I'd totally overlooked the PSP, so it's 11 handheld and 9 console which isn't as cool as an even split.
As for the split, I'd thought of the 10 most wanted handheld games, 6 were 3DS and 4 were Vita (because I overlooked PSP). Given the disparity in install bases and release schedules, I'm amazed the Vita can hang with the 3DS in the desirability stakes. Yet, it apparently can.
Of course, these are just 'most wanted' charts, so there's no real significance to any of this.
Like you already pointed out there is a big disparity between those to systems regarding release schedule btw. announced titles, therefore PSV owners votes are concentrated on very few titles, while 3DS users votes are divided between many games. but obviously the positioning of the titles makes clear in what market positioning both handhelds actually are.