Sony in gaming as of 2020 is like Apple in smartphones. Unassailable, supreme. It will take something unforeseen to knock them off that perch. It's not up to XBox, they do not have their fate in their own hands.
Incorrect.Here's how the development pipeline will most likely work. Native development of 1st party titles targets XSX as the baseline, with pretty much every aspect of the game engine (not just graphics, but other things like AI, game logic, physics models etc). scalable towards the lower-performing XBO and X platforms. There is no reality where they will develop on XBO as the base and simply scale up to XSX, or hold back game design on XSX to accommodate downscaling to the other platforms.
There are other aspects to their strategy not even known at the time. For example, have they reconsidered the native downports to XBO and X? Will the downports be handled in-house or contracted to outside studios (like what they did for Forza Horizon 2)? Will there be a timed delay between the XSX and other versions? We can extend this to other devices too: will MS stagger Xcloud streaming support between Xbox ecosystem, PC and approved third-party devices that can support the streaming? Will native ports to PC be day-and-date for all titles or just select ones? Etc. etc.
These are all valid questions to ask because some of the comments originally made in this matter are very old and plans might've changed. For instance, they recently just rescinded on the idea of future ports to the Nintendo Switch. So it's possible they might be reconsidering certain ways they implement cross-gen support and day-and-date ports with PC even at this current time. Until definitive statements are out on that regard we shouldn't talk about a lot of this stuff as if it's set in stone; policy strategies are quite easier to change than physical hardware specs or game code.
This oversimplifies the approach on both sides, however, which is why you're not going to get a situation where everyone agrees on it.
Cross-en for example. We already know PS5 will have a big cross-gen focus at least for the first year. Outriders and TLOU2 are two examples (the latter a very big one, because it's practically a given TLOU2 will have a PS5 version). We might also get PS5 versions of Ghosts of Tsushima as well, maybe even ports (or PS5 patched version updates) for SpiderMan too.
Games like Beyond Good and Evil and Star Citizen are going to be just as capable on XSX's SSD and I/O system as well, so it's really odd to use those as examples the way you did. You will see things that PS5's overall better SSD setup allow for in terms of visuals and game-design, same way how we will see things that XSX's overall better GPU setup allows for in terms of visuals and game-design (GPGPU programming).
Both systems are deviating from "more of the same", they just have some different visions in doing so. If XSX were doing literally the same thing as whatever else is on the market, they would not be customizing their silicon, and could literally just buy up PC parts from other manufacturers, stick them in a box and drop Windows 10 in there, call it a day. But they aren't. Neither is Sony, but let's not act as if they aren't taking any cues from the PC side of things as well, as they are. Both are using PC architecture technology at the root of their designs when you get down to it, but they're spinning some custom approaches on top related to their specific needs.
Replying to this would ban me so just continue the path you are on and see where it leadsJust because you disagree with somone it does not mean they inciting console wars, grow up dude.
At launch the only thing that really matters is:
1. The price
2. The power of the console
Games do not matter that much at launch! Just look at the launch lineup of the PS4:
PS4 exclusive launch games from Sony back then:
Sony Computer Entertainment Titles:
Killzone Shadow Fall: 73% at Metacritic
Knack: 54% at Metacritic
at launch.
Later on, so not even at launch, we had more exclusive games like:
Driveclub 71% at Metacritic
The Order: 1886: 63% at Metacritic
So, it will take years until we see all those games you are talking about! I don't think we will see horizon 2 or god of war at launch! At least, Sony did not announce anything like that for the launch
And yes games are very important in the long run, but not at the start of the generation! And well, what did sony show though?
So far:
Quantum Error
Do these games convince people to get a PS5 at launch? Will people buy a PS5 for these games? Can you compare those games to The Last of Us Part II? I doubt it.
I hope that Sony will announce more games for launch, there is still plenty of time, but well, the last console launch didn't really have acclaimed games.
Xbox on the contrary has Halo Infinite confirmed for console launch, this games has been in development since 2015, so, I think this will convince at least a few people to get a new xbox. And MS bought a lot of new studios, who are working on new games, and I hope MS will also unveil more games around June.
They already have the power narative since 2017 with the one x and that didnt do anything for them. When will they realise when it comes to the two options, people rather have great exclusive games than power.
Replying to this would ban me so just continue the path you are on and see where it leads
I have no idea what you just posted hur also to prive my point what other times in console generations did the most powerful hardware come on top and win the generation. Im pretty sure every gen the weaker console won due to better games etc, if not every gen prob 9 out of 10 the weaker console won. The whole "xbox has the power narrative" has been a gimmick since they revealed their console, they dont have games to back it up.Where was at the time of the launch of PS4, Xbox One?
No games. Consoles man consoles haha.Ok, I suggest you dont make things personal, we just discussing video games![]()
Its crazy the only narrative they jump to is the one that no longer applies. We're still seeing the only, "Halo, Gears and Forza" meme. That's wild and hilarious!
Can you imagine if one of the games that game out on the new Xbox was an EDF game especially made for it?
My brain would melt. MELT.
All new ips and new first party games like spiderman 2 will be ps5 only.
No cross gen.
Games you mentioned are existing games before ps5 launches
What about Forza?Have no interest in Halo nor in Gears of War.
This is the longest gen we ever had.I mentioned Spiderman as in the first SpiderMan game; they could very well do an upport of that for PS5. Still counts as a cross-gen effort. The only XSX game we know that will have a downport is Halo:Infinite, and whatever else is releasing in the first year (the 2-year period covers from Holiday 2019 to Holiday 2021, and this is assuming the decision is still being held to internally).
We likely won't even be getting games like SpideMan 2 until 2022, to maximize the timing to tie in with the next feature film, also set for 2022 release. As for other Sony 1st-party in the first year I'm honestly not expecting too much, they will likely rely on timed exclusivity deals with 3rd-parties instead while the 1st-party PS5 titles are being worked on.
Assuming MS sticks with the aforementioned policy, by Holiday 2021 they'll be done with the cross-gen support, which doesn't time out unusually given we saw cross-gen support for both PS4 and XBO in their first year and then some, especially by 3rd parties.
This is the longest gen we ever had.
If we have to endure another 2 years of this i want nothing to do with next gen till its matured enough to be called next gen
The irony in this statement is that Series X will have more games available at launch than PS5. Their backward compatibility program is second to none. And not just backwards compatible. But enhanced. With auto HDR, improved frame rates and resolutions.
And that's not mentioning all the unannounced games their first party studios are working on. This "no games" narrative is nothing but bullshit you've conjured and honestly couldn't be further from the truth.
How are they multiplatform across this gen of consoles? We havent seen any new ones on the current Xbox one?Well considering EDF games are now multiplatform, it would be hard pressed seeing them making an exclusive title for the XSX.
How are they multiplatform across this gen of consoles? We havent seen any new ones on the current Xbox one?
We're talking about a response to a question about the console's power, taken out of a two hour interview.Games you stupid fuck. Having better games is what its about. Your console doesn't mean shit without good games. God damn this is why I won't buy anymore Xbox systems, all they care about is hardware.
For people complaining about MS not having games... Well they do
For people complaining about MS not having games... Well they do
Oh the irony.
When hellblade was on ps4 and pc only xbox owners called it anothrr walking simulator.
But now its a game? Ok.
Nothing against it i loved hellblade just pointing out the double standards
Oh really? Where you heard that or can you show some quotes where people say that?"Oh the irony"
When the game first went to xbox, all of a sudden "it wasn't that good" lol.
Well lucky for you they have tons of other games coming.Have no interest in Halo nor in Gears of War.
How many games have they showed already. More games then any other console manufacturer thus far.It's time to show the games, Microsoft. We know you have built an incredible piece of hardware so now it's time to show off the goods and enforce your talk with some solid walk. Otherwise it's just empty PR.
That's the problem, it shows desperation when all the Sony people are freaking over a controller. A controller? A clear cloned controller at that.Ms is not worried yet they keep having to reassure the public every 2 days.
And all the thunder was stolen by a ps controller
I think it shows appreciation for what PS has done in gaming. I'm so hyped for the PS5That's the problem, it shows desperation when all the Sony people are freaking over a controller. A controller? A clear cloned controller at that.
That's the problem, it shows desperation when all the Sony people are freaking over a controller. A controller? A clear cloned controller at that.
Oh really? Where you heard that or can you show some quotes where people say that?
To me it was a good game before xbox fans shit on it and after it was released on xbox.
So i am not one of them but please show me something
Majority(instead of some one of cases like Oblivion it happened most of the time) of the third party titles looked better on Xbox 360 and this is not same Xbox One - PS4, this is way more. No matter how much you revision facts this wont change. If PS5 games magically looked better than XSX, no one cares how powerful XSX is.
Since, Last of Us came out at the end of last gen and was believed to showcase 'Power of Cell', then why not this ?
Well i cant confirm or deny but xbox fans saying bad things about the game and calling it another sony walking simulator is sadly factual. Hell they call god of war a walking simulator.I just joined the forum in dec. Been reading way before and it was definitely the sentiment here from plenty of the "blue guys".
I got it day one on Ps4. Saw the praise on its launch here but once announced for xbox, that changed for a lot of people. Pretty sad
Do you know what sounds desperate?
This xbox-fanboys defensive attitude that when anything about PS5 is mentioned, someone(s) HAVE TO start the mantra of "12 tflops > 10, SSD means nothing, damage control, desperatiooooon LOL LOL"
Nobody (most likely) claims that PS5 will have more tflops (than xsex), or "13tflops lol", if people mention that tech / custom stuff inside PS5 could have potential to do this and that, it have literally nothing to do with xbox, why is it so difficult to understand? Cant see trough your own agenda of "lol we won" or what is it?
Lets speculate that xsex would be 2x weaker than it is now, would it change the talk about PS5 ssd/other stuff and what it can mean to games vs. PS5 without this tech?
Or xsex would be 2x more powerful than it is?
No it would not, unbelievable how hard headed some people can be, world doesn't spin around xbox, yet way too many think that it is because you and many others just cant see PS5 as PS5, you see it as "PS5 versus xsex fight till death"
It sounds like some kind of religion when people just cant fucking snap out of their brain dead algorithm of "PS5+SSD -> must compare it to xboooox, xbooox gooooood"
Like, can you comprehend the idea of talking about device and it's specs without having an agenda or having to compare it to other devices? looks like you cant.
It's sad to read this fud week after week, where xbots read everything as "they are trying to say that ps5 is stronger than xsex in tflops, must defend!", while I have yet read any messages about someone claiming this.
it is really simple:
tflops: xsex > ps5
cpu: xsex > ps5
ssd: ps5 > xsex
audio: ps5 > xsex
So why talking about ps5 specs makes you so angry and defensive?
And if/when it is a fact that one SSD+I/O is faster than another, then it is completely understandable that it could affect things.
Because there is this thing called "speculation", it means that we take the impartial info we have at the moment, and think what it could mean in the future, when we have all the info and tests out. And no, it doesnt mean that people are comparing ps5 to xsex from other than ssd stand point or just speculate what PS5 can offer for devs(without caring about xsex)
People just want to compare PS5 with and without customization (to PS5).
To the thread, yeah CEOs rarely say that "our competitor have the better console", but as we know consoles wont sell consoles, games do.
Otherwise switch would sell nothing if specs would matter so much to the general audience.
In the end one brand is highly popular on global market and one isnt, few tflops or faster ssd probably wont affect that much, table is kind of set already since last 4 gens and if the underdog wants to "win" then they must have much more than just the better console
Ms is not worried yet they keep having to reassure the public every 2 days.
And all the thunder was stolen by a ps controller
And God forbid what would happen if literally ANY PS5 exclusive within the first 6 months looks better than Halo Infinite. GAF and the whole entire internet will explode!
There was so much more interesting stuff in there than this, but of course this will get the most attention naturally.
Can you imagine if one of the games that game out on the new Xbox was an EDF game especially made for it?
My brain would melt. MELT.