disagree with the general sentiment that wii sports was the only game that sold people on the wii. While I do think luck played a major factor and that nintendo made plenty of missteps along the way, they did a lot of great things to ensure its success. Wii Sports - an accident? a fluke? whatever, I don't want to get into that but even if it was...
- $250 price point
- Moving TP to the launch
- Fantastic marketing
- Wii Fit and Wii Play
- The timing and quality of Mario Kart, Brawl, NSMBWii, Galaxy 1/2, Donkey Kong, Wii Sports Resort
Maybe I'm misunderstanding you though. It sounds to me like saying the wii was a fluke is akin to saying Nintendo dropped it into the marketplace with wii sports and then everything fell into their lap accordingly. That doesn't make any sense to me. They did a lot from 2006 to the beginning of 2011 to make sure it a tremendous success. Did luck play a part? Yeah, I'd say so. But I don't think it was just luck.
Of course, the discussion of whether or not they squandered that success is something completely different.
MHP3 PSP and Ninokuni DS.I have never seen a game no matter how monstrously huge it may be Suck any sales potential a game has on another platform dry .
MHP3 PSP and Ninokuni DS.
Hmm? You guys were posting about two games in two different platforms competing each other. Ninokuni (DS) released one week after MHP3 (PSP), and Hino (L5 CEO) believes that was a bad decision.Just to be sure.
Do you name these two because their ports underperformed ( sorry . wasn't around back then to know ) on another platform ?
Or did these games sell so well that other games on other platforms under performed because of it ?
I you mean the first then you misunderstood me as i meant that While Poké and MH4 will be huge which is undeniable . i don't believe those will make FF irrelevant on another platform .
probably should have worded that better.
Hmm? You guys were posting about two games in two different platforms competing each other. Ninokuni (DS) released one week after MHP3 (PSP), and Hino (L5 CEO) believes that was a bad decision.
So basically, MHP3 did hurt Ninokuni sales.