Not directly, but someone said earlier that his gaf profile said he was logged in three times today, so people are hoping for the best.Sorry for derailing the thread but any news about Mexen?
Better times will come for you,hang in there buddy.
Not directly, but someone said earlier that his gaf profile said he was logged in three times today, so people are hoping for the best.Sorry for derailing the thread but any news about Mexen?
Better times will come for you,hang in there buddy.
Does that include Konami LA employees?
Here.Does that include Konami LA employees?
Myself from Ten posts earlier said:Yes i know that, but (Tora can correct me if i'm wrong.) the contract change included Kojipro L.A. as well.
you feel it too don't you?compared to people who are trying to avoid spoilers all together no matter how minor the details:
Just seen Mexen's thread. I hope he's okay :/
If you are reading this please give us a sign that you're still with us.
Listening to Jeff Gerstmanns feelings on TPP on Giant Bombcast and this Snake being silent ALL THE TIME has to be some thing which is still hidden/behind story spoiler embargo
It doesn't make any sense considering how snarky he has been until now, maybe he's just super PTSD'd by Ground Zeroes
We knew Snake was going to be pretty quiet for a long time. It's said that he's really quiet in gameplay, but in the cassette tapes is where he talks a lot.
We knew Snake was going to be pretty quiet for a long time. It's said that he's really quiet in gameplay, but in the cassette tapes is where he talks a lot.
Yeah we did, but still I sort of expected there to be some sort of ingame reason buried in there.
But maybe it's all just because Kojima wants Snake to the representation of the player.
Strange of him to start that in the final game he makes in the series...
Edit: Damn I love all these cat & dog boss avatars
"The man who kills a man, kills a man.
The man who kills himself, kills all men; as far as he is concerned he wipes out the world. His act is worse than any rape or dynamite outrage. For it destroys all buildings: it insults all women. The thief is satisfied with diamonds; but the suicide is not: that is his crime. He cannot be bribed, even by the blazing stones of the Celestial City. The thief compliments the things he steals, if not the owner of them. But the suicide insults everything on earth by not stealing it. He defiles every flower by refusing to live for its sake. There is not a tiny creature in the cosmos at whom his death is not a sneer. When a man hangs himself on a tree, the leaves might fall off in anger and the birds fly away in fury: for each has received a personal affront."..."The man's crime is different from other crimes -- for it makes even crimes impossible."
All I can say is what others have said: hang in there and stay strong, Mexen.
I'm going to bookmark Dawg's post and read it whenever I feel down. Much better than Shia Labeouf's motivational video
Hang in there, Mexen
This pic excites me so much ugh
But outside the models, cross gen is tragically obvious. 256mb RAM KONAMI WHY??
Bu...but some journos said the game isn't cinematic enough.
Haha get out, that shot is so epic when Big Boss and DD look back in slow mo at the same time.
Still no sign of Mexen? Shit, hope he's okay.
Mexen, I have no idea if you will read this post or not.
Still, I want to tell you... don't give up. Please don't. I've read your thread. It's obvious you're going through one of the worst times of your life. I have no right... no right telling you it will get better... because I don't know. Nobody does. People like to say that it will always get better, but that is simply a lie. One I've heard so many times myself.
You feel down. You feel tired. You're filled with regret and anger. Why me? Everyone else is doing so much better. I'm a failure. I should just end it. It will finally be over. I'll finally be able to rest. No more waking up with depression. No more negative thoughts. Eternal rest.
Sounds good, eh? The pros probably sound a lot better than the cons. Your mind is telling you that it's okay, it's okay to give up. It's okay to commit suicide.
But it's not.
You're not a failure.
You're not alone.
Never. Ever. Give up.
Death is inevitable. One day, all of us here will be dead. There is no escape. That is a simple fact. There is no reason to jumpstart this fact. Nobody can promise you tomorrow will be better. But nobody can promise you it will get worse either. Every day is a new day. We have no idea what the future holds for us. When you commit suicide, your future is instantly decided. If you live... who knows what will happen. Take that chance. If you really want to die, it will happen one day. Maybe when that day comes, you will have experienced a much better life. Maybe one day you will look back to this period and be glad you didn't do it. Or maybe you will still feel shitty in 50 years. Who knows? Nobody. That's the beauty of life, Mexen.
Read this.
If you've read all of this and other posts from fellow MGS-GAF posters, you might think to yourself that all of it is bullshit. It's easy to tell you to not give up. After all, we don't have to live your life. It's easy to tell someone he should just get back up again and forget those dreadful thoughts. I know this because I've been there, Mexen. I've been where you are. This post is coming right from the heart.
I'm no better than you. I've had plenty of mistakes happen in my life. I've felt like a failure... many, many times. Thought about ending it all... multiple times. In fact, ever since I graduated in high school (2010) I suffered from extreme depression and OCD. Many people told me the exact same thing as they are now telling you. And I too thought it was bullshit. But this isn't about me, it's about you. I just wanted to tell you all of this because your story reminded me a lot about my own experience(s). It took me five years to get better and sometimes I still feel like shit. But I'm doing better. I've met some great people. I've gone from a depressed person living his life behind closed doors at home to someone who is able to enjoy life again. Meet new people. Friends.
Maybe tomorrow all of that is gone again. Maybe tomorrow I'll feel depressed again. Who knows? I sure as hell don't. And neither do you. Nobody does.
All I can say is that I hope you'll stick around. Death will be there for us one day. And when that day comes, you'll be glad you didn't do it yourself. I'm certain of it. Make your parents proud. Try to live your life to the fullest. Let's not give up. Life can and will be shit. At one point, you might even feel worse than you do now. But this world of ours... and the life we lead... it is one worth living. And I hope that is exactly what you will do.
I'm going to bookmark Dawg's post and read it whenever I feel down. Much better than Shia Labeouf's motivational video
Hang in there, Mexen
I couldnt ever write anything nearly half as eloquent as what dawg just posted, but we're all here for you Mexen.
Take time to get yourself right, and your brothers here will all be waiting to welcome you back with open arms when you're up to coming back. Look after yourself brother.
Hang in there, Mex.
You can still shine through the darkness!
All I can say is what others have said: hang in there and stay strong, Mexen.
Hang in there, Mexen. You will triumph!
Thinking about you Mex hang in there just when things seem irreversible something will happen to turn it around. Please ask for help you don't have to be alone.
I hope you put yourself together Mexen.
I've thought about suicide in one point of my life. I was a total mess but now I'm happily married with children (5 yo daughter and 2,5 yo son) they're now the meaning of my life.
I'm not eloquent as Dawg but I hope you'll think about it: you'll never know what future brings so there's no point in throwing it all away.
Que sera, sera - whatever will be, will be.
There is a bodybuilder in Poland who, when at peak of his career in the 80's, fell under the train and lose his leg. His career was over but he met a nurse who kept his spirits and help him get rid of suicidal thoughts. Later he married her and organised a gym for country boys, has lots of kids and is fucking king of life. He armwrestled with Silvester Stallone and Arnold Swarzenegger at Cannes Festival and won
I can attest to this. 7 months in and it feels like yesterday. I'm just waiting for MGSV. I'll see how long that diatracts me, and then come to my conclusion afterwords.
Mexen, you're going through a very rough patch. I feel your pain. Not in the same context, but ultimately it is pain none the less. I hope you're a stronger man than I am. I can't even deal with heartbreak & getting my life on track, so I can only imagine the weight you feel on your shoulders. I wish you the best, I really do. Perhaps I'm not the best person to talk to when it comes to this, because I've been beaten to submission already & I've accepted it, because it is my own doing. You, however, are not to blame for your parents death or financial troubles. You're a good guy, I know this simply by your posts and how we've interacted on here. We're the same age, too. When you feel down, just know there are morons like me that can't even get passed something that happens to people everyday. I hope to see you post here again. It wouldn't be the same without you.
Mexzen, I cannot tell you it will get better or promise you that everything will be roses eventually for I would be lying. What I can tell you is that life is a challenge, and is one that you must rise up against in fury, in passion, in whatever way you feel but I do know one thing.
If you take your life, then you cannot live it to find a happier ending. You cannot rise to the challenge and become the victor because you instead become the victim. This world is a cold one, but that in its own way is a sort of beauty; you must fight to bring warmth to that cold world, to your world and your singular experience. I have lived and I continue to survive just barely, and I know of people worse off and better off than me. I have learned that tomorrow and the future is an ever-changing thing and each new day brings with it many joys and many sorrows. Those little moments will all be gone, your triumphs, your hard work, and everything you know, everything your family knows about you disappear the moment you decide to end your journey through life by your own hand and not fate.
I pretend not to know you, or your suffering but I always read your posts and a lot of posts of others in this community. I've read your thread and you have got a good head on your shoulders, take care not to chop it off.
If you die now, you won't get to experience anything, you won't experience Hideo Kojima's final masterpiece, and what's worse is that you wouldn't get to share in those experiences with us, and many others.
Please stay alive, safe, and well, as you can be..
This is a beautiful post and expresses the sentiment I feel, Mexzen please hang in there. Same to you IP.
Do it!
Mexen,glad you are back!!
You guys are the best community evah! forevah!
Monday is almost here!!! Someone shut down the internet before i watch spoilers!
Good to have you back, sir.
Awesome, glad you're ok dude.
Let's get hype man!
New MGSV trailer is almost here!!
Mexen! Glad to hear from you, we're here for you anytime! E3 Hype! Trailer on Monday so get glued to a computer when that happens.
Glad to hear you're ok Mexzen. <3
It's going to be a GAME exclusive, isn't it. ? :_:
MGS Gaf is best gaf T_T
yall are wonderful people just reading a bunch of the posts
I haven't really been on Neogaf for very long nor have I posted much in many topics or this community but after seeing your other thread I just wanted to say, i'm glad you're okay and I hope everything starts looking up for you![]()
Glad that you're okay brother!
We're all here for you if you ever need someone to talk to![]()
Mexen, you don't know me from Adam (or Eva), but I'm here for you as well, bro.
It's great to have you back! Jump aboard the hypetrain.
Mexan.... do you want me to turn super saiyan for you?
Guys, I just wanna say I'm really sorry I worried you, when I was at my very lowest, I didn't think my thoughts would affect anyone. I was completely overwhelmed by so much emotion.
Spoke to my uncle about stuff and he's gonna help me out. You guys are nothing short of the best people on the planet and I'm lucky to be a part of this community. Thank you for your support and concern. It means a great deal, more than I can ever express in words.
Now then, where were we? Ah, yes, E3 hype!
Guys, I just wanna say I'm really sorry I worried you, when I was at my very lowest, I didn't think my thoughts would affect anyone. I was completely overwhelmed by so much emotion.
Spoke to my uncle about stuff and he's gonna help me out. You guys are nothing short of the best people on the planet and I'm lucky to be a part of this community. Thank you for your support and concern. It means a great deal, more than I can ever express in words.
Now then, where were we? Ah, yes, E3 hype!
Guys, I just wanna say I'm really sorry I worried you, when I was at my very lowest, I didn't think my thoughts would affect anyone. I was completely overwhelmed by so much emotion.
Spoke to my uncle about stuff and he's gonna help me out. You guys are nothing short of the best people on the planet and I'm lucky to be a part of this community. Thank you for your support and concern. It means a great deal, more than I can ever express in words.
Now then, where were we? Ah, yes, E3 hype!
Mexan.... do you want me to turn super saiyan for you?
Do it!
Mexen,glad you are back!!
You guys are the best community evah! forevah!
Monday is almost here!!! Someone shut down the internet before i watch spoilers!
You owe it to Kojima to watch his last final MGS E3 trailer!
:O That design in the interior is awesome
Mexen, I have no idea if you will read this post or not.
Still, I want to tell you... don't give up. Please don't. I've read your thread. It's obvious you're going through one of the worst times of your life. I have no right... no right telling you it will get better... because I don't know. Nobody does. People like to say that it will always get better, but that is simply a lie. One I've heard so many times myself.
You feel down. You feel tired. You're filled with regret and anger. Why me? Everyone else is doing so much better. I'm a failure. I should just end it. It will finally be over. I'll finally be able to rest. No more waking up with depression. No more negative thoughts. Eternal rest.
Sounds good, eh? The pros probably sound a lot better than the cons. Your mind is telling you that it's okay, it's okay to give up. It's okay to commit suicide.
But it's not.
You're not a failure.
You're not alone.
Never. Ever. Give up.
Death is inevitable. One day, all of us here will be dead. There is no escape. That is a simple fact. There is no reason to jumpstart this fact. Nobody can promise you tomorrow will be better. But nobody can promise you it will get worse either. Every day is a new day. We have no idea what the future holds for us. When you commit suicide, your future is instantly decided. If you live... who knows what will happen. Take that chance. If you really want to die, it will happen one day. Maybe when that day comes, you will have experienced a much better life. Maybe one day you will look back to this period and be glad you didn't do it. Or maybe you will still feel shitty in 50 years. Who knows? Nobody. That's the beauty of life, Mexen.
Read this.
If you've read all of this and other posts from fellow MGS-GAF posters, you might think to yourself that all of it is bullshit. It's easy to tell you to not give up. After all, we don't have to live your life. It's easy to tell someone he should just get back up again and forget those dreadful thoughts. I know this because I've been there, Mexen. I've been where you are. This post is coming right from the heart.
I'm no better than you. I've had plenty of mistakes happen in my life. I've felt like a failure... many, many times. Thought about ending it all... multiple times. In fact, ever since I graduated in high school (2010) I suffered from extreme depression and OCD. Many people told me the exact same thing as they are now telling you. And I too thought it was bullshit. But this isn't about me, it's about you. I just wanted to tell you all of this because your story reminded me a lot about my own experience(s). It took me five years to get better and sometimes I still feel like shit. But I'm doing better. I've met some great people. I've gone from a depressed person living his life behind closed doors at home to someone who is able to enjoy life again. Meet new people. Friends.
Maybe tomorrow all of that is gone again. Maybe tomorrow I'll feel depressed again. Who knows? I sure as hell don't. And neither do you. Nobody does.
All I can say is that I hope you'll stick around. Death will be there for us one day. And when that day comes, you'll be glad you didn't do it yourself. I'm certain of it. Make your parents proud. Try to live your life to the fullest. Let's not give up. Life can and will be shit. At one point, you might even feel worse than you do now. But this world of ours... and the life we lead... it is one worth living. And I hope that is exactly what you will do.
Oh man, this looks incredible.
This is probably my favorite steel book I've ever seen for a game
It's going to be a GAME exclusive, isn't it. ? :_:
Glad to hear you're ok Mexzen. <3
It's going to be a GAME exclusive, isn't it. ? :_:
:O That design in the interior is awesome