Instant meme
This guy is gonna be a pain in the ass for MS the next weeks.
Instant meme
This guy is gonna be a pain in the ass for MS the next weeks.
And what about years from now when you want to go back to play your old games? What's to say Microsoft keeps these servers up?
The original Xbox is fully offline now.
Every single game you buy on the next Xbox you are only renting until Microsoft sees fit to kill the the server.
It's amazing how many stories come out of Twitter conversations these days.
So, is this thread a preview of the shitstorm that will happen when MS announce always online officially?
It has nothing to do with loyalty. This is how I have been using the technology for the past generation. The absolute only thing I ever do on my Xbox when not signed into Xbox Live is watch DVDs. The device is a fucking brick without Xbox Live as far as I'm concerned. That isn't Microsoft who says that. That's how I feel about it.
An Xbox 360 without Xbox Live Gold is a steaming pile of shit. Why would I ever use my Xbox when the Internet is down. Everything I do on an Xbox including saving and syncing my consoles together requires being online. That's Xbox 360 I'm talking about, not Durango.
That's fine if you disagree, but that's how I've been living for 7 years now. I would never play my Xbox 360 offline so this decision would have nothing but positive benefits for me. It means no longer building games like it is 2004 anymore, it means building single player games that involve sharing and communicating and competing with other people.
This was good for MS, now they know the kind of backslash they'd get and won't implement this (hopefully).
But well, Neogaf & some other forums aren't the whole world, so maybe they just won't care...
This was good for MS, now they know the kind of backslash they'd get and won't implement this (hopefully).
But well, Neogaf & some other forums aren't the whole world, so maybe they just won't care...
This was good for MS, now they know the kind of backslash they'd get and won't implement this (hopefully).
But well, Neogaf & some other forums aren't the whole world, so maybe they just won't care...
Pretty simple you can make a lot more money off of consumers who are connected to the Internet. Most mobile games developers depend on there being an Internet connection.
People are not going to stop buying games if they require online. Bungie's Destiny is not doomed because of online nor are any of Blizzards games.
Sure it's a barrier to entry to some people, but it's also an incentive to a lot of people to finally connect their console for the first time. The question is whether you build the console and it's games around the lowest common denominator or not. I was heavily against Microsoft's decision to make the HDD optional in Xbox 360. I don't think you empower game developers to make the most of the system by making features of the console optional. This is why I'm also a big fan of the mandatory Kinect thing too. If you make it optional then they can't design their games around it.
Who has modded a gaming system to play pirated games or downloaded a PC game that you didn't pay for has no dog in this fight...
Wouldn't be his first.Sony dudes got some digs, goddammmmnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
This was good for MS, now they know the kind of backslash they'd get and won't implement this (hopefully).
But well, Neogaf & some other forums aren't the whole world, so maybe they just won't care...
Who has modded a gaming system to play pirated games or downloaded a PC game that you didn't pay for has no dog in this fight...
It's amazing how many stories come out of Twitter conversations these days.
Xbox is trending on Twitter in the US. I can only assume it's about this.
Who has modded a gaming system to play pirated games or downloaded a PC game that you didn't pay for has no dog in this fight...
Sony dudes got some digs, goddammmmnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
Pretty simple you can make a lot more money off of consumers who are connected to the Internet. Most mobile games developers depend on there being an Internet connection.
People are not going to stop buying games if they require online. Bungie's Destiny is not doomed because of online nor are any of Blizzards games.
Sure it's a barrier to entry to some people, but it's also an incentive to a lot of people to finally connect their console for the first time. The question is whether you build the console and it's games around the lowest common denominator or not. I was heavily against Microsoft's decision to make the HDD optional in Xbox 360. I don't think you empower game developers to make the most of the system by making features of the console optional. This is why I'm also a big fan of the mandatory Kinect thing too. If you make it optional then they can't design their games around it.
I don't follow your logic at all.
If you spend any money on games then you have a dog in this fight. Microsoft will only change its policies if the money talks.Who has modded a gaming system to play pirated games or downloaded a PC game that you didn't pay for has no dog in this fight...
At least, they can count on uber-connected markets like Japan
This meme a rollin'
This was good for MS, now they know the kind of backslash they'd get and won't implement this (hopefully).
But well, Neogaf & some other forums aren't the whole world, so maybe they just won't care...
Like MS gives a single fuck about the FGC. lolpeople who run fighting game tournaments are definitely not gonna touch this shit. good luck with that one.
No one will care. Everyone keeps their devices always connected anyway.