Microsoft's executives take big hits to compensation due to missing targets: Satya (-11%), Brad Smith (-23%) Amy Hood (-24%)




That means the average Microsoft employee brings in $192,000 a year. That’s still more than three times what I make in a year with a Master’s degree. I think they’re all going to be alright.


isnt this mostly related to windows 11? which in itself isnt very surprising given most devices cant update to it still.


Really puts Japan coporarations into perspective for more realistic executive salaries. Must be easy to fire people to make KPO's to get your raises, even when the business is profitbable but not enough for your faceless shareholders.
I don't understand how after a brutal investment of billions and such regrettable results, far from the objectives, some at MS continue to maintain their position, it is absurd.

"Xbox's revenues did not meet the 4.4% growth target, instead only growing by 0.7%."
"Last year, Microsoft aimed for 73% growth in Game Pass subscribers, but the actual result was 28%"

Iced Arcade

Episode 2 Whatever GIF


This year missing of compensation pay has nothing to do with Game Pass growth, since Game Pass was not one of the metrics for compensation. :)

It isn't just gamepass specifically now but does have to do with gamepass growth. It's based on the entire content and services growth now.
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It isn't just gamepass specifically now but does have to do with gamepass growth. It's based on the entire content and services growth now.
in part...

since Xbox Content and Services does not only include Xbox Game Pass subs, but also 30% of every sale on Xbox platform and sales of first-party games.
Which means that it is possibility to not hit growth target while growing Game Pass...
...which is exactly why I corrected OP.


in part...

since Xbox Content and Services does not only include Xbox Game Pass subs, but also 30% of every sale on Xbox platform and sales of first-party games.
Which means that it is possibility to not hit growth target while growing Game Pass...
...which is exactly why I corrected OP.
You didn't really correct the OP if you read what he wrote. What he wrote was correct.

What you wrote on the other hand:

"This year missing of compensation pay has nothing to do with Game Pass growth"

Which isn't really true at all.


Newd Member
Oh no, big black suits received less money. How the earth they gonna ever afford to put bread in their table?


Gold Member
Most likely this has no relationship to GamePass numbers or even Xbox as a whole.

That said, f them. MS made like $80+ billion last year and starting from late last year to now fired like 20K people. Oh no, Satya only got $48 mil a year.


This is really boring info I’m not trying to be a dick but it’s just so unnecessary to post here who gives a shit.


Gold Member
250:1 (even after the decrease) is insane!

Why would a person even need that kind of money.
I have said on here before if people knew what Phil and at the time Ybarra made working for Xbox they would be blown away and the raise Mike got to leave Xbox for Acti is crazy.

Granted not the numbers we see here obviously because they are a little further down the food chain but still



We are sorry you have to work for us, so here's a little something extra to help with the trauma.

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But how will they only live with their tens of millions instead of more tens of millions worth of dollars. WON'T SOMEONE THINK OF THE CEOS!??!??
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