Really sad story. She potentially won't be able to get into the career she was working years on to get into, her children may be stuck in a bad neighborhood with questionable choices for school education and she's getting jail time on top of that. Nobody wins.
Most recent update to said story:
An Ohio mother is in jail after being convicted of tampering with records to enroll her children in a better school district.
Kelley Williams-Bolar, 40, of Akron, illegally registered her two daughters at her fathers address in suburban Copley Township to get them into the Copley-Fairlawn school district rather than the urban Akron district, a jury decided.
The Akron City school district met only four of 26 standards on the latest Ohio Department of Education Report Card and had a 76% graduation rate. Copley-Fairlawn City Schools met 26 of 26 standards and had a 97.5% graduation rate.
Summit County Common Pleas Judge Patricia Cosgrove sentenced Williams-Bolar last week to five years in prison, but suspended all but 10 days. Williams-Bolar also must serve 80 hours of community service and will be on probation for three years.
The Rev. Lorenzo Glenn of Macedonia Baptist Church had asked the judge for leniency, saying he had known Williams-Bolar for more than 20 years, the Akron Beacon Journal newspaper reported.
This is a serious matter, Glenn said, according to the paper, but by all means, it was done to help her children.
Williams-Bolar told CNN affiliate WEWS-TV that she and her children considered her fathers house one of their homes.
My primary residence was both places. I stayed at both places, she said in an interview at the Summit County Jail.
Williams-Bolars father, Edward Williams, told CNN affiliate WJW-TV that the children did live with him, so he believed the family was within the law.
He said his daughters Akron neighborhood where she lives in government-subsidized housing isnt safe.
She had 12 police reports that her house had been broken in, so what am I supposed to do? Just leave them there? Williams said to WJW-TV. I mean, I can protect them better if they was with me.
Williams-Bolar, a single mother, works as a teachers aide at a high school in Akron and is just 12 credits away from earning a teaching degree at the University of Akron, according to the Beacon Journal.
Her felony conviction will bar her from being licensed to teach in Ohio.
Copley-Fairlawn Superintendent Brian Poe told WJW-TV the case cost the district $30,000 in two years of lost tuition and $6,000 it spent on the investigation.
He denied that Williams-Bolar was singled out because she is black and the Copley-Fairlawn district is 75% white.
The district almost always resolves residency cases without involving the courts, he told WJW-TV, but couldnt work out a resolution with Williams-Bolar.
The way I look at it is, the bottom line, you need to follow the law, he said. If you choose to step outside of the law, whats going to happen at that point is you are going to have to face the consequences for that.
Williams-Bolar told WEWS she intends to appeal her conviction.
Grand theft charges against her father resulted in a hung jury. No new trial date has been set.

Really sad story. She potentially won't be able to get into the career she was working years on to get into, her children may be stuck in a bad neighborhood with questionable choices for school education and she's getting jail time on top of that. Nobody wins.
Most recent update to said story:
With knocking on her door, Kelley Williams-Bolar will be marking 2014 as the year that her story is finally told in summation.
In 2011, Williams-Bolar was jailed for sending her two daughters to school in a predominately White school district in which her father lived. This year, audiences will be able to get a more in-depth look behind-the-scenes when her story is brought to life with her upcoming book, The Kelly Williams-Bolar Story set for an April 1 release and a movie, directed by Stephen Stix Josey and starring Garrett Morris and A Different Worlds Charnele Brown, who will portray Williams-Bolar.
The family had lived in an Akron, Ohio housing project neighborhood where lacking schooling options spurred her to ask her father if she could she use his address to enroll her children in a school in his Copley Township school district in Ohio. Her children were enrolled for two years until the school district filed criminal charges against her for enrolling her children in a school district where she was not a legal resident. Williams-Bolar, like many of her supporters, to this day, asserts that the charges were racially motivated.
There werent that many minorities out there, Williams-Bolar says. This was their way to narrow down our enrollment. I didnt hear them say that, but at the same time there were only a sprinkle [of non-White students].
Williams-Bolars father, Edward L. Williams, was charged with a fourth-degree felony of grand theft, in which he and his daughter were charged with defrauding the school system for two years of educational services for their girls despite the fact that Edward Williams was a legal resident of the neighborhood. The court ruled that sending their children to the school was worth $30,500 in tuition, which Williams-Bolar was responsible for repaying. She asserts that although she became singled out, she was not the only parent at the school who had made the same decision.
I knew the other people who were doing the same thing, one woman in particular. [When my story made the news] I knew she was scared to death, I knew she thought I was going to say something. She kind of distanced herself, she says.
When Ohio governor John Kasich made the decision to reduce her sentence of ten days of jail time and changed felony charges to misdemeanors when swayed by the national outrage, Williams-Bolars luck appeared to have gotten better. More than 100,000 signatures were collected by and in support of her. According to Colorlines, Kasich went on to use Williams-Bolars case to highlight the need for more school choice options, like school vouchers, that allow students to leave the public school system.
However, although the news whirlwind died down slightly upon her release, hardship still circled Williams-Bolar and her family. Her father was still being held on charges relating to the investigation fueled by Williams-Bolars case, and he wound up losing his home and later dying while in prison in 2012.
His death and her notoriety took its toll on her well-being. I went into a deep depression, Williams-Bolar remembers. I could barely make it to work and talk. There were some serious trials there.
Two years after his death, Williams-Bolar has been able to find and maintain work in her field of education while enrolling one of her daughters in private school. However, she is currently struggling to pay the tuition.
My daughter is in a private school. After my case made the news, a gentleman paid for her school for the first year but he hasnt paid for this year, so Im busting my butt trying to get her to be able to stay there, Williams-Bolar admits. She resolves that having her daughter in private school right now is the safest and best choice given her alternatives.
Hopefully public schools dont become obsolete, Williams-Bolar says. But, you have to know what is going on in the school and with your child. If you know that the state school is not working, you have to find out what your options are. Some parents are choosing to enroll in private schools or home-school. Home-schooling is not always possible because most parents have to work. You find what options are. Keep them safe and educated, should be every parents quote.
Williams-Bolar created the website to offer pre-orders of her book and document news about her case and her subsequent work as an education advocate. Hoping that her new book and movie deal will shed light on her story while offering her opportunity for more speaking engagements so she can earn money for her daughters private school, Williams-Bolar is focused, yet realistic.
Time heals, she says, but I will never be the person I was prior to everything that happened.