TeamA( ._.)
Any of you gents watch true detective?
Any of you gents watch true detective?
Just pre-ordered this beauty:
I've got an SSD to stick in it for Day One. It'll be my exclusive MGS V machine.
Just wait for the September swag thread.
Sorry guys, Kenichiro Imaizumi, the producer of The Phantom Pain, says there is "no plan" for game to have reversible Yoji Shinkawa cover art:
"Will #MGSVTPP have a reversible Shinkawa art cover like Ground Zeros?"
"He asked me "Is this official box art?". I answer him "This is a fan made"."
"Didn't really answer the question there Ken ;-)"
"Oh, sorry about that. I was going to answer to somebody else. My answer for this question is Sorry no plan."
Just pre-ordered this beauty:
Ooo where abouts?
Got it from EB Australia.
The Phantom Pain has received a PEGI 18 Rating For "Extreme Violence", "Motiveless Killing" and "Strong Language":
The Phantom Pain has received a PEGI 18 rating For "Extreme Violence", "Motiveless Killing" and "Strong Language":
Ohh releasedate: 2015/06/11 = MSGV is out now!
i wish
The Phantom Pain has received a PEGI 18 rating For "Extreme Violence", "Motiveless Killing" and "Strong Language":
Now I'm curious about the ESRB rating since their descriptions are usually pretty detailed
Oh yeah, do BBFC still do them?
unless of course we see a final release trailer this will be the very last hideo kojima metal gear solid trailer we'll ever see.... mix of both excitement and sadness feels happening right now.
nah we are under pegi in the uk
I was excited until this. Now I'm sad.
I think I'm going to be an emotional mess at the end credits of this game regardless of how the plot actually plays out. The end of an era. ;_;
Is anyone good at sneaking in Metal Gear games? I've always been lousy at it. I started playing Portable Ops last night, and I remembered how bad I am at it.
Germany is USK iircIn every EU country I think.
End of an era, indeed. Thank you Kojima and all the people over at KojiPro who worked hard to make this happen.
As for Konami, I'm just thankful that they let Hideo keep going at it as long as he did. Even though Konami stopped giving a fuck and went crazy, killing and mutilating beloved franchises from left to right, I'm happy that we MGS fans made it this far.
It's been a hell of a ride.
Why can't we PC users have nice things?
So nice!
An interesting note is that apparently there was someone at whatever event they're at, who was about to complete the story, played it for about 50 hours, with an completion % of 52%