Microsoft are going to announce The Acquisition of SEGA next Wednesday (Believe!)


Junior Member
Japan will never let a large Japanese company be bought out by foreigners, it's not happening.
You must think the world economy works on XIX century nationalistic ideals. It’s not like Sega is a strategic asset. What would Japan, revoke free market laws? Transform itself on an international pariah, like Cuba or North Corea. Please Sonygaf, at this point it starting to sound desperate.


The nicest person on this forum
You must think the world economy works on XIX century nationalistic ideals. It’s not like Sega is a strategic asset. What would Japan, revoke free market laws? Transform itself on an international pariah, like Cuba or North Corea. Please Sonygaf, at this point it starting to sound desperate.
I don't know about all of that but Saga's main customers are in Japan, and Xbox has barely market over there, I mean what makes you think games like Sakura Wars would sell on Xbox?


How would Sega help MS in Japan when Sega couldn't help Sega in Japan? Lest we forget, Sega got mollywhopped 2 straight generations in a row, in every region, then decided to quit instead of taking another beating. This was when they were still using their IPs, and creating cool new ones like Panzer. Current Sega is a hollow shell of its former self, and buried their popular arcade IPs somewhere in the Sahara. Nostalgia can't rewrite that unfortunate history.
watch xbox tweet for tomorrow TGS
Do you have shares in Microsoft? What's with the attitude?
Nobody thought MS would spend $7.5b on Zenimax, yet so many people are so quick to say this isn't happening with 100% certainty lol. I'm not saying it is happening, but boy oh boy some of you are just setting yourself up to eat a lot more crow.

Nothings certain any more.
They've set a precedent and they have the money to buy any and all of the biggest publishers and IP short of the likes of EA.


SBI’s Employee of the Year
Xbox TGS show !

Summary :
No games !
No gameplay !
No announcement !
No acquisition announcement !
No next-gen !
No consoles !
Nobody !

WTF are these tweets...

Due to hardcore fanboys expecting MS to buy the industry know (just look at some comments on their Twitter page, some people are going mental down there), expectations has to be set straight before the actual showcase or it'll be deemed "a big disappointment".

After the last Sony showcase several people deemed that one a disappointment because they didn't get the promised Silent Hill game.
A game Sony never even teased, but some "insiders" claimed would show up.


Xbox TGS show !

Summary :
No games !
No gameplay !
No announcement !
No acquisition announcement !
No next-gen !
No consoles !
Nobody !

WTF are these tweets...

I really don't understand the reasoning behind no next gen news? Like what? We're just weeks from release, this is exactly the time to show more next gen news. It's the most important time. Like what the actual hell are they smoking?

2020 PR is some weird shit.


You must think the world economy works on XIX century nationalistic ideals. It’s not like Sega is a strategic asset. What would Japan, revoke free market laws? Transform itself on an international pariah, like Cuba or North Corea. Please Sonygaf, at this point it starting to sound desperate.
You know that there is a difference in mentality between nations? And Asian nations tends to be "proud" of itself (a bit xenophobic) on a larger scale.
For Sega to be bought MS have to persuade 2/3 of it's shareholder, many of them are japan companies and individuals (Sega has rather scattered shareholding), and many are not friendly with outsiders.

Alright, I get it - there is supposed to be some kind of law, that forbids it to sell Japanese companies abroad. But what's the definition of "Japanese company"? 51% stock holdings?
You can buy, but there are a lot of obstacles, both regulatory and mentality-wise. It's especially hard for public companies.
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Kev Kev


not at this show, you say?


TGS Live stream it's about to start in 15 minutes.
Day 1 (September 24, 2020)
21:00 -Xbox Tokyo Game Show Showcase 2020
22:00 – Square Enix
23:00 – Lightning Games – Hardcore Mecha, Haak, and Anno Mutationem.
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That was the original plan for Xbox. But MS killed it since they refused online for SEGA sport games aka the best sport games at that time, by far.
Wow, I never knew that. Man, what could've been. And yeah, even though I am not really into sports games myself, I've been hearing that Sega really knocked it out of the park with their titles, so much so that EA basically fucked Sega over by not releasing their core sports titles on the Dreamcast, if I remember correctly.
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