oh, he's taking a chance. that thread is toxic.
He was fighting the good fight. More power to him.
I know I had to delete a post or two that I was going to make in that thread because I knew it just wasn't going to end well.
oh, he's taking a chance. that thread is toxic.
He chased himself away.
By whom. ?
He was the one being rude and lashing out at people who disagreed with yong.
Lol, even if that was true, people weren't being rude about him.He was bullied because the truth is:S4nic is Yong
He was bullied because the truth is:S4nic is Yong
Lol, even if that was true, people weren't being rude about him.
guys...does Kojima have to portray Big Boss as an 100 percent villain by the end of TPP?
I would say so, yes.guys...does Kojima have to portray Big Boss as an 100 percent villain by the end of TPP?
I would say so, yes.
lol, I read the pages...it seems folks are getting a little stir crazy waiting on the game. It happens. We're all Brothers here. Besides, that was a pretty tame dispute, when compared to others I've seen in the community. Words Can Kill, but those words shouldn't had even caused a flesh wound. lol
Umm, where they've always been. i don't understand what you mean. ?where does that leave Kaz and Ocelot though i wonder
True, however you gotta respect other people's opinions. Some think Yong is trash and others like his 1 his hr theory plus videos on a 3 min trailer.
Umm, where they've always been. i don't understand what you mean. ?
It was sn4ke that started all of that mess, so you should lay the blame at his feet.True. I'm not taking anyone's side (because I would gladly betray everyone here for that Limited Edition MGSV TPP PS4 console) ...but I hate to see the Brotherhood of MGS-Gaf fragmented for any reason.
No, i know what the question is, i don't understand why he/she's asking it, unless Midnight hasn't played any of the previous MGS games (which is fine) because you wouldn't need to ask a question like that if you had, We already know what happens with them.He obviously means would Kaz and Ocolot hook up, since Big Boss is out of the picture. I say yes. You can see the buring passion in Kaz's milky white eyes.
I know I had to delete a post or two that I was going to make in that thread because I knew it just wasn't going to end well.
It was sn4ke that started all of that mess, so you should lay the blame at his feet.
I think he'll be about as sympathetic as Solidus by the end, and still significantly more sympathetic than someone like Volgin or Skullface.guys...does Kojima have to portray Big Boss as an 100 percent villain by the end of TPP?
I know you're not, but i'm letting you know how that shit started.I'm not even blaming anyone for what happened. Stuff happens. Things were said. We're still brother under the banner of MGS-GAF. That's how I look at it. Now having said all that...I gotta figure out how I'm gonna get that Limited Edition MGSV TPP PS4 console!
God i hope not, Big Boss should be monster at the end, and if he was, it would be one of my biggest fears i've had for a long time come true, that Kojima is softening BB from what he was.I think he'll be about as sympathetic as Solidus by the end,
Volgin isn't meant to sympathetic at all.and still significantly more sympathetic than someone like Volgin or Skullface.
I think he'll be about as sympathetic as Solidus by the end, and still significantly more sympathetic than someone like Volgin or Skullface.
I know you're not, but i'm letting you know how that shit started.
Hope you're able to snag a PS4.
I'm not even blaming anyone for what happened. Stuff happens. Things were said. We're still brother under the banner of MGS-GAF. That's how I look at it. Now having said all that...I gotta figure out how I'm gonna get that Limited Edition MGSV TPP PS4 console!
guys...does Kojima have to portray Big Boss as an 100 percent villain by the end of TPP?
A solo infiltration of the main TPP PS4 production facility... should be the perfect warm up.
bogus poll numbers! I'm apart of the MGS community, so unhinged should had won!
Hayter, though I only played a few minutes of GZ to test it out earlier this year and Keifer seemed alright. I'm a big 24 fan so that should be fun. Isn't it possible to do JP voices in TPP? Always heard good things about their Snake, might give that a try for a bit if so.*scribbles on notepad
Alright... so are you team Hayter or team Keifer? Which is your MGS Waifu preference? and what do you think Kojima will do after he is done with Konami?
Andis a good place to start.Persona 4 Golden
Taking Persona 4 off of the backlog! lol jkAll of them!NONE OF THEM!
Ouch, sorry to hear it. Maybe you could eBay it and make some of the money back or use it for the mini? Thanks for the advice, though.I have the big REX and I have to say that I expected better for 500 smackers. It feels a little flimsy in some parts.
It's currently sitting in its box -- where it has been for the last year -- the thing is massive, I don't have anywhere to put it anymore.
If I had the money I'd definitely get the half-scale version.
Welcome, brotherrrrrrr.
Welcome new brother.
Thanks, all!omg welcome to our toxic community tbh!
Wow, long-time fan is an understatement!
I'm not 100% convinced Skullface is an bad gun. I know the whole Paz/Chico tape #4 thing was horrific, but it was a method to break his detainees to gather information. War is hell..m'kay.
You got this Salaadin.I don't have what it takes to S Rank Ground Zeroes on Hard and it kills me. Those massive vision cones....
Is that meant to be a dig at me. ?
If Skullface isn't a bad guy then there are no real bad guys in the series, save maybe Fatman or Psycho Mantis who were truly nihilistically evil. You've got to consider A) the character's goals and B) what methods they used to reach those goals. Even if Skullface has goals you could agree with, his methods include raping kids, so, uhh.I'm not 100% convinced Skullface is an bad gun. I know the whole Paz/Chico tape #4 thing was horrific, but it was a method to break his detainees to gather information. War is hell..m'kay.
I see and read how it went down. I know. If all else fails, I could always steal Dawg's Limited Edition MGSV TPP PS4. Who let's a dog carry a PS4 out of a store? It would be like taking baby from a candy.
You wouldn't put Volgin in there as a true bad guy. ?If Skullface isn't a bad guy then there are no real bad guys in the series, save maybe Fatman or Psycho Mantis who were truly nihilistically evil. You've got to consider A) the character's goals and B) what methods they used to reach those goals. Even if Skullface has goals you could agree with, his methods include raping kids, so, uhh.
Probably not a 100% villain, despite what Kojima says. He'll do some bad stuff sure, but I doubt it'll be anything super evil that can't just be blamed on the realities of war or whatever. I still think he'll end up being closer to an anti-hero than a 100% villain, especially due to the nature of his conflict with Zero where there's no clear right or wrong.
The earlier poster's argument was basically that Skullface wasn't truly evil because he was working towards what he percieves as a greater good, so my impression of that poster's moral compass is that the only true evil is in nihilism: killing without a cause other than profit or pleasure.You wouldn't put Volgin in there as a true bad guy. ?
Ahh, i misunderstood. Sorry.The earlier poster's argument was basically that Skullface wasn't truly evil because he was working towards what he percieves as a greater good, so my impression of that poster's moral compass is that the only true evil is in nihilism: killing without a cause other than profit or pleasure.
Nah, he's far worse than liquid, Volgin is a war criminal.Volgin seemed to have at least some political motivation, so that still puts him somewhere in the grey area with the likes of Liquid.
If Skullface isn't a bad guy then there are no real bad guys in the series, save maybe Fatman or Psycho Mantis who were truly nihilistically evil. You've got to consider A) the character's goals and B) what methods they used to reach those goals. Even if Skullface has goals you could agree with, his methods include raping kids, so, uhh.
If Skullface isn't a bad guy then there are no real bad guys in the series, save maybe Fatman or Psycho Mantis who were truly nihilistically evil. You've got to consider A) the character's goals and B) what methods they used to reach those goals. Even if Skullface has goals you could agree with, his methods include raping kids, so, uhh.
God i hope not, Big Boss should be monster at the end, and if he was, it would be one of my biggest fears i've had for a long time come true, that Kojima is softening BB from what he was.
Solidus wasn't anywhere near as bad of any of the MGS villians.
so what system is more "evil" overall
Zero and The Patriots
Big Boss and Outer Heaven
I'd say they're both equally evil. The story of Metal Gear has essentially turned out to two mad men seeking world domination.
Completely unrelated, but is anyone else hoping that Big Boss lost his awkward nativity? I want him to be able to handle himself amidst a fem fatale's advances. I also don't want him believing in Santa -_-
I'd say they're both equally evil. The story of Metal Gear has essentially turned out to two mad men seeking world domination.
Completely unrelated, but is anyone else hoping that Big Boss lost his awkward nativity? I want him to be able to handle himself amidst a fem fatale's advances. I also don't want him believing in Santa -_-
I had collected all seven dragonballs.
Shenron himself appeared.
He looked at me and said:
Dawg, why have you summoned me? Tell me your wish now.
I didn't know what to say. All kinds of thoughts raced through my mind. World peace. Space travel. Super powers. Wealth. Immortality. I could even go back in time and fix the mistakes humanity has made. There was no limit to what I could do. This was it.
I closed my eyes, decided to follow my heart and told Shenron the one wish I wanted to make. The magical dragon looked at me with a face of disbelief and shock. It was then I knew I had made the right choice. But before I could celebrate, I fell down and everything went dark.
When I finally woke up again, I felt stronger. I was not the same person anymore. A small part of me thought everything that had just happened was just a bad dream, but deep inside I knew it wasn't. I ran to my room straight away, booted up my computer and went to NeoGAF. The webpage was loading slowly. My brother was streaming a movie at the exact same time, you see, building up the suspense.
When the webpage was done loading, I clicked on my username on the top right corner. Two seconds later, I knew my wish came true.
(*) most of this post should be considered to be lame fanfiction
I'd say they're both equally evil. The story of Metal Gear has essentially turned out to two mad men seeking world domination.
Completely unrelated, but is anyone else hoping that Big Boss lost his awkward nativity? I want him to be able to handle himself amidst a fem fatale's advances. I also don't want him believing in Santa -_-
Good to hear, I'll be trying to get it now/tomorrow.
But unfortunately I have heard about Ground Zeroes not working on Windows 10, can you confirm that?
I just tried it and it works fine on Windows 10