Dick Justice
But so many possiblities if we're already able to gear up our DD. What about other animals and companions? Imagine all the possiblities.
Upgrade Quiet? :3But so many possiblities if we're already able to gear up our DD. What about other animals and companions? Imagine all the possiblities.
Upgrade Quiet? :3
Quiet with a Big Boss t-shirt and no pants would look quit nice actuallyOutfit Unlocked - T-Shirt
In all seriousness, an companion system would be awesome.
But so many possiblities if we're already able to gear up our DD. What about other animals and companions? Imagine all the possiblities.
I wonder if Big Boss will ever rock his bandana again in TPP. I know he resented it in PW but maybe after he rips that damn shrapnal out it be cool to see him use a bandana or something to cover the wound.
I wish Big Boss wasnt gay so I could get some sweaty dirty Quiet action :cÅesop;165530300 said:Calling it right now: MGOcharacter creation +femaleeveryone wearing Quiets gear( ͡ ° ͜ʖ ͡° )
Had a dream that TPP is really an MSX-ish game with Hotline Miami effects. It was pretty good.
Stefanie looking so FINE, so DAYUM FINE
Åesop;165530300 said:Calling it right now: MGOcharacter creation +femaleeveryone wearing Quiet's gear( ͡ ° ͜ʖ ͡° )
I am surprised Vally has not made his mark after that Stephanie picture.
E3 Hype intensifying.
with all the hype building up for the TPP info leak and obviously E3 while I was at work today, rather than the boring task of... actually working I decided to bang in the headphones and watch the E3 trailers from years past, and found the initial trailer from E3 1997 for MGS.
I couldn't help but laugh at how utterly awful whoever s playing it is, when he's in the nuclear warhead building he's being shot and crawling away? Brilliant.
makes sense
does someone actually take this guy seriously
Hey guys, I'm going to stream the japanese version of Ground Zeroes in a couple of mintes. Will play the japanese exclusive radio drama tapes first, Big Boss and Kaz' first encounter. Those are really cool, definitely come watch if you haven't heard those tapes before.
Hey guys, I'm going to stream the japanese version of Ground Zeroes in a couple of mintes. Will play the japanese exclusive radio drama tapes first, Big Boss and Kaz' first encounter. Those are really cool, definitely come watch if you haven't heard those tapes before.
New twitch account?
The Boss said:"Is there such a thing as an absolute, timeless enemy? There is no such thing, and never has been. And the reason is that our enemies are human beings like us. They can only be our enemies in relative terms. The world must be made whole again. The Philosophers must be reunited." ―The Boss
Guys, I made a quick search and found not much in regards to that whole #KojimaLives twitter account thingy, except for someone mentioning it on Page 72. If you click on the Website link and scroll all the way down, there's a roach. Click the roach and you'll get a "codec message" with morse code.
A friend o'mine has translated such code: "is there such a thing as an absolute timeless enemy". Which is a part of MGS3's The Boss monologue about nations and enemies:
I don't put much stock in this twitter/website, but since Feral has gone to the length of translating it, I thought I could as well share.
Cheers mates, and save me a ticket for the train!
(Rip my ticket apart if old.)
If this kid isn't Psycho Mantis i'll eat my hat.
Nah man, that's fake.
As suspected then. Who debunked it? Has that been posted?
omg sn4ke-senpai noticed my post :3
Guys, I keep hearing a theme in YongYeas MGS videos. Does anyone know where it's from? It's so damn good! It is surely a song from one of the MGS' OST.
It can be heard clearly at 40 seconds.
Guys, I keep hearing a theme in YongYeas MGS videos. Does anyone know where it's from? It's so damn good! It is surely a song from one of the MGS' OST.
It can be heard clearly at 40 seconds.
If this kid isn't Psycho Mantis i'll eat my hat.
Makes me wonder just how many commands will be available to give DD or buddies in general. Something like having a max number of slots in-game but you can customise what those commands are because as your relationship changes/grows, more become available to you.
Oh, man, I totally understand how one r/metalgearsolid redditor feels nowHe's holding off school for a semester so he can play TPP. I wish I had such balls
You mean me. ?Alright calm down.
You mean me. ?
I hope i didn't come across as being rude, i'm sorry if i did.¯\_(ツ_/¯ I just find their obsession with Gray Fox funny