Hero of Legend
Edit: Nevermind.
SQEX support has a lot to do with the fact that everyone, including SQEX, is shifting resources to mobile, and is supporting less and less traditional devices. It has also to do with the fact that SQEX, as a company, is not really able to diversify its portfolio in a way to exploit each platform peculiarities. A lot of DS games bombed as well, a sign that while the platform was surely able to deliver best-sellers, some games did not really fit it (because of various reasons, such as unfortunate release dates, technical limitations and so forth).
3DS support comes also from the fact that, after 2008, basically all DS games outside KH and DQ bombed (and it's not a coincidence that 3DS had a quasi-mainline KH from the start -DS entries sold incredibly well worldwide- and DQ entries one after the other).
Many DS FF spin-offs sold really well (FFXII:RW at 500k+, FFCC:RoF at 380k+), alongside with remakes (FFIII at 1m, FFIV at 600k+) but many others underperformed (FFTA2 at 290k, FF:4HoL at 200k, Chocobo's Dungeon + at 70k+).
If you look instead at non-FF, non-DQ and non-KH games, you can see how many games bombed or underperformed, or sold really few copies: Heroes of Mana (98k), Front Mission 2089 (45k), Sigma Harmonics (59k), Blood of Bahamut (103k), SaGa 2 (170k), SaGa 3 (77k), Lufia (43k). The huge numbers of releases SQEX put on DS screams a lot "DS selling like hot pancakes, we HAVE to be there!" and while some IPs did incredibly well (DQ), others were so-and-so (FF) or sold well elsewhere, at least in Japan (KH).
Then, you have some successful projects such as Chrono Trigger (500k) and Nanashi no Game, that became a cult-hit; and some projects that might have bombed back then, like TWEWY, but we will never know.
Furthermore, SQEX had A LOT of low-budget / shovelware games, such as kid games with licensed IPs such as Snoopy and Winnie the Pooh, or forgettable puzzle-games (Yosumin) and training / software games (Maji de Manabu) that sold a really low amount of copies.
On the other hand, 3DS is getting way less support, but more concentrated on what could sell on the platform, considering also that most of the company is now targeting mobile and high-spec home platforms (which require more manpower with respect to, say, PS3, which was not even much supported by SQEX during early and mid-DS era). Bottom line is, 3DS support is of course not as good as it was on DS, but it is not bad considering the context; and, of course, it is quite extreme to put 3DS support along with PSV ("SQEX handhelds support is terrible") because on one hand you have a reasonable support (which is also quite successful), and on the other hand you have a support that is the minimum effort possible to say "ok, we are supporting the platform to please Sony / shareholders / whatever".
I still can't believe SE are actually going to the effort of making an exclusive SaGa game for it. There has to be a catch.sörine;152738363 said:Square Enix's 3DS support is definitely worse than their DS support was. I'd say it's probably also worse than their PSP support was.
Their Vita support is even worse. Probably the worst output they've ever had on a handheld.
I still can't believe SE are actually going to the effort of making an exclusive SaGa game for it. There has to be a catch.
Unity engine makes me think it was probably a smartphone game that got pushed to Vita first for whatever reason (creator desires, Sony incentives, etc). The project feels a lot like Rise of Mana by suppossedly being a very traditional throwback for a semi-retired classic IP, and that was something SE has been trying to push on smart devices in recent years. I think ROM might've also been Unity, as have been Agito, DQVIII and some other mobile SE games.I still can't believe SE are actually going to the effort of making an exclusive SaGa game for it. There has to be a catch.
Absolutely not.sörine;152738363 said:I'd say it's probably also worse than their PSP support was..
Games like FFTA2, Children of Mana, FFCC Echoes of Time, FF 4 Heroes of Light, TWEWY, Saga 2, Valkyrie Profile: Covenant of Plume are bombas, but Theathrhythm, Dragon Quest X, Rocket Slime III, FF Explorers are quite successful.
If the goalposts for 3DS moved so further down that bombas and underperforming in DS became the definition of success for 3DS, then you are right.
Absolutely not.
PSP only got Crisis Core, Dissidia, Final Fantasy Tactics, Birth By Sleep, Tactics Ogre, Final Fantasy IV, and Type 0.
3DS has gotten more games, including more original games, and many of them have performed well (mostly the Dragon Quest).
SE just does not like Sony portables.
PSP got far more games out of SE. A lot of that were ports and remakes, but it's not like SE isn't doing that on 3DS too (DQM, DQVII, DQM2, FFI).Absolutely not.
PSP only got Crisis Core, Dissidia, Final Fantasy Tactics, Birth By Sleep, Tactics Ogre, Final Fantasy IV, and Type 0.
3DS has gotten more games, including more original games, and many of them have performed well (mostly the Dragon Quest).
SE just does not like Sony portables.
Now the bolded is just laughable. PSP got high budget, internally developed games and you missed at least a few; Third Birthday, Star Ocean and FFIII off the top of my head.
Absolutely not.
PSP only got Crisis Core, Dissidia, Final Fantasy Tactics, Birth By Sleep, Tactics Ogre, Final Fantasy IV, and Type 0.
3DS has gotten more games, including more original games, and many of them have performed well (mostly the Dragon Quest).
SE just does not like Sony portables.
That's a weird statement when the best selling Zeldas in Japan in the past decade were 2D Zeldas.
1 91,696 XDDX 1 15.28% hiska-kun
2 129,807 1st Course 2 23.18% XDDX
3 153,919 sörine 3 25.21% Mpl90
4 157,860 hiska-kun 4 29.60% sörine
5 165,415 Chris1964 5 29.85% Road
6 173,007 Bruno MB 6 31.25% MasterSheen
7 175,807 Eolz 7 33.27% Moor-Angol
8 179,639 MasterSheen 8 34.24% metalslimer
9 184,807 metalslimer 9 34.37% Bruno MB
10 187,807 DrWong 10 34.61% 1st Course
11 193,614 Mpl90 11 35.95% Eolz
12 206,473 Road 12 38.57% Yeshua
13 212,971 astrogamer 13 40.13% Chris1964
14 226,807 Orgen 14 42.35% DrWong
15 245,807 Pennywise83 15 45.57% Pennywise83
16 253,287 Yeshua 16 49.71% Orgen
17 254,778 Moor-Angol 17 49.82% astrogamer
18 448,807 Tripon 18 61.67% Tripon
|FAMITSU |Pennywise|Yeshua |Chris1964|MasterShe|metalslim|astrogame|1st Cours|Eolz |DrWong |Tripon |Orgen |sörine |Bruno MB |Moor-Ango|Road |hiska-kun|XDDX |Mpl90
[3DS] Yokai Watch 2 Shinuchi | 369483| 510000| 500000| 456789| 475000| 450000| 485000| 400000| 398000| 435000| 600000| 481000| 415398| 460000| 463616| 444444| 399999| 380000| 476518
[3DS] Kenka Bancho 6 | 30794| 45000| 70000| 45678| 50000| 40000| 60000| 50000| 45000| 54000| 50000| 57000| 53434| 50000| 26534| 44444| 29999| 55555| 45000
[PS3] Tales of Zestiria | 316824| 280000| 250000| 321098| 350000| 265000| 330000| 280000| 224000| 257000| 176000| 275000| 248431| 288000| 194411| 222222| 200002| 266666| 258123
[3DS] Legend of Legacy | 56594| 39000| 70000| 43210| 65000| 35000| 65000| 25000| 37000| 42000| 35000| 39000| 48123| 34300| 45619| 44444| 56987| 55000| 49633
[WIU] Kirby and the Rainbow Curse | 33334| 70000| 30000| 78901| 20000| 55000| 80000| 45000| 54000| 58000| 70000| 63000| 41834| 45500| 56331| 44444| 24000| 38000| 40045
TOTAL ABS. DIFF. | | 245,807| 253,287| 165,415| 179,639| 184,807| 212,971| 129,807| 175,807| 187,807| 448,807| 226,807| 153,919| 173,007| 254,778| 206,473| 157,860| 91,696| 193,614
MEAN ERROR % | | 45.57%| 38.57%| 40.13%| 31.25%| 34.24%| 49.82%| 34.61%| 35.95%| 42.35%| 61.67%| 49.71%| 29.60%| 34.37%| 33.27%| 29.85%| 15.28%| 23.18%| 25.21%
[3DS] Yokai Watch 2 Shinuchi | 369,483| 457,265| 380,000| 600,000| | 100%| 380,000 XDDX
[3DS] Kenka Bancho 6 | 30,794| 48,425| 26,534| 70,000| 11%| 89%| 29,999 hiska-kun
[PS3] Tales of Zestiria | 316,824| 260,331| 176,000| 350,000| 83%| 17%| 321,098 Chris1964
[3DS] Legend of Legacy | 56,594| 46,073| 25,000| 70,000| 78%| 22%| 56,987 hiska-kun
[WIU] Kirby and the Rainbow Curse | 33,334| 50,781| 20,000| 80,000| 17%| 83%| 30,000 Yeshua
- Dragon Quest X was successful: SQEX and retailers weren't expecting such sales, and the game was sold-out throughout the first weeks. Also, it's a down-porting of a game already released on 4 platforms, and it's not even a cartridge, but a download code for a streaming app. Actually, it's astonishing that was able to sell so much.
I think you are misinterpreting the reason for the low shipment. The capacity of the cloud servers was at its limit and it would have been even worse if they had shipped more.
The 3DS version was intended for people who just don't want to play on consoles or PC. That it might have matched or even surpassed the PC version sales is a feat, before the 3DS version each successive version had sold worse than the previous one. And the 3DS version should have the lowest amount of double dippers, as the Wii U should have the most.
But still, the legs of DQX 3DS are a bit disappointing. All in One Package for Wii U returning to the top 50 to take the 3DS version's place is a good sign though. Some experiences are better had on a console.
Nintendo's online offensive will continue with XBX and Splatoon. DQX paved the way for these and those three games will keep boosting each other throughout the year.
PSP was still being reported when it was in double digits for some reason, so you never know.
Perplexing? To me, it just seems the usual SQEX support on a platform the company doesn't really want to support but on which there must be some presence because of reputation, relationship with Sony and whatever. Also, it seems that PSV came a bit later, when SQEX was shifting heavily towards mobile, was already investing some efforts in the 3DS and was setting things up for the new generation of systems. I don't think those games made much sense on PSV, to be honest.
There is something called context. Let's see how this applies case-by-case.
*snip* (no need to quote huge posts)
So, you see, you shouldn't write I wrote things I didn't even imply to begin with.
Konami's relationship with Sony is perceived almost as well as Sony and Square. Other than a Nisekoi visual novel, the only thing Konami releases on Vita are baseball games. So I kind of doubt the need to release something on Vita is the result of Square feeling obligated to. No one else seems to have that desire.
I think Dragon Quest Heroes would've sold pretty well on Vita. The anime tie-in Musou games have both done +100k on Vita and those are smaller than what DQH will be. I doubt there's a technical reason preventing that, given Omega Force's prolific Vita downports. The other mobile ports would've fit in their "strategy" (can something so scattershot be called a strategy?) of things like Agito, Deadman's Cross, Rise of Mana, etc.
This is not context. Your analysis is filled with assumptions that all converge to guessing that Square Enix DS games sold less than the expected to make them look worse than the 3DS games, though the DS games sold more. Also, you make assumptions that 3DS are all throwaway games that did a lot better than the expected.
It is the same argument you used to try to take away all the responsibility of the 3DS bombas in the bad financial state Imageepoch is now and put it on the shoulders of PSP games, by making claims that maybe they have invested a lot (what doesn't seem likely by the way the games look) and sold less than expected.
We can start making assumptions to defend any argument, but it gets boring, repetitive and pointless.
PSP was discontinued in June of last year. The trackers likely just wanted one full calendar year.
I suspect they'll continue tracking Xbox One as long as Microsoft has an official presence in Japan and there isn't an XB1 successor available. That means we could see weeks of 0 units sold.
No one is talking about SQEX feeling obligated to publish. But SQEX made clear throughout the years that they want to support, somehow, every platform.
DQ Heroes might have sold well, though. Perhaps, they wanted to push the PS4 and they felt PSV might have deviated consumers.
How DARE you neglect Funassyi *shocked Mii face*March is insane:
Dragon Quest Heroes
Yakuza Zero
Sword Art Online Lost Song
Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth
Etrian Mystery Dungeon
One Piece Pirate Warriors 3
Resident Evil Revelations 2
Final Fantasy Type-0 HD
Battlefield Hardline
Pro Baseball Spirits 2015
Shin Prince of Tennis Go To the Top
Senran Kagura Estival Versus
Theatrhythm Dragon Quest
Disgaea 5
Mario Party 10
Mario vs. Donkey Kong Tripping Stars
Am I forgetting any "relevant" game?
We'll have to cut that list half for the predictions...
It has been a while for the Xbox family: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=4978967&postcount=394
No footage or screenshots has been shown yet but we do know some details about it.
- Graphics, shadows and effects are worse
- 30fps instead of 60fps
- PS3 cannot handle the large groups of monsters so some of the monsters will turn invisible until you defeat some of the other present monsters
IIRC the game had server issues even with the tiny initial shipment. The game went sold-out during the first week-end. DQX was a success no matter how you spin it, because only the idea of buying a code to download a streaming app and playing a MMORPG on a tiny screen (at home, mainly) would have been enough to not expect much from this project. 140-150k for a streaming app is quite a surprise.
Wii U? The only thing Square Enix has released on that platform is DQX and I wouldn't be surprised if Nintendo paid for that.
The PS3 release hinders the PS4 version's selling potential far more than a Vita one would. But yes, I guess having a marquee PS4 game sell worst on PS4 wouldn't have been a great look.
I said it was a success (it probably beat the PC version), I just pointed out that you don't want to release too many copies of a game into the wild when you know the initial interest will kill your servers. This doesn't have anything to do with low expectations, just with understanding the nature of your product. Low initial shipment is more indicative of that than of low expectations.
I disagree. Both Sony and SE seem to have high expectations from cloud gaming with PS Now and that Shinra thing repectively. That said, releasing on the most successful platform should increase your userbase. And it did, considering it matched the PC version.This is true, of course. DQX on 3DS, though, never looked more like than an experiment to try cloud gaming on 3DS, more than a serious effort to expand DQX userbase.
I disagree. Both Sony and SE seem to have high expectations from cloud gaming with PS Now and that Shinra thing repectively. That said, releasing on the most successful platform should increase your userbase. And it did, considering it matched the PC version.
Edit: Also, and I said this before, releasing on 3DS makes people consider the game even if they might had not been doing so before. Even if they realized the 3DS isn't the most suitable platform, it raises interest among gamers who until then ruled out a purchase based on not playing on the systems it's available for. Once you want a game, you start also considering buying a system for it.
That's not what I wrote.
a. some 3DS games sold more, some 3DS sold less: it was crystal clear throughout my reply. Direct comparisons are not always that meaningful, though. With which DS game are you going to compare Theatrhythm? The fact that it spanned two sequels (which are 3DS exclusives, while the first one was ported on mobile) should be sufficient to say that the first one was at least mildly successful for SQEX. There's a comparable game that sold more on 3DS (Bravely Second vs. The 4 Heroes of Light); there's also a comparable game that sold less (Rocket Slime 3): this is what I wrote. Also, I explained why those mentioned DS games, in my opinion, underperformed, and were not that successful.
b. you said that FF Explorers was a low-budget game. A lot of DS games were also low-budget. Many of those I mentioned are. This doesn't change that some of them bombed or underperformed.
That's what I wrote, and it's way more complex that your simplifying reply.
That's not what I wrote in that topic.
What I wrote there was that sure, 3DS games bombed (it was me to bring the 50k expectations number in that very thread talking about God of the City) but, in my opinion, imageepoch issues started well before, with Tokitowa (talking about contracted works) and with some PSP games that, in my opinion, might not have achieved the company's expectations. You have BRS that sold 134k, and than all the other self-published games below 100k, with Sol Trigger around 60k. Were they successful? Maybe, but in that case imageepoch would have keep investing in new IPs and higher budget jRPGs. I just don't think 3DS games were the sole reason of imageepoch problems, in terms of self-publishing, otherwise they would have not developing the "clean" remake of an hentai game and a idol-sim based on a character created for a music festival (which bombed in a similar game on PS3 as well).
That's what I wrote, and it's way more complex that your simplifying reply.
We are all making assumptions when talking about sales, because companies are basically black boxes to us, and cannot usually know expectations, budgets, and so on. That's why I try to interpret and read market signals as I can. I might be wrong, but at least I try to develop a reasoning, instead of making fun of the user, and avoiding the topic discussed.
I still can't believe SE are actually going to the effort of making an exclusive SaGa game for it. There has to be a catch.
Yeah buy it would have been:
PS4 port when it gets localised I bet.
almost certainly, considering how I think it will catch Wii U's LTD by the end of the year/early next year.
Rodea doesn't count? That's Sega right?Well, SQEX is the only third party releasing a game on Wii U during 2015![]()
You may put things in bullet points and rewrite some sentences, but your argument keeps being based on your assumption that some DS games bombed or underperformed, while 3DS ones didn't. The only reason you gave is that you think SE expected more from those games, and it is not a logical reason. So, in essence, your argument is not a bit more complex than my simplifying reply.
Again, the only argument you bring is that you think that those games underperformed and caused Imageepoch problems. Based on what? The only reason you gave is that you thing Imageepoch expected those games to sell more than they did. Again, it is not a logical reason, and removing the rewriting, it is not a bit more complex than my simplifying reply.
Companies are black boxes, but it doesn't make automatically any guess about objective things right just because companies are black boxes. You can use your personal feelings and impressions as much as you want to build your arguments, but you can expect your arguments to be challenged every time you use "your feeling that a game sold way under/above expectations" without any publisher statement or relevant fact (like game flooding bomba-bins) to back your argument.
Man PS4 selling this good brings hope to the console market in JP, wow.
Also, if imageepoch had been happy about the sales of PSP games, they would have kept investing in publishing mid-budget jRPGs; they went, instead, on a cheaper route on 3DS while keep ignoring PSV.
But is this even accurate? Is Toshin Toshi and Stella Glow really cheaper than their PSP output? Is that an observation based on actual experience with their games? Because Imageepoch games are incredibly cheap. I can't imagine that picking between PSP, 3DS, or Vita would really indicate much about budget. The games they've made which have the highest production values are all from larger publishers. Last Ranker in particular actually had cutscenes which weren't embarrassingly poor because Capcom had their own staff involved with supervising animation and modeling, along with full motion capture. Imageepoch isn't really capable of such quality alone, as evidenced by Black Rock Shooter.
As for self-publishing games, SoniPro on 3DS looks extremely low-budget; don't know how much imageepoch had to pay for the licensing; that girl is not Miku, though. Also, Final Promise Story looks a much bigger project than Toshin Toshi. Of course, we will never know how they costed to imageepoch. One thing, though, is clear, and that is they changed attitude and scope of their projects from late-2010 / 2011 to 2014 (when tohse 3DS games were released). It's not me who said that wanted to save the genre with promising projects.
SoniPro is actually not even developed by Imageepoch. Imageepoch produced and published the game, but it was developed by Tam Soft. So yeah, it's ghetto. But it's also possible that by this point they didn't have many options left.
I think the reality is that what probably hit Imageepoch hardest is that they were no longer able to get contracts from major publishers anymore. Their self-publishing business is not enough to sustain the company after they started expanded earlier on. That's doesn't automatically mean that their self-published games were not successful. Just that it is not enough to sustain the growth of the company. At one point they were developing 3-4 projects are the same time, and if the contracts dried up, they would have to downsize.
Lol, the PS4 won't hit 2M this year. If it does, that'll be a huge success, as that would be better than the PS3's best year.
I think he meant reach 2 mil life time sale by end of this year.
Also, seeing people mention TWEWY makes me sad![]()
I think the reality is that what probably hit Imageepoch hardest is that they were no longer able to get contracts from major publishers anymore. Their self-publishing business is not enough to sustain the company after they started expanded earlier on. That's doesn't automatically mean that their self-published games were not successful. Just that it is not enough to sustain the growth of the company. At one point they were developing 3-4 projects are the same time, and if the contracts dried up, they would have to downsize.
Do you think there's no scope for them to work for Bandai-Namco? They're always contracting devs in to create anime spin-offs, plenty of which are capable of being JRPG's.
When I mentioned it in the other thread, it always seemed that Imageepoch never settled down with any particular publisher after their agreement with Marvelous ended and just flitted all over the place (Capcom; SEGA; NIS).
I'm wondering if Time & Eternity soured their relationship.
Do you think there's no scope for them to work for Bandai-Namco? They're always contracting devs in to create anime spin-offs, plenty of which are capable of being JRPG's.