Deception (ST: PS3 90% Vita 100%)
Had no pre-orders for the Vita version so it immediately sold out. Many inquiries afterwards.
PS3 version had good pre-orders but low foot-traffic.
Might only be their store, but they hardly ever get pre-orders for vita, foot-traffic is better than PS3 though. Difficult for them to order stock like this.
Harvest Moon (50%) Ignition Hearts PS3+Vita (both 100%)
Harvest Moon sold the same as IH PS3+Vita. HM feels slower than the previous one, but no concerns because it's a leggy title.
Valhalla 3 Gold (100%) Fossil Fighters (25%)
No pre-orders for Valhalla -> sell-out.
PS4: Their store and others get many request for PS4 hardware. While regional differences might be big, their store and competing ones are completely out of stock and as a result get a lot of inquiries.
Restock scheduled for saturday, since it's the last shipment for the Limited Edition customers should hurry to get it.

As said again, azalyn is one of the most Sony/core-focused stores historically, looking at all the reports we had during these years. At its store, the launch tie-ratio was over 1, which, as we know, is far from the truth for PS4 launch. So, we need to consider this report as a possibly interesting insight, but not as the most truthful one. Or, better, not one that corresponds to every store.
Looking again at what was Yodobashi's situation during 2/23, with all the updates
Around 8:25 AM JPT
Yodobashi only has the version with camera sold-out in three stores:
Around 6:00 PM JPT
sold out both versions in 7 stores now, camera versions sold out in 8 others
And the "final" update at 10 PM JPT
They show how the camera SKU was always selling out faster than the "light" SKU. And we know the camera SKU represented 40% of total sales at launch, so a good part of sales (something, personally, unexpected). Now, after one day of sales, the situation seem to be not just reversed, but reversed and extremised: the "light" SKU is selling out almost in every store, while the camera one has plenty availability. Maybe, Sony shipped more PS4 with camera than without for the second shipment? At least at Yodobashi. It would be quite important to have some tidbits about this brand new shipment: is it good for a second week of a brand new hardware, or much lower than usual? I fear we will never know, though. Not saying the official number, but impressions from stores and whatnot. This being the supposed last shipment of the Limited Pack could influence the numbers, in good or bad ways.
This is how games are doing, at least on
@21:33 GMT
Yakuza: Ishin!
During launch day - 7th / 8th
Now - 24th
Battlefield 4
During launch day - from 19th to 21st
Now - 26th (quite supply constrained on Amazon, though, since launch)
Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition
During launch day - it was 39th at the beginning of the day; it finished around 23rd (probably low stock at first)
Now - 41st (being back in stock on March 3rd)
Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag
During launch day - from 22nd to 27th
Now - 43rd
During launch day - it went from 60th to 90th during all day, don't know why
Now - 63rd
Dynasty Warriors 7 with XL
During launch day - started at 66th, peaked at 35th, finished 43rd
Now - 88th
And let's post also about the console
@21:45 GMT
PS4 without Camera
During launch day - from 2nd to 4th
Now - 6th (back in stock on March 1st)
PS4 with Camera
During launch day - started at 14th - 15th, then went steadily around 11st / 12th
Now - 16th (sold externally with a markup)
IIRC, both consoles were already sold out and with a markup on launch day