i'll show you gay
looking for cool bros to party at a sex mansion (nothing sexual)

i'll show you gay
looking for cool bros to party at a sex mansion (nothing sexual)
def agree, if we cannot come together here, i think the western world might be finished
brap i still love you
only bareback for moithats pretty gay.....
Good thing I’m into gay porn!!!
only bareback for moi
got a belly laugh from this one tbh
Edit: I misunderstood your post.You know, MHK, his supporters and detractors, all of you could have avoided this drama if you just showed some restraint. Maybe post once but then leave it at that. Use the report button to get everyone back on topic or simply ignore the user. No need for the ad hominems either. Just treat others how you would want to be treated, no matter how heated it gets.
Some of you really need to learn to grow the fuck up. I have seen more maturity and self-awareness from literal children. I normally try to stay out of the drama and just want to see everyone get along. However, that changes when the people I care about on here are getting it. Say whatever the fuck you want about me, I don't give a shit, but what I DO give a shit about is seeing people REFUSING to let shit go and attacking my friends. Go ahead and call me biased -- because you're not wrong. However, unlike some of you, I know my faults.
This is a fucking video game forum, and while I know not everyone will get along, this trivial, pseudo-intellectual "hurrrr muh galaxy brain" shit is fucking ridiculous. Stop thinking you're better than everyone because guess what, sweety? You're not. Step the fuck down and know your place. Quit the mini-modding and trying to get people banned because they hurt your fragile, little ego.
And the best part of all of this is that someone is going to claim that I'm too afraid to say who I'm talking about. But guess what, retard, if it feels like I'm talking about you, then I am. It's not fucking rocket science. If you feel called out in this post, then, wow, you just admitted you're a shitty person! Congratulations. What the fuck do you want, a prize?
Read it again.For some reason I read this entire thread but still have no idea what’s going on, all I know is people disagree get over it.
No thanks once is enough, I get they don’t see eye to eye but whatever I really don’t care either way.Read it again.
We're all friends here. Let's not slide past ribbing into full hostilities.
Melon What games do you like?
So uhhh, is this a good time to ask about Hunger Game’s Season 3, or did I sleep through it?
Jesus where the hell have you been?lol nerds
Jesus where the hell have you been?
Yea but the real question is where have you been?I’ve the same question for you, sir.
I’ve been slowly going crazy at work. Getting little to no sleep.I’ve the same question for you, sir.
I’ve been slowly going crazy at work. Getting little to no sleep.
14-16 hour days here. 7 days a week. The OT is nice though.I feeeeeeeeeeeel you dude. I'm trying to get out rn. 11 work days 3/5 days a week and shit.
Jesus where the hell have you been?
Doing God's work son.Busy doing what no one else will: your wife.
Your GAF Star Power has decreased exponentially, sorry to say.Busy doing what no one else will: your wife.
ok boomerYour GAF Star Power has decreased exponentially, sorry to say.
You andCunth are mere relics now that would topple into rubble if a boomerang were to hit them.
why should I care
Because you should.ok
why should I care
For good reason.No one wants to fight you m8
Because you should.
GAF isn't the same without you, to be honest. You abandoned me and what? expect your projection to be happy with it!?
......come, join me in this dream world of shitposting and stop living the lie that you are happily married Australian. Join me,Papa , so we could grow old together!
Mortal Kombat