boys dont lose hope still 7 days left until Wednesday in my city
Its the new carnival of stupid. Come, sit down, watch and have fun with us. Its only 6 more days until the announcement though so you are quite late.Is there any evidence that this will happen? There’s nothing meaningful in the OP. Why is the thread 40 pages?
Is there any evidence that this will happen? There’s nothing meaningful in the OP. Why is the thread 40 pages?
The thread has no purpose anymore. It was funny at first. Now it’s just plain stupid.
And Nintendo while you're at it.Of course. When Craig was meme'd to death, Uncle Phil sprung into action, whipped out his checkbook and bought ZeniMax. Now that some hands on impressions have shown the exhaust port to the console blows out hot air (crazy!), the preview UI is only 1080p and the exclusive launch lineup consists of no new games it's time for Uncle Phil to Spring into action once again. Expect SEGA (1080P) to be the first domino to fall followed by Take 2 (launch lineup) and Acclaim (hot air).
Will this be bumped every Tuesday now?
..hope so ^^
This thread just proves to us that anyone can create a thread and come up with the most BS rumors ever.
Will this be bumped every Tuesday now?
..hope so ^^
YesSo is it happening this Wednesday or next Wednesday ?
Is there any evidence that this will happen? There’s nothing meaningful in the OP. Why is the thread 40 pages?
Could this be another hint? They want you to play their games on PS4 with an Xbox style controller, possibly to get Playstation owners used to the offset stick placement?
Notice that in the "how it's going" side, everything is GREEN?
Those of you with a keen eye might remember Blinx: The Time Sweeper. He has GREEN eyes!
Blinx was a Microsoft mascot character named after Bill Gates' cat. Microsoft uses this color for a lot of their media in honor of this fact, despite the cat not actually having green eyes. Sega may simply be adjusting people to more green being in Sega games since Microsoft will make all Sega's mascots green just like they did with Master Chief after they bought Bungie from Apple.
I'm betting the thread is 40 pages mostly because people really feel the need to post here about how much they hate this thread and choose to show their hate by bumping the thread back up to the front page so more people will see it and contribute to it's success.
Good idea about consolidating the proof though fellow believer! Some of these dweebs apparently need everything spoon-fed to them. Here are all the hints that I've seen so far, I'm sure there will be more to come.The Chairman should update the OP with all of these blatant and obvious hints.
The thread has no purpose anymore. It was funny at first. Now it’s just plain stupid.
The thread has no purpose anymore. It was funny at first. Now it’s just plain stupid.
Yeah, it's obviously Sega that's holding up the works here.Sega sucks.
.The Chairman should update the OP with all of these blatant and obvious hints.
It's worse than Craig.
This has to be the most pathetic thread on this site. Talk about wishful thinking.
Next is the "Next-Gen PS5 & XSX" thread, which has de-evolved into discussions about meat and football celebrities. I'm not making that up.
This has to be the most pathetic thread on this site. Talk about wishful thinking.
Next is the "Next-Gen PS5 & XSX" thread, which has de-evolved into discussions about meat and football celebrities. I'm not making that up.
it is an open secret at this pointThis has to be the most pathetic thread on this site. Talk about wishful thinking.
which wednesday is this going to happen? every wednesday I come to this thread to check if the announcement is done
Genius. Send it to the meme thread!
did i miss the megaton
Is this actually a thing?
Why do I keep seeing this thread on the main page?