fart town usa
Metro Awakening is near unplayable on PSVR2 due to the mura, IMO at least. Not sure if that's because of OLED or whatever but that's the game that made me realize what mura is. I definitely noticed it in other games but it wasn't distracting, I just figured it was reprojection.You keep acting like OLED is somehow issue-free, but the reality is that OLED has a lot of problems that are even more apparent in a VR application.
For one, OLED pixels are either ON or OFF, which means to get dark grays, OLEDs have to cycle the pixels on and off at a high rate of speed to fool your eyes into seeing gray rather than simply reducing the light for those pixels.
And this is a huge issue in VR, because it creates extremely noticable (and ugly) black-smear in dark scenes with a lot of motion which totally kills any immersion you gain from the higher contrast from the OLED. You also have mura issues that are typically much worse on OLEDs the higher you run the brightness in dark scenes. The Quest 1 had an OLED display, and the mura and black smear were dealbreakers for me. Can't stand it.
On top of that, the PSVR2 has the worst motion persistence out of any VR headset, which you can only work-around by....turning the brightness way down.
Why PSVR 2 is more likely to make you sick than other VR headsets
Brad Lynch shows in a video why PSVR 2 might cause more nausea in some people and how to mitigate the problem.mixed-news.com
So, if a person absolutely cannot deal with black smear and image persistence, then LCD panels are the better alternative.
I plan on double dipping Metro on Q3s, I just assume the mura won't be there.