How? Please teach me.
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How? Please teach me.
You just copy the link and use the insert image button. Just make sure the link is for the actual image only.How? Please teach me.
Guys I want to hear about your opinions on this matter. Blue or green, Just state your opinion.
1: If this deal is approved, how would that help MS? what would the benenfit be for gamers? Is the deal going to have a positive/negative effect? How would MS react to this deal?
2: If this deal fails, how would MS react to this deal? Would there be a more invesment on Xbox and Mobile front? Would they focus heavily on their 1st party output?
Doesnt matter if you are right or wrong.
While I don't know about it being unsustainable, we should not pretend that the traditional physical media and normal retail approach isn't getting antiquated on consoles. The quality argument is largely strawman because there has been absolutely no evidence that subscription services degrade game quality. There is nothing wrong with having multiple ways of getting access to brand new games and Sony's resistance to that is quite interesting. They used to lead in that area.Ah yes, the "traditional model" to make high quality games is unsustainable. After nearly 3 decades of creating high quality games that's what is unsustainable.
CringeThis deal is boring. They need to buy Japanese publishers and smite all the clown weeaboos.
how much money do we think M$ is going to give her under the table
Let me guess, it's coming to OSX is the next announcement?
Oh no doubt. It's funny they're trying this hard to sway like 10 people to say yes.That wouldn't be insignificant.
Smart. Since MS has agreed to put COD on both Nintendo and Steam it raises questions from the regulators why Sony won’t take the same offer with all of the fuss they’re putting up over COD.Ice cold.
Guys I want to hear about your opinions on this matter. Blue or green, Just state your opinion.
1: If this deal is approved, how would that help MS? what would the benenfit be for gamers? Is the deal going to have a positive/negative effect? How would MS react to this deal?
2: If this deal fails, how would MS react to this deal? Would there be a more invesment on Xbox and Mobile front? Would they focus heavily on their 1st party output?
Doesnt matter if you are right or wrong.
Smart. Since MS has agreed to put COD on both Nintendo and Steam it raises questions from the regulators why Sony won’t take the same offer with all of the fuss they’re putting up over COD.
I'm curious to see how this is going to play out with the regulators. Brad's comments seem a bit aggressive. First of all they don't own the company. Forcing Sony into a deal seems like exactly the kind of behavior these regulators are concerned about. Once again I would love to know what they were told to make them go this ballistic over the past week.
Err.....wasgothmog "some folks"?
Topher come on you don't expect me to go back dozens of pages to find each of those quotes, but we all know there were multiple members asking that to be done.
It's actually a fucking brilliant move by MS at this point. The way this now reads is that apparently MS has been trying to negotiate with Sony and it seems like Sony hasn't been forthcoming even with the 10 year offer.Smart. Since MS has agreed to put COD on both Nintendo and Steam it raises questions from the regulators why Sony won’t take the same offer with all of the fuss they’re putting up over COD.
So now MS is calling their bluff by committing the same deal with Nintendo/Steam.
Wow yeah im calling it this deal isn't going through. I'm dying to hear your take on thisSenjutsuSage but please keep it concise.
Yeah, we'll see. I was surprised by how strongly she was willing to strike down Microsoft's philosophy on innovation they promoted just days ago via WSJ article when asked about the agency's potential adverse impacts on innovation. There was no diplomacy or beating around the bush in her answer and I wasn't expecting that in a public setting.
You're not wrong, but that does not change the aggressive nature of this particular tactic. I'm more curious how it will play out with the regulators.Wasn't too long ago some folks in this topic were demanding MS to put ink on paper and guarantee CoD's continued existence on Sony platforms.
Now that is being viewed as an aggressive behavior and "forced" deals.
Whelp .....
You're not wrong, but that does not change the aggressive nature of this particular tactic. I'm more curious how it will play out with the regulators.
Wasn't too long ago some folks in this topic were demanding MS to put ink on paper and guarantee CoD's continued existence on Sony platforms.
Now that is being viewed as an aggressive behavior and "forced" deals.
Whelp .....
My on paper stance was a perpetual license and not 10 years. Some kind of ports program that MS would promise to whoever wanted in as long as both sides played by some simple rules. As you go through the thought experiment on this type of agreement, though, you realize why regulatory bodies typically do not like these types of deals. They're hard to enforce and if someone breaks it there's no swift justice as it would get tied up for years in court.Err.....wasgothmog "some folks"?
It's actually a fucking brilliant move by MS at this point. The way this now reads is that apparently MS has been trying to negotiate with Sony and it seems like Sony hasn't been forthcoming even with the 10 year offer.
So now MS is calling their bluff by committing the same deal with Nintendo/Steam.
No doubt. You have no idea how much time and energy some of these companies put into making sure the deck is stacked in their favor.Announcing this on the eve of their meeting with Lina and FTC is not a coincidence.