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Modern Warfare 3 campaign can be finished in 3-4 hours, it’s claimed | VGC
The campaign for Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 can be finished in 3 to 4 hours, according to players who’ve been playing the game in early access.

By comparison, according to the website HowLongToBeat, which collates how long it took members of their community to complete games, the campaign in last year’s Modern Warfare 2 took around eight hours to beat.
While some older Call of Duty campaigns clock in at around the 6- to 7-hour mark, Modern Warfare 3’s campaign seems to be one of the shorter campaigns for a mainline COD.
The single-player campaign for Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 can be finished in 3 to 4 hours, according to players who’ve been playing the game in early access.
The campaign was released on Thursday for players who’d pre-ordered the digital edition of the game, giving them access to the single-player portion a week ahead of the full release.
But now, following that release, players have reported that the campaign is clocking in at around 3 to 4 hours in length.
Prominent Call of Duty streamer Marley13 played through the campaign in almost exactly four hours.