MGS Gaf is best gaf T_T
yall are wonderful people just reading a bunch of the posts
yall are wonderful people just reading a bunch of the posts
Guys, I just wanna say I'm really sorry I worried you, when I was at my very lowest, I didn't think my thoughts would affect anyone. I was completely overwhelmed by so much emotion.
Spoke to my uncle about stuff and he's gonna help me out. You guys are nothing short of the best people on the planet and I'm lucky to be a part of this community. Thank you for your support and concern. It means a great deal, more than I can ever express in words.
Now then, where were we? Ah, yes, E3 hype!
Guys, I just wanna say I'm really sorry I worried you, when I was at my very lowest, I didn't think my thoughts would affect anyone. I was completely overwhelmed by so much emotion.
Spoke to my uncle about stuff and he's gonna help me out. You guys are nothing short of the best people on the planet and I'm lucky to be a part of this community. Thank you for your support and concern. It means a great deal, more than I can ever express in words.
Now then, where were we? Ah, yes, E3 hype!
Glad that you're okay brother!Guys, I just wanna say I'm really sorry I worried you, when I was at my very lowest, I didn't think my thoughts would affect anyone. I was completely overwhelmed by so much emotion.
Spoke to my uncle about stuff and he's gonna help me out. You guys are nothing short of the best people on the planet and I'm lucky to be a part of this community. Thank you for your support and concern. It means a great deal, more than I can ever express in words.
Now then, where were we? Ah, yes, E3 hype!
Recently read this analysis of mgs4 and given its theme and circumstances, I can see why Kojima did what he did.
I know that many here on gaf have a wayward relationship with IV despite it winning goty twice fold and what not, but (if you feel up to it) read that analysis and tell me that the subtext and usage of genre tropes to deliver its message isn't clever even if it might be coming from a weary/negative mind space.
All of the fan service clusterfuckery and self referendum does make it seem like kojima giving fans a proverbial middle finger but I'd like to think that it must have been more than that to him. Quite a mixed feeling if there was one. Now that I think about it, some people have assessed that the metal gear fanbase falls into two spectrums: the gameplay spectrum and the story/lore spectrum. I ,however, think that there is this psuedo third spectrum that is occupied by the ones that I look to the subtext of the narrative more than the surface level narrative itself and the older I become, the more I find myself within that third group. I don't know. So much complexity. Lots to ponder. Curious to know everyone's thoughts on mgs 4's theme.
Had no idea he wrote a MGS4 analysis as well.
Is the steelbook edition a part of the CE or what? Extra cost? I want one, but gotta find someone in Europe to get it for me.
kojima retweeted these fan made controllers
Goddaminit! I'm about to lose my freakin mind! I'm paying for the collector's edition, but I still won't be able to get this steelbook cover, because I live in the US! UGH!!!
kojima retweeted these fan made controllers
kojima retweeted these fan made controllers
Chakra_Khan, great share, brother! I remember reading their analyses some time back. They really fucked with my mind. Dat TPP analysis in months to come is gonna be something.
I'm on the fence. I don't know what I'm supposed to feel. Lol
Ewwwwwkojima retweeted these fan made controllers
Probably a cool looking thing to have and never use, way too busy aesthetically for my liking. There's too much going on with the cover moving and the color design is ugly as hell too. Then again, I like more subtle things; I think the DD controller that comes with the ps4 is perfect.
kojima retweeted these fan made controllers
Anyway be else excited for batman?
Nothing about the steel book on Amazon UK yet. I'm keeping my Amazon order anyway because I had to cancel my CE order. I'd love to have the CE and the steel book but I'm more bothered about actually playing the game than anything else.Thinking of getting that steelbook from Amazon but am living in Ireland. Are Amazon good for day one deliveries? I'm assuming they are if you're from the UK and ordering from the UK site but want to make sure..
That's the fugliest controller I've ever seen in my lifekojima retweeted these fan made controllers
What's he doing there...?
Man, why does the 'real world' suck sometimes. >_>
It's E3 season, I don't wanna be stressed. ;_;
You feel it too, don't you, Kojima?![]()
Rob Moorhouse (Facebook) - "Are the cut scenes 14 hours long like in MGS4?"
No, and this was a big surprise. The opening prologue begins with the lengthiest cutscene I saw in the my 15 hours with the game, but after that the cutscenes tend to only appear at really key story moments. I've seen some of our readers worry that this removes a big chunk of the magic, but it really doesn't. 1) When the cutscenes do happen they feel really special, and 2) When the cutscenes do happen they are always pretty awesome and packed with fan-service. Instead of cutscenes, the game using lots of incidental dialogue: characters chatting over radios, overheard guard conversations and a vast library of casette tapes that contain old intel. Personally, I really liked the cassettes you can pop one on your iDroid, whistle for D-Horse and go galloping off with the sound of nerdy Metal Gear Solid lore filling your ears. Heaven!
If they showed a snow location I would lose my mind.Oh man can you imagine they will show a new location... snow?? those gameplay demonstrations are always so well done, camera movement, which items to use etc. it's always planned and Jackie (the player) puts in over 100 hours to make sure everything works as planned.
Maybe new MGSV trailer at Geoff's stream and gameplay presentation at Sony's presser?