Ah fuck it, I'm too casul for MG1 so I ended up watching it on youtube. I'll start MG2 and see if it holds up better
I know it doesn't count because it's on Very Easy but I don't care. It was just for story.
Maybe next time I'll go on European Extreme.
This is the best MGS so far, in my opinion. Kojima's Cold War historical fiction is mindblowingly superb. And the game mechanics too: camouflage and cure system plus all tha animal hunting. i like it a lot
I was going to play MGS4 now but since MGS3 is still installed on my PS3's hard drive I might try to play MG and MG2 for the first time.
Ground control to MajorTom
90 days.
Especially the original edition without the 3D camera is pretty tough but i did it on Subsistence.
So guys, which area do you like most from all MGS games?
For me it's MGS4 Cove Valley Village.
I love the whole situation that is going on when you arrive on the scene and the option i have to infiltrate. It's an open area so you can snipe them but you can also try stealth and go around the building, it won't be easy though as there are patrols and a sleeping guard.
Great starting area for an amazing Act. Power Plant after that is good too, especially the area with the mortar.
During the first 2 playthroughs i felt so much exposed and went really slow.
Dude, a metal head buddy of mine showed me king crimson's entire catalogue of music. Adrian belew is a nut!
90 days.
Especially the original edition without the 3D camera is pretty tough but i did it on Subsistence.
So guys, which area do you like most from all MGS games?
For me it's MGS4 Cove Valley Village.
I love the whole situation that is going on when you arrive on the scene and the option i have to infiltrate. It's an open area so you can snipe them but you can also try stealth and go around the building, it won't be easy though as there are patrols and a sleeping guard.
Great starting area for an amazing Act. Power Plant after that is good too, especially the area with the mortar.
During the first 2 playthroughs i felt so much exposed and went really slow.
So guys, which area do you like most from all MGS games?
Geoff favorited this
I read somewhere that E3 will all be MGO focused, thats not confirmed right?
Is that the are where they execute the prisoners? Sniped those mofos trying to kill those guerillas.
Shadow Moses...My favorite acts definitely are 1 and 4. I love middle eastern settings and I think I don't have to explain why I like the 4th one.
I thought you were adamant on doing the OT
Especially the original edition without the 3D camera is pretty tough but i did it on Subsistence.
So guys, which area do you like most from all MGS games?
For me it's MGS4 Cove Valley Village.
I love the whole situation that is going on when you arrive on the scene and the option i have to infiltrate. It's an open area so you can snipe them but you can also try stealth and go around the building, it won't be easy though as there are patrols and a sleeping guard.
Great starting area for an amazing Act. Power Plant after that is good too, especially the area with the mortar.
During the first 2 playthroughs i felt so much exposed and went really slow.
I can't wait to replay MGS 4. It's been forever and I've honestly forgotten much of it. I know it has some problems, but I still had fun with it IIRC.
Far and away though, the return to Shadow Moses is my favorite area. Like many others, snowy areas are usually my favorite. The nostalgia mixed with the atmosphere was pretty poignant, but also fascinating to explore. Would love to see it on FOX.
Amazon Japan has started taking pre-orders for the Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain Original Soundtrack. For now, there isnt much more information available, nor is there an image of what the cover art will look like, but the product page does tell us that the soundtrack will come on two cds. The item is available for ¥3348 (about 24 euros or 27 USD) and will be shipped on the same day as the Japanese release of the game: on September 2nd.
Do it mate, its worth it. I had trouble with the controls and the mechanics though... After many playthrouhs of Ground Zeroes I find it hard to get used to MGS4. The absence of crouch walk and transition from walking/running to crawling is killing me. I always forget and press x while running which makes thing worse if you wanted to hide.
Anyway, I might give it a try during the summer. I am considering a full saga back to back replay before TPP.
The soundtrack is definitely one of things i'm mostly looking forward to.
I'm glad the OST releases on the same day as the game comes out, this way i don't have the chance to take a sneak peek and listen to it and maybe spoil something :3
MGSV: The Phantom Pain Original Soundtrack appears at Amazon Japan, contains 2 discs
vinyl or nothing!
New page is mine !
ScrewAttack Death Battle : Solid snake vs Sam Fisher coming up later Today !!!!!
Here we go Brothers !!!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JrvEWWYLDHM
New page is mine !
ScrewAttack Death Battle : Solid snake vs Sam Fisher coming up later Today !!!!!
Here we go Brothers !!!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JrvEWWYLDHM
New page is mine !
ScrewAttack Death Battle : Solid snake vs Sam Fisher coming up later Today !!!!!
Here we go Brothers !!!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JrvEWWYLDHM
Don't worry, we will.Okay, so because of PS+ I finally played Ground Zeroes, and... ummm... as someone that missed Snake Eater, MGS4... this game was twisted as fuck. MGS and 2 might have toyed around with some questionable themes, but this game went full on shock gore porn.
It has great visuals, I love the change in mechanics, but good God. What happened to Paz went well beyond the normal horrors of MGS.
I'm just gonna say, I didn't like it, and probably not come back. If this is MGS now, I don't think I can play it. Enjoy it if you can guys, but it's no longer a series for me.
Okay, so because of PS+ I finally played Ground Zeroes, and... ummm... as someone that missed Snake Eater, MGS4... this game was twisted as fuck. MGS and 2 might have toyed around with some questionable themes, but this game went full on shock gore porn.
It has great visuals, I love the change in mechanics, but good God. What happened to Paz went well beyond the normal horrors of MGS.
I'm just gonna say, I didn't like it, and probably not come back. If this is MGS now, I don't think I can play it. Enjoy it if you can guys, but it's no longer a series for me.
That's probably part of it.Åesop;166256655 said:Uh wut.. you had people getting their body parts cut off and a whole guard post massacred and executed by a mentally unstable Ninja with a sword, then there's a torture sequence etc. all just in MGS 1 m8. It's always been a part of MGS, only now we have those more realistic graphics which makes it more intense and personal
I was gonna say the same thing. The less realistic graphics of the older games made them seem less violent, but you still had arms being cut off, eyes being shot out and dudes being crushed under a robot foot.Åesop;166256655 said:Uh wut.. you had people getting their body parts cut off and a whole guard post massacred and executed by a mentally unstable Ninja with a sword, then there's a torture sequence etc. all just in MGS 1 m8. It's always been a part of MGS, only now we have those more realistic graphics which makes it more intense and personal
I haven't been talking about violence.I was gonna say the same thing. The less realistic graphics of the older games made them seem less violent, but you still had arms being cut off, eyes being shot out and dudes being crushed under a robot foot.