Selfishly plays on Xbox Purr-ies X
A game that if it wasnt on GP would be DOA on console. It has and will always be a PC title but congrats i guess to doing another one, i guess.
Shoo troll, go spread your negativity somewhere else.
A game that if it wasnt on GP would be DOA on console. It has and will always be a PC title but congrats i guess to doing another one, i guess.
A game that if it wasnt on GP would be DOA on console. It has and will always be a PC title but congrats i guess to doing another one, i guess.
Wow thats pretty crazy how the geomatry matches. I mean you would expect it to look the same from above as it uses sateltie data, but the fact that the 3d geomatry is correct, looking from the side, is very impressive.Real life vs MSFS2020
Boy BOY BOY...Next gen on "consoles" started awhile ago but namely tlou2 and games like Ghost of T. Flight is good for what it is and being this good on a mid to high speced pc but then again a good amount of games look good with good rigs. It is doing cool things considering the scope of it and it being a simulator and diff from what most games do with having to worry about npcs, enemies, boss battles, etc.
Look SonyGaf people, you had your fun with the Craig memes, but you really need to cool it with this one. If you are so blinded by fanboyism that you can't admire a genuinely next-gen title on a rival platform, then maybe a period of silence would be for the best. Anything else just comes across as really salty
The Earth surface is incredibly badly looking in small details. Like Google Earth quality.
Dunno what next-gen it is.
Not to mention that it's all flat (heightmap) and they use various tricks to make it look like it really has some real geometry.
I was amused when cars warped over bridges, for example.
I would agree that its niche... But in some ways you could say the same thing about any simulator. I played it a bit yesterday and the technology is definitely cool. My parents live outside of a small town in Utah and not only did they have the airfield but we flew over their house and were able to recognize it. That's pretty cool.I love my Xbox and I'm playing Nier Automata on Gamepass right now but isn't it premature to use this as a trophy when the game is coming out next-gen on Xbox? It looks next-gen because it is. The PC is not a rival platform of PS4 usually.
I have gamepass on PC too and I'm not even going to download it. It's a very niche product but I'm glad MS has finally some good press after the last few weeks.
You OK sensitive keyboard gangsta? Going to catch an aneurism, relax. I said what I said. We started seeing next Gen type things few months ago with those games I mentioned. Tlou 2 animations are above and beyond most things this gen.
Some of you guys kill me. Now I'm scared to post![]()
Do you understand how heightmaps work?
It's a pretty usual layered terrain.
Tech from 2010.
To be real geometry it needs to have things that are one under another and being able to fly/go there.
I don't diss the game it looks very nice. But saying "this is nextgen" is pretty naive...
The first time I played with weather / time of day in this game I was like:
That's fine if you subjectively think those games look good enough to be next gen, but they technically still are not. You might have a case once their enhanced versions are playable on PS5.Next gen on "consoles" started awhile ago but namely tlou2 and games like Ghost of T.
Dynamic lighting from day to night while maintaining quality is very impressive. Dynamic time of day is one of the potential reasons why Halo Infinite had to make some compromises in its graphics.LOOK DAN, THE DAY CHANGES TO NIGHT!
Its geometry isn't correct (the town is randomly, procedurally, generated with buildings that do not match the original) but it does use elevation data.Wow thats pretty crazy how the geomatry matches. I mean you would expect it to look the same from above as it uses sateltie data, but the fact that the 3d geomatry is correct, looking from the side, is very impressive.
The first flight sim I played. Wowwww.
Actually its an AI algorithm that uses the satelite data to create the buildings. And judging from my home city, it does it very well. Its not perfect obviously, but the fact its using satelite images means at least the buildings are in the right place.Its geometry isn't correct (the town is randomly, procedurally, generated with buildings that do not match the original) but it does use elevation data.
The game world will include over 2 million cities and towns, 1.5 billion buildings, 2 trillion trees, and 37,000 real-world Airports
I spotted a terroristVisually its pretty impressive at times. However, as a next gen game....nah. I'm more interested in what developers can do with simulating open worlds like Red Dead Redemption 2, Skyrim, Fallout, etc....
This game doesn't even have a collision model. The screen just goes black if you crash.
The screen just goes black if you crash.
Oh come on now, its pretty obvious why that is, especially in this current world.Visually its pretty impressive at times. However, as a next gen game....nah. I'm more interested in what developers can do with simulating open worlds like Red Dead Redemption 2, Skyrim, Fallout, etc....
This game doesn't even have a collision/damage model. The screen just goes black if you crash.
so I am sure that there are some things that doesn’t look great yet, but the scale of this game combined with quality, this is what makes it a truly next gen title
20 hours and counting.Dont understand how people are saying this game doesn't look great.
Also don't understand people saying its GotY. Visuals alone aren't enough.
Really want to know how many people here have played for more than a couple of hours?
Oh come on now, its pretty obvious why that is, especially in this current world.
I know how height maps work. The sim is tessellating. Doesn't matter if it's height maps. It has to be in order to determine terrain elevation.
Tech from 2010 and yet, no other game can scope it with that much information. Hell, graphics cards are good at rendering triangles. Why do we still see polygonal edges on games that are a fraction of the scope of FS2020?
Some of the geometry isn't real and thats' ok.
There isn't a single next-gen console that will ever push this sim to PC MAX settings. So yea, it's beyond next-gen tbh. There won't be another game of this scope looking like that.
Don't forget that lighting and shading buddy. And don't forget that brute force wins over tricks.
Actually its an AI algorithm that uses the satelite data to create the buildings. And judging from my home city, it does it very well. Its not perfect obviously, but the fact its using satelite images means at least the buildings are in the right place.
And according to the devs, it will get more accurate as time goes by.
Bad weather in New York. Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 takes it to another level.
Seriously what would you rather be playing? And yes, its 9 YRS old.