where from?hmmmmmmmm
where from?hmmmmmmmm
where from?
What do you guys recommend for black leather dress shoes? I'm looking for something really nice, with thin laces, classy looking, under $500
CarminaWhat do you guys recommend for black leather dress shoes? I'm looking for something really nice, with thin laces, classy looking, under $500
do you think fake reigning champ stuff exists? i found this sweatshirt on grailed for a good price but the tag looks different from the tags i've seen on other RC stuff.
do you think fake reigning champ stuff exists? i found this sweatshirt on grailed for a good price but the tag looks different from the tags i've seen on other RC stuff.
Is that the midweight sweater? I have a lot of RC and it looks like the same tag I usually have.
Where y'all get your socks and boxers from?
Looking for usa made dry goods of these
Can anyone recommend me some nice watches without going anywhere near $100. My favorite watch broke and that thing was $20 but looked like it was more than that.
Can anyone recommend me some nice watches without going anywhere near $100. My favorite watch broke and that thing was $20 but looked like it was more than that.
Can anyone recommend me some nice watches without going anywhere near $100. My favorite watch broke and that thing was $20 but looked like it was more than that.
Seiko 5 + buy a few nice strapsCan anyone recommend me some nice watches without going anywhere near $100. My favorite watch broke and that thing was $20 but looked like it was more than that.
Can anyone recommend me some nice watches without going anywhere near $100. My favorite watch broke and that thing was $20 but looked like it was more than that.
Yeah, it is.
How does the condition look in the picture I posted? Worth $72? The seller says the condition is 10/10 but I see some white threads poking out of the shoulder seam in the top-right of the pic.
They look a little bit more prominent than on mine, but not sure if it's the lighting. Personally I don't buy second hand clothes, I buy new or on sale and usually only from stores where I can return the items without a hassle unless I'm sure it will be fine.
Yeah, I think I'm gonna wait until I can get an RC sweatshirt for a decent price from an online store. I don't want to be SOL if I order something and it doesn't fit.
Walmart buying Bonobos. I moved on from them a while back (no longer in the prep game) but still sad to see them become the new faded glory.
Think im gonna buy these;
Thoughts on CP company stuff? Recently snagged the T-Mack White jacket from the END sale.
Heya guys im after a really specific tee ( Acne Limit in white), and wondering where you guys go when looking for items that are no longer producers by the company? Aside from Trawling eBay in the hope one pops up any tips?
Heya guys im after a really specific tee ( Acne Limit in white), and wondering where you guys go when looking for items that are no longer producers by the company? Aside from Trawling eBay in the hope one pops up any tips? there a place I can find good looking shorts? This Miami summer is awful for long pants.
Damn $120 for a pair of shorts.
Yes, but pretty much the best shorts I've ever owned.
Do you know if they ever do sales?
Nope. Outlier sometimes does "WTF" packs where you pay $60 and they ship you something in your size but you don't know what. But they've cut down on that a lot this year.
Are they slim fittish?
No opinion on the quality of their stuff but just wanted to say: nice choice! I was looking at that exact jacket on END just yesterday, haha. Let us know how you like it!
Not as robust but I'm also a huge fan of Asics' Jyuni line:
Sadly even with END's sale atm I'm kinda short on cash to try them out. ._.
The climbers are pretty slim.I haven't tried them yet, but I've been wondering too about the fits. I like pretty skinny jeans and I'm not sure Outlier really offers that
looks like something a Weyand-Yutani employee would wear