Needs to be non lethal though.
Only on 7th mission, right? Or do I need non-lethal all 7 times?
On reddit it seems like it needs to be every time. Fastest way would just to use the supply drop tactic.
On reddit it seems like it needs to be every time. Fastest way would just to use the supply drop tactic.
Does anyone have a confirmation on this? Don't be quiet now...
The MG Acid games aren't available on PSN, are they? I only have a Vita and a PSP Go, and I never got around to trying them.
Just saw what they added with the new update, cool they've done that but idk it somewhat effects the impact oflosing her in the first place. Imagine if there was a way to not kill the Boss in MGS3.
How are those the same? One dies at the end of the story and the other doesn't.
Besides, it's just an optional gameplay thing for those that really, really want her back. Has nothing to do with the actual story. Same as the butterfly emblem trick.
I'm not bothering with it personally.
What do you mean? They both die at the end... Quiet is supposed to die when the virus is activated.
There was no indication of the strain activating, and even if it did, her body was special so she wouldn't die like a normal person.
Either way, it was confirmed by Kojima himself that she doesn't die after mission 45. The writer of MGSV's novel mentioned in an interview that he asked Kojima about this and that was his answer.
Dead or not my main point in the comparison is that the feeling of loss imo is lessened as a consequence of this. Of course it doesn't change the plot and it's cool that you can now get her back if you want to, but it just doesn't have to same ring to it as losing her forever does.
Also I'm not really that bothered by it either given I've already 100%d it lol.
just checked the fallout 4 metacritic.
and i thought the user reviews were bad for MGSV.
Right there with you, which is why it doesn't bother me since I won't be resorting to it. Seeing the overwhelmingly positive reaction to her returning, both here and on other forums, makes me happy for those fans though and shows how great of a character she is (be it due to design/story, gameplay or all of them).
The trigger for this happening was in the game from day 1 but I do wonder if Kojima ever actually intended for it to happen or if it is just Konami trying to get into good books with fans.
But yeah, her dying from the strain wouldn't make much sense since, once infected, the strain kills the host by having larvae feast on the lungs. Quiet's insides were fried at the hospital, which includes her lungs and is why she needs to breathe through her skin. So the strain she was carrying was more a danger to those around her than to herself.
Yh I agree, seeing all those happy fans is nice. Personally I doubt they ever intended to do this, imo it's just Konami getting into the fans good books.
Yh the way the episode 45 played certainly gave more of an impression that she's alive out there somewhere. I mean if not you assume birds would pick away at her body when she does die and thus spread the strain (MGS 6 xD ?).
Do you know why a lot of fans don't like it? Just curious. Never played fallout before.Its a great game. I've been enjoying it quite a bit in the time i've had with Fallout 4.
Do you have a source for that one?Either way, it was confirmed by Kojima himself that she doesn't die after mission 45. The writer of MGSV's novel mentioned in an interview that he asked Kojima about this and that was his answer.
Konami has announced its partnering with ESL (the largest e-sports organization) to organize monthly Metal Gear Online tournaments. The tournaments, starting December 1st, will be held in four different regions: North America, Latin America, Europe and Asia/Australia, and winners will be awarded cash prizes. Check out the full press release for more detailed information, or go here to register.
KONAMI Partners with ESL to Launch Official METAL GEAR ONLINE Global Championship
Konami Digital Entertainment B.V. today announced today a global partnership with ESL to launch the official METAL GEAR ONLINEGlobal Championship. Launching in December of this year, the league kicks off its first global tournament season where online stealth shooter fans can compete for glory and cash prizes.
Players of METAL GEAR ONLINE METAL GEAR SOLID V: The Phantom Pains competitive multiplayer mode now have the opportunity to showcase their sneaking skills within the METAL GEAR ONLINE community. The league will hold weekly online tournaments worldwide starting Dec. 1 through Feb. 29, 2016, with competitions being held in four regions: North America, Latin America, Europe and Asia/Australia.
With the global support of ESL, competitions will be conducted throughout the month per region where winning teams earn cash prizes for demonstrating their dominance on the battlefield $1,000 USD will be rewarded per region per month, with a total prize pool of $12,000 USD. In addition, participants in the league will be able to earn points to build their professional rank to become the next legendary soldier.
METAL GEAR ONLINE is built around a dedicated squad-based competitive multiplayer structure. The mode has been fully redesigned with the familiar gameplay and aesthetic styling of the acclaimed METAL GEAR SOLID series. The online element introduces Tactical Team Operations and features a class system that more uniquely defines the strengths and abilities of player characters on the battlefield.
You can now register at ESLs website.
Ikr? I for real thought the game would be dead after LA shut down.They're going esports with MGO huh. Weird.
In the MGSV novel she dies by setting herself on fire after mission 45, it was the writer's own creation and isn't canon but I could see her doing something similar if she were going to die, where there isn't much left of the body.
Speaking of a sequel, Stephanie Joosten said in an interview that she considers Quiet's exit a memorable ending to her story and it should be left at that.
She said that she would like to come back to her role as Quiet but more if it was during her early life when she was in XOF and prior (before her body was burned). This I definitely wouldn't mind seeing.
If Kojima is in. So is Chico!!
Yh I picture her doing the same. It would definitely be cool seeing her while she was in XOF, that said without Kojima I don't think I wanna see new MGS content, MGR would be cool, or another similar sort of spin off maybe, but not sure what I'd think about a new MGS game. That all said I drove past some buildings earlier that literally looked like the perfect setting for an MGS game with solid snake, imagine a night time setting in one building sort of like the airport in the first Die Hard, but with Solid Snake :O.
Went back and listened to the Huey tapes from Peace Walker and watched the ending (it's been years since I finished the game).
A lot of things make way more sense now in regards to Huey in MGSV, I think I have a pretty good idea of what his reasoning was. What BB said in the ending was also quite interesting and felt like foreshadowing.
Went back and listened to the Huey tapes from Peace Walker and watched the ending (it's been years since I finished the game).
A lot of things make way more sense now in regards to Huey in MGSV, I think I have a pretty good idea of what his reasoning was. What BB said in the ending was also quite interesting and felt like foreshadowing.
Yeah I'm also not sure if I will be following it, will probably just ignore it like I did Silent Hill after Team Silent was disbanded.
Sweet, looking forward to this.
It's been dead for me too.Started MGO recently as I finally renewed Playstation Plus, it seems sort of dead online atm, not sure if it's just me.
Finally disarmed my first nuke. Feels good
Side note: I was invaded the second I got the nuke. So much for deterrence hehehe
It's been dead for me too.
Lingua franca is bugged for me.
Cannot get them to interrogate the viscount, they just stand there looking over him sleeping like creepy stalkers or they just don't even bother bringing him to the room to be interrogated so the interrogator and his goon just stand there like muppets.
Restarted the fucking thing 6 times and it keeps happening, all the other interrogations go fine but it fucks up when they get to the fourth.
Started MGO recently as I finally renewed Playstation Plus, it seems sort of dead online atm, not sure if it's just me.
I haven't even tried it once yet, despite being really hyped for it. Do you know why? The ridiculous online bullshit they crammed into the single player game. Because your SP resources can be stolen when you're not around, instead of trying MGO I've been finishing off everything in the SP while I still have my stuff. If that online bullshit ends up strangling MGO in its infancy then that would seem strangely poetic to me.It's been dead for me too.
I haven't even tried it once yet, despite being really hyped for it. Do you know why? The ridiculous online bullshit they crammed into the single player game. Because your SP resources can be stolen when you're not around, instead of trying MGO I've been finishing off everything in the SP while I still have my stuff. If that online bullshit ends up strangling MGO in its infancy then that would seem strangely poetic to me.
I hope MGO and the ridiculous esports crap they're trying fail miserably. Fuck Konami.
It's not that bad.I haven't even tried it once yet, despite being really hyped for it. Do you know why? The ridiculous online bullshit they crammed into the single player game. Because your SP resources can be stolen when you're not around, instead of trying MGO I've been finishing off everything in the SP while I still have my stuff. If that online bullshit ends up strangling MGO in its infancy then that would seem strangely poetic to me.
I hope MGO and the ridiculous esports crap they're trying fail miserably. Fuck Konami.