I think if you focus and concentrate on a few social items you could come to the conclusion that he's not great person.

Oh he's not a very great person at all. Not even close
I think if you focus and concentrate on a few social items you could come to the conclusion that he's not great person.
Yup.It was a good interview. She made Alex Jones look like an idiot without even trying.
So it didn't air on some affiliates? Be interesting to see what the ratings will look like.
Thats what she gets for involving herself with sewage like Alex Jones. In spanish we have a saying that roughly translates to "Breed crows and they'll pluck your eyes out". Well she played with fire and got burned (similar saying).
It's funny. Out of curiosity, I went to AJ's YouTube channel to see if he'd said anything about this interview and all the comments on the videos relating to Megyn Kelly are people saying he shouldn't have gotten involved with her. The 'you sleep with dogs' phrase was actually used in one comment.That's a good one... What's the Spanish phrase? I haven't heard it before.
Reminds me of "you sleep with dogs, you wake up with fleas".
So it didn't air on some affiliates? Be interesting to see what the ratings will look like.
It was a good interview. She made Alex Jones look like an idiot without even trying.
or do what Joe Rogan did and give him some weed & booze.Anybody can make Alex Jones look like an idiot without trying. Just give him a microphone and let him speak. Removes all doubt.
or do what Joe Rogan did and give him some weed & booze.
I see the bar's pretty low for "good"It was a good interview. She made Alex Jones look like an idiot without even trying.
Whether the interview was good or not doesn't change years of dogwhistle racism.All the hate directed towards her in the lead-up to this was unwarranted. It was a very solid interview.
Fuck we're too quick to judge more often than not.
I see the bar's pretty low for "good"
All the hate directed towards her in the lead-up to this was unwarranted. It was a very solid interview.
Fuck we're too quick to judge more often than not.
All the hate directed towards her in the lead-up to this was unwarranted. It was a very solid interview.
Fuck we're too quick to judge more often than not.
I have no interest in legitimizing Megyn Kelly as a "journalist." No one that shilled for Fox News and spread the kind of FUD they pedal should be allowed to come out the other side like everything they did was ok.All the hate directed towards her in the lead-up to this was unwarranted. It was a very solid interview.
Fuck we're too quick to judge more often than not.
I bet some people didn't even watch it but want to comment.
Sandy Hook conspiracy theory ? Was that about that parent who went on TV and was laughing or something and seemed to not care at all, then they told him he was live and he suddenly started crying and completely shifted ? Or was it something else ? I still don't know what happened with that.
I have no interest in legitimizing Megyn Kelly as a "journalist." No one that shilled for Fox News and spread the kind of FUD they pedal should be allowed to come out the other side like everything they did was ok.
I hope her show gets cancelled with the quickness and no one else wants to touch her after that.
I have no interest in legitimizing Megyn Kelly as a "journalist." No one that shilled for Fox News and spread the kind of FUD they pedal should be allowed to come out the other side like everything they did was ok.
I hope her show gets cancelled with the quickness and no one else wants to touch her after that.
All the hate directed towards her in the lead-up to this was unwarranted. It was a very solid interview.
Fuck we're too quick to judge more often than not.
The irony...
Mind blowing, really.
How is what I said ironic?
People are still legitimatising Megyn "Don't worry Santa is white" Kelly?
When is this worthless sack of shit going to fade away with the rest of her ilk?
The 24 hour gotcha news cycle has ruined everything. Real journalism takes time, investigation, vetting and attention. You rarely see that anymore. Those that excel have more time to do so. And when they do it's ignored or glossed over because of some other big news.
You say we are too quick to judge someone who has no problem herself being quick to judge and stereotype minorities/black people.
You will soon find out no one that actually cares is interested in supporting her or legitimizing her in any way.
Yeah, except there's already several people in this thread beside me who are willing to approach the discussion with a bit of realism. I agree she's said some fucked up stuff in her time, but I'm willing to give her another chance and her output in the last year or two has been quite progressive. People change, attitudes change, people make mistakes, people say stupid things. We must be willing to listen and discuss and give people another chance, particularly when they seem to be forging a new path.
I can assure you that writing her off with a spiteful one-liner will achieve precisely fuck all.
Sandy Hook conspiracy theory ? Was that about that parent who went on TV and was laughing or something and seemed to not care at all, then they told him he was live and he suddenly started crying and completely shifted ? Or was it something else ? I still don't know what happened with that.
It was a good interview. She made Alex Jones look like an idiot without even trying.
lmao, sureYeah, and it's irrational attitudes like this that got us into the mess we're now in, where half the country refuse to consider the position of the other side.
No, the comparison fails because of the bolded part which is rather fucking important. Has Megyn Kelly denounced her past? Is she disavowing all the garbage she said when she was on Fox? Has she been calling Fox News out for the cesspool of disgusting propaganda that it is? If you can show evidence of those things, then sure, the comparison will have merit.Should Megan and Grace Roper, former members of Westboro Baptist Church, be condemned for eternity because they once held up despicable signs and preached hate? Now they've denounced their past, and are doing good things, but using your logic they are beyond redemption.
People trying to say "give Megyn Kelly a chance..!" need to give it a rest. It's pathetic how easily pretty white women can play the "victim" card to excuse their appalling behaviour.
She's been given many chances over her long career in the public eye to apologize over her BS, her racism and her propagation of extreme right-wing stupidity and she failed to do so.
What she's trying to do by branding herself as some sort of "white girl feminist icon" and now switching up her image for a shiny new network is exactly what she's been doing for several years now. She's just playing in her self interests.
It boggles the mind that people will accept this Islamophobic, racist piece of trash as some sort of enlightened journalist just because she stood up against sexism in her workplace ONLY AFTER SHE HERSELF WAS AFFECTED.
This is, quite frankly, a load of bullshit. This is not two sides of the same coin. I'm not dismissing something because of a "difference of opinion." You're like the people that pass off white supremacist or Nazism as a "differing political viewpoint."Yeah, and it's irrational attitudes like this that got us into the mess we're now in, where half the country refuse to consider the position of the other side. When we treat ideology as so black and white, and paint people as pure good and pure evil beyond redemption, we lose any hope of compromise and pushing people towards enlightenment. Should Megan and Grace Roper, former members of Westboro Baptist Church, be condemned for eternity because they once held up despicable signs and preached hate? Now they've denounced their past, and are doing good things, but using your logic they are beyond redemption. Your position on this is asinine and counter-productive.
Kelly has said some fucked up stuff in the past, and she definitely contributed to the current toxic political atmosphere, but her recent work has been fair and reasoned, and she held Trump to account. Kelly is a journalist and quite a good one, get over it and work on how you contribute to the discussion.
Sandy Hook conspiracy theory ? Was that about that parent who went on TV and was laughing or something and seemed to not care at all, then they told him he was live and he suddenly started crying and completely shifted ? Or was it something else ? I still don't know what happened with that.
Megyn Kelly deserves a second chance. If people weren't given second chances, whats the point in changing your behavior at all if people are only going to judge you for your past?
I reserve this for people that have made one mistake or bad decision, and then show true remorse for it, not for people with a long, consistent history of being awful without showing an once of regret for it.Megyn Kelly deserves a second chance. If people weren't given second chances, whats the point in changing your behavior at all if people are only going to judge you for your past?
Megyn Kelly deserves a second chance. If people weren't given second chances, whats the point in changing your behavior at all if people are only going to judge you for your past?
Megyn Kelly deserves a second chance. If people weren't given second chances, whats the point in changing your behavior at all if people are only going to judge you for your past?
Megyn Kelly deserves a second chance. If people weren't given second chances, whats the point in changing your behavior at all if people are only going to judge you for your past?
Megyn Kelly deserves a second chance. If people weren't given second chances, whats the point in changing your behavior at all if people are only going to judge you for your past?
I wrote her off a long time ago for her long and storied history of bull shit, bigotry and all that. I also don't think she's gotten all that progressive in the last year, more like she just wasn't full on carny crazy like most of those at Fox News when the Trump train rolled into station. She is gonna need a whole lot more than just not being full on crazytown and a couple of ok interviews for me to really consider her anything more than a bull shit artist who has gotten better at hiding her and legitimizing her bull shit.
Please. Megyn Kelly is a very well-educated woman. She knows exactly what she was doing at FN and did it because it was lucrative.
Every day she kept pushing right-wing horseshit was a new chance for her to be like, "You know what? I'm better than this." Each day was a new chance. It wasn't like she was forced to do anything; like FOX News somehow enslaved her and made her say shit.
So she's way past her 2nd chance at this point.
Not to mention she's never acknowledged she fucked up.
Please. Megyn Kelly is a very well-educated woman. She knows exactly what she was doing at FN and did it because it was lucrative.
Every day she kept pushing right-wing horseshit was a new chance for her to be like, "You know what? I'm better than this." Each day was a new chance. It wasn't like she was forced to do anything; like FOX News somehow enslaved her and made her say shit.
So she's way past her 2nd chance at this point.
Not to mention she's never acknowledged she fucked up.
Repentant people deserve a second chance. There is no evidence that she is.
Please. Megyn Kelly is a very well-educated woman. She knows exactly what she was doing at FN and did it because it was lucrative.
Every day she kept pushing right-wing horseshit was a new chance for her to be like, "You know what? I'm better than this." Each day was a new chance. It wasn't like she was forced to do anything; like FOX News somehow enslaved her and made her say shit.
So she's way past her 2nd chance at this point.
Not to mention she's never acknowledged she fucked up.
Actions speak louder than words. So far, she has done a great job of reporting at NBC.
You don't think she had producers whispering in her ear telling her what to do in order to push the Fox News agenda? Wouldn't surprise me if Fox pulls that crap more than any other news network.