Love Deterrence
for people wondering when pre-load starts
for people wondering when pre-load starts
Damn dat sweet 60$... I'm still going back and forth between 69.99 PSN preorder or ~56 frisbee version if I want to import my GZ safe file.
The first option saves me the trouble of juggling the frisbees and I have no intention of selling this game and I can start playing day 1. The second option is cheaper but I'll probably have to wait at least a week to start playing and PS4 might create a vortex when spinnig that frisbee (my PS4 never had to deal with a pshysical game yet).
I've been done with discs for awhile. Won't look back!
Playing through Super Metroid for the first time and it's pretty damn good.
I think you can find traces of Metroidvania gameplay in MG1, MG2, MGS1, MGS2, and MGS3 in the sense that areas are blocked off by keycards and there is ample backtracking (this probably affects MGS3 the least but it still applies)
Hopefully it's the same in the UKfor people wondering when pre-load starts
You have a good size HDD?
The default 500GB but I've found I don't really go back to older games that often so its easy to just rotate older stuff out as I get new stuff. Hasn't been a huge issue yet. Not really obsessive about keeping everything on my HDD.
Super Metroid... on GBA?
17 days? we're so close
My body isn't ready for this.
It is technically also called Metroid 3.
I wish that read 17 hrs... or better yet. 17 mins.
I wish my herbs in real life sped up time like Snakes' do
Been watching Metal gear Scanlon on Giant Bomb. I am so impressed with Drew's ability to mic voices. I was just right now shocked at his Otacon impression. holy shit.
Can i get an invite too brotherss !!!!
Emulating NES, SNES, GBC, GBA on Xperia PLAY. Like a boss 8)I found that the remakes on GB are amazing. Much better than the originals. Also... play on emulation and you have save states. WOOTS!
Can I share this with you?It's a trailer for MGSV made from movie trailers (Fury, Mad Max: Fury Road and Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice) edited by a friend. I translated it in english and improved video quality. Dude had a nice idea in my opinion...
Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain Trailer
.. that Big Boss dubbed by Brad Pitt though XD
I always think of this comic when thinking of Ocelot back then. Man, he was so immature. Glad to see he's changed for TPP.
Where can you buy it from?
Does it cost less than a new house?
I know there are more, but where are they?
IIIRC there are from MGS1, 2, 3 and 4
Combine FOB and MGO together.MGSV related OT's:
- MGSV Spoiler Thread
- MGS Community Thread
And now FOB?
Is there a Steam group? Invite me:, thanks.
I think I have some of you added on PSN as well. My brother is getting the PS4 version so I'll be able to play MGO on there until it comes out on PC.
Invited you both.
What precisely did the mod say. ?Welp, no go from the mods...
I am now here.
can i get a invite to the steam group aswell?
Man, MGS as a series has some great music. What are some of your favorite tracks?
Though Calling to the Night gets an honorable mention.
Arsenal Gear, Old Snake, Love Theme and Snake Eater, especially the no vocal version during The Boss Fight.
lol.... wooooahooaaaaaaooooooooooo!!
Glad you liked it. <3LOL Shy.... that gif never gets old. hahaha
Glad you liked it. <3
Ohh, and on inviting people to the group, you don't need to friend them, on their profile click on the "more" button, and you'll see an invite to group option.
Combine FOB and MGO together.
What precisely did the mod say. ?
"Erm, no?"
Not even to get it and then sell it on Ebay?