Gold Member
Game Information
Game Title: Minecraft Legends
- PC (Apr 18, 2023)
- Nintendo Switch (Apr 18, 2023)
- Xbox Series X/S (Apr 18, 2023)
- PlayStation 5 (Apr 18, 2023)
- Xbox One (Apr 18, 2023)
- PlayStation 4 (Apr 18, 2023)
Developers: Mojang Studios, Blackbird Interactive
Publisher: Xbox Game Studios
Review Aggregator:
OpenCritic - 72 average - 41% recommended - 23 reviews

Critic Reviews
Atomix - Aldo López - Spanish - 83 / 100
It's worth keeping an eye on, especially for those who are high followers of Pikmin-style titles, which are enjoyable as long as they are played with their respective pause. And as I mentioned, it may even be to the taste of those who are not really interested in the Minecraft that we have known all our lives.
Eurogamer - Caelyn Ellis - No Recommendation
Minecraft's blocky charm is present and correct, but the rest of Minecraft Legends is only as deep as the skins it wants to sell you.
Expansive - Laurie Jones - Liked
Minecraft Legends is a welcome introduction to the world of real-time strategy but equally adds its own distinct spin on things with its iconic style of building and creating. While the game’s campaign is dynamic, robust and generous, and there is a long-term setup for regular content additions, this is a game that lives, breathes, and thrives on multiplayer. Thankfully, with its inclusion in GamePass, brand recognition and synchronization across all formats, community is something it will never have to worry about and will encourage for years to come.
GGRecon - Jake Bannister - 3 / 5
Nothing in Minecraft Legends is entirely unique, and its most memorable aspects are its commitment to the series’ art direction and its PvP matches.
Between the two, there’s a formulaic campaign that feels like a fun social space in co-op but lacking in variety and direction when played solo. It’s Minecraft, but not as you know it - for better and worse.
Gameblog - French - 6 / 10
Minecraft Legends is an excellent entry point into the RTS genre for young players or those who have never touched a strategy game in their life. For the others, , the title is a small disappointment with a cruel lack of strategy.
Gaming Nexus - Eric Hauter - 7 / 10
A mix of RTS, tower defense, and open world epics, Minecraft Legends feels completely unique; a strategic breath of fresh air with interesting mechanics and an amazingly fun gameplay loop. But the absolutely stellar game design in Minecraft Legends is ultimately undone by bugs and AI/pathfinding issues. There is an amazing game at the core of Minecraft Legends, addictive and compelling. I'm frankly obsessed over it. But that makes it all the more disappointing that the technical implementation of the game can't support it's lofty ambitions.
GamingBolt - Ravi Sinha - 8 / 10
Minecraft Legends isn't going to rewrite the book on action strategy games. However, it offers compelling gameplay backed by mechanics from the main game that rewards exploration and ingenuity, on top of having an easy control set-up.
God is a Geek - Chris White - 9 / 10
Minecraft Legends is a surprisingly deep strategy title that embodies what people love about the franchise, adding much more along the way.
Inverse - Jess Reyes - 7 / 10
Minecraft Legends looks like a role-playing game on the surface, but it’s more of a strategy game. It doesn’t fall in the same vein as lengthy RPGs, with parties of sword-wielding heroes that you bond with over emotional baggage. Instead, it commands the hero’s attention in real-time to protect villages and destroy piglin bases, something it gives players an impressive array of tools to accomplish. However, it relies on the assumption that the player will feel compelled to continue to the next piglin base or village in crisis based on the sheer enjoyment of the gameplay.
While Minecraft Legends satisfies in terms of progression and exploration, the paper-thin plot and lack of incentives left me wanting more from the experience.
Life is Xbox - 69 / 100
While Minecraft: Legends isn’t a bad game, at all. It didn’t give me that ‘wow’ feeling either. It felt as if Mojang was trying to re-discover that awestruck feeling that you got when you first entered the world of Minecraft, yet… Fell short right before that feeling was achieved. In that regard, maybe the game is really geared towards a multiplayer experience rather than a single player one. So, let that not stop you if you want to give it a go with your pals. I’m sure you’ll have a blast then!
One More Game - Chris Garcia - Buy
Minecraft Legends takes the base formula of Minecraft and employs a uniquely fun and engaging twist that will keep you glued to your TV sets for hours on end. Whether it’s repelling a Piglin attack or taking the fight to one of their bases, the action and strategy required are well thought out and, most importantly, fun to execute.
Whether campaign or PVP, Minecraft Legends offers a fun time that doesn’t go overboard with its action or strategy aspects too much to turn away the other, but instead finds a great balance between the two that results in a fantastic outing.
PC Gamer - Lauren Morton - 50 / 100
An action strategy spinoff that disappoints both genres and misses Minecraft's magic.
PCGamesN - Andrew Farrell - 7 / 10
It isn't complex enough to satiate veteran RTS players and doesn't offer mountains of content, but Minecraft Legends delivers the basic loop of attacking and defending territory and finds the odd inventive way to use its iconic IP.
Press Start - Harry Kalogirou - 8 / 10
Minecraft Legends is the best Minecraft spin-off yet, offering a wholly unique experience, lathered with a lovingly crafted layer of Minecraft infused paint. From a moreish campaign to ridiculously enjoyable versus mode, Minecraft Legends has something for everyone, and I suspect many will love what it has to offer.
Rock, Paper, Shotgun - Unscored
Minecraft Legends is an interesting blend of adventure and RTS that could have been great, but hamstrings itself by limiting the player's freedom and control far beyond what you'd expect from a Minecraft game.
SECTOR.sk - Oto Schultz - Slovak - 7 / 10
Purely block-based Minecraft world returns, but with a truly unexpected, sometimes tiny bit shallow, RTS twist. This tactical adventure is bright, saturated, full of fresh ideas and with its PVP/co-op content, crafted especially for you and your fellow builders. It's time to grab your gaming tools, gather the resources and mount your favourite animal, because this minecart joyride is supposedly only the beginning!
Seasoned Gaming - Eric Bezanson - 8 / 10
Minecraft Legends stays true to Minecraft's core principals while offering a truly unique PvP experience.
Shacknews - Donovan Erskine - 8 / 10
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Spaziogames - Italian - 7.4 / 10
The idea of fusing Minecraft's core mechanics with a strategic gameplay has proven to be a lot of fun in certain moments, but has also shown several gaps in creativity and freedom of approach.
TrueGaming - Arabic - 6.5 / 10
Minecraft Legends feels like the legitimate child of Pikmin and Minecraft, though its neither as good. There are some fun battles but the game falls victim to its frustrations and to its simple and repetitive nature.
Twinfinite - Zhiqing Wan - 3.5 / 5
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WellPlayed - Jordan Garcia - 7 / 10
Though it can be a relatively shallow and imperfect game, Minecraft Legends offers a fun and unique experience that feels befitting of a Minecraft spinoff.
XboxEra - Jon Clarke - 7.5 / 10
Minecraft Legends wasn't a game I was particularly excited about, mostly due to its strategy leanings. However, it's always nice to be surprised, and there's a lot of fun to be had, particularly with friends online. The single player can be as chill as you'd like it to be, but PVP is absolute panic enducing carnage in the best kind of way.
Who knows, perhaps it'll breed a whole host of new strategy fans? Either way, learn the ropes in campaign, but grab a few friends and team up in multiplayer to get the best bang for your buck.