Francis is a character.Is that Francis rant for real? I have seen another video of him losing it while being called fat online, but he can't be serious can he?
Francis is a character.Is that Francis rant for real? I have seen another video of him losing it while being called fat online, but he can't be serious can he?
Yeah, I mean it in general, not just regarding GAF. It's a shame how every stupid little thing these days can get blown way out of proportion and the internet and its communities seem to act as sort of a catalyst (because those tweets alone probably never would've made it to The Huffington Post). There's a lust for mobbing, for witch hunts, for satisfying these very basic, disgusting desires we all have.
I've said and done stupid stuff I regret and I don't want to imagine what it would be like to ever get the full attention of people dedicated to a cause, because I'm pretty sure I would hate that.
Are those tweets interesting? Absolutely.
Are those tweets indicative of Microsoft's strategy? Maybe.
But stuff like how the guy might've behaved in the past or how he wants to be called in private, how he is supposedly an asshole has nothing to do with videogames, nothing to do with what we'd usually discuss here.
Here's an Adam Orth post on NeoGAF from 2007... under the account name 'sweet billy'.
He's not a Junior. Good for him.
Other developers were keeping hush for a reason.
This thread is 80 pages in less than 12 hours.......
Well... again.... If this thing really is always online, there is no chance in hell I'm buying it.
I think it's endemic of just how crap both the community and the press have gotten that someone going on a twitter rant is 100% for sure conformation of something and leads to massive meltdowns and hundreds of posts saying this is a for sure thing.
"Things Break"
"Gaming's not just for sweaty thirty year olds in Metallica t-shirts"
well add a couple of more to the list.
"why would I live there?" "Deal with it"
You have to understand. We're one month away from E3.
yup, that sums it up pretty good. How anyone wants to defend the practise of these corporations baffles me. My faith or some people in games media is very very low.
The corporate apologists make me truly sick to my heart and soul
You have to understand. We're one month away from E3.
The system has yet to be announced. It's currently surrounded by negative rumors. He picked the wrong time to make those comments which led to the shitstorm we see now.
At his position, he should have known better. Other developers were keeping hush for a reason.
He did something dumb but I don't know if he is a dumb guy or not. The reddit posts that were made that exposed 'Sweet Billy' might indicate that he is but I don't know him.The question here is, can someone really be this dumb?
Revealing a huge negative thing about the next XBox on twitter and then joking and making awful comparisons that don't work? Every gaming site will report this. Either they can now become heroes when they reveal the next XBox and it doesn't need an internet connection or someone can really be this dumb.
Are those tweets interesting? Absolutely.
Are those tweets indicative of Microsoft's strategy? Maybe.
But stuff like how the guy might've behaved in the past or how he wants to be called in private, how he is supposedly an asshole has nothing to do with videogames, nothing to do with what we'd usually discuss here. It's out there in public and whatever statement he makes, it'll always be out there, haunting him, whether true or not.
The easiest way to shut all of this negative press down is to just come out and say it isn't true (online required). What is taking MS so long?
2 months from E3, about a month or a little less to the rumoured ms reveal.
Best part about all of this is that even IF the always online isn't true, the damage is already done.
"Whats your contribution to society?"
The easiest way to shut all of this negative press down is to just come out and say it isn't true (online required). What is taking MS so long?
OH man when dude outed him in that thread, I lost of the funniest things I'm seen in my life.
I think it was "and your contribution to society is?????" bwhahahahahaha
It's a character, look at other video's in his channel
Is that Francis rant for real? I have seen another video of him losing it while being called fat online, but he can't be serious can he?
OH man when dude outed him in that thread, I lost of the funniest things I'm seen in my life.
I think it was "and your contribution to society is?????" bwhahahahahaha
Yeah, Microsoft are lucky that Halo's popularity among their hardcore early adopters is at an all-time hi... oh, wait.Always online, paying to play our purchases online, and anti-used...all of this will be forgiven and forgotten once we see the first trailer of Master Chief running around hitting switches in the former sci-fi series Halo for Durango.
--> They knew each other 13 years ago... people change.
Well, he still wants to be called Sweet Billy :/
What, who said that? I hope it wasn't Gies...
Care to share a link?![]()
So, if I got problem with internet (for example wires was stolen or broken) , I can't play in single player games. Good move. M$, good move.
So, if I got problem with internet (for example wires was stolen or broken) , I can't play in single player games. Good move. M$, good move.