Maybe I disconnected because I was sitting in an empty cold room with my double jho.
Sounds like it wouldn't be that cold. ;D
Maybe I disconnected because I was sitting in an empty cold room with my double jho.
Guess I was in that expedition too long ;_;
So I've been using the armor skill searcher to find a set that I want to make, and finally squeezed in what seems like a crazy amount of skills...
...on a set called Star Knight.
Doing a little research it seems a lot of people want this set, it was exclusive to Universal Studios Japan. Who knows if and when it will be released here.
It does look like for a breif period people were able to unlock the quest and can host it for others. I don't consider bypassing Capcoms intentional content trickling cheating. So now I'm desperately looking for people that can host the quest, but all I see online are private communities or people that want crazy awesome guild quests as a reward.
Should I just give up on it?
Is this an open offer?Just let me know when you're on and I can help you get it
I need some Azure Rathalos cortex if you want to help.anybody hunting?
I am doing G3 things but I can also help.
I need some Azure Rathalos cortex if you want to help.
I can't decide whether I should use my Immortal Reactor for Lightbreak Press or go for the LS instead.
Messing around with the lance, I must say it's quite fun. Best skills to have besides guard?!
Messing around with the lance, I must say it's quite fun. Best skills to have besides guard?!
I just can't find any decent set with Lance that has either Evade +3 or Guard +2. If I choose Evade/S+1 or Guard/S+1 I get 5 billion hits, anything else I add and it all goes to hell.
I'm settling for full Nargacuga X and it's so painful to make. I need to carry out a Zinogre genocide.
New set:
Waxglare Wand
Selene Helm X
Kushala Cista X
Nargacuga Braces X
Kushala Cocoon X
Selene Greaves X
Evasion +3
HG Earplugs
Sharpness +1
Evade Extender
Defence: 731
Attack: 1458 (with 300 poison)
(Or with powercharm + power talon + armorcharm + armor talon:
Defence: 761
Attack: 1539 (with 300 poison))
The above set is perfect for evade lancing, though earplugs are kinda superfluous in that case.
Edit: Also, obviously you'd need to take a different weapon and its slots into account.
I just can't find any decent set with Lance that has either Evade +3 or Guard +2. If I choose Evade/S+1 or Guard/S+1 I get 5 billion hits, anything else I add and it all goes to hell.
I'm settling for full Nargacuga X and it's so painful to make. I need to carry out a Zinogre genocide.
Also why the hell they make Lightbreak Press obviously a worse weapon objectively than Hellruin Omen beside the sharpness? Capcom, better balancing pls
Shengar said:EDIT: It's just one hunt, but thanks for coming Yrael!
The above set is perfect for evade lancing, though earplugs are kinda superfluous in that case.
Edit: Also, obviously you'd need to take a different weapon and its slots into account.
I like that Lightbreak better for solo runs, especially if I'm using a set that doesn't have Sharpness+1 on it. Given how much you attack with IG, you're hitting blue pretty quickly with Hellruin if you're not careful.
Well, with Handicraft+7 charm, I can gem in Sharpness+1 as long as the armor set have at least one triple gem socket. I'm planning to use it with my Brachydium set, which will make a matching pair with Lightbreak Press, but Hellruin Omen is much better weapon overall. It's either Immortal Reactor or Large Elder Dragon Gem, a very difficult choice.
A set that I'm thinking of aiming for (with a +6 Evade Distance OOO talisman) that would also be good for evade lancing is the following:
Gore Helm X
Kushala Cista X
Star Knight Vambraces
Grand God's Peer Belt
Nargacuga Greaves X
With the right decorations this gives:
- Evasion +3
- Challenger +2
- Sharpness +1
- Evade Extender
It does require a weapon with 3 slots though, as well as that charm in particular.However, there are numerous variations with different talismans that yield the same set of skills.I'm also not that keen on how it looks TBH. >_>
Wow, that's nice. Best I have is a handicraft+3 charm (with constitution+4 and one or two slots, I don't remember).
Honestly, I don't put much stock in evade extender if I have even Evade+1. I'd rather backhop through everything (evade+1 lets you safely backhop directly through Jho's breath, for example) than away.
Could probably get a much better looking set with just:
Possibly something else.
The above set is perfect for evade lancing, though earplugs are kinda superfluous in that case.
Edit: Also, obviously you'd need to take a different weapon and its slots into account.
Oh I forgot to say I'm only in the middle of G2. Still in G2 I already have amazing options for all my other weapons and Lance is getting the shaft, if I allow G3 on athena it jumps to like 3000 hits, back to G2 and I get 24 (most of them with that ugly Monodevil head). It's really ridiculous.Kushala should be good for Evade Lancing... if its not for the Focus skill. If I used it, unused skill will bug me to no end.
Also I can help with Zinogre. An extra Skymerald would be nice.
Oh I forgot to say I'm only in the middle of G2.
So it seems that all guard/evade charms were hoarded by you. It would make a great build for Regios Lance you know D:e.
Yeah. Sheng has a godlike Handicraft charm and he still begs for my
+9 Expert/+5 guard up with 3 slots charm.
Side note: Just looked through my charms and I have a +7 Guard/+5 Evade 3 slots. Wish that was guard up instead.
So it seems that all guard/evade charms were hoarded by you. It would make a great build for Regios Lance you know D:
Related on guard up charms, I have a Stalwart+4 Guard Up+5 charm, which is as redundant as it can get
Anyone up for hunts in a bit later? Say 20-30 minutes. Mainly working towards the next aged text, but will happily do Ukanlos or anything in the upper G-rank.
Helruin glaive + razor sharp + edge master = GG
Yep, I'll join in. Won't dare host any more. =P
I'm slowly building the artifact armor to get there. If I use my Skull Visage I can get a bunch of those double skills easily, and then it's just figuring out what to do with the arms, legs, and waist.
Hahahaha, that charm is amazing.
Helruin glaive + razor sharp + edge master = GG
Stalwart supposed to have Guard Up included though, unless that's what you mean
I remember that I also have another redundant charm but it seems that I can't find it >__>
That's easily achievable for me once White Fatalis hit
What relics have you been going after?
Yeah, I'm laughing at it.
I think a few mixes are going to look better with Fatalis parts vs the current look we got.Stalwart supposed to have Guard Up included though, unless that's what you mean
I remember that I also have another redundant charm but it seems that I can't find it >__>
That's easily achievable for me once White Fatalis hit
I tried maxing out a lower tier relic the other day just to see how high the def got and if I remember right it was 135? And it's weird too when some relic 8 armor needs zenith gems while a rare 9 I got doesn't.At the moment I'm just going after anything that's at least a +5 to one of the dual skills. I don't really know what I'm doing tbh, picking things that have a base armor of at least 85 or so. It's weird that the relic stuff doesn't have skill points if it doesn't have the locked in charms, it kinda feels like those three empty slots are useless.
Have to run, good fun guys!
Thanks Glitch! There's a spot open here in my room. See above post somewhere up there.
I don't have a room but I'll join one.
G-rank fun!
We'll do a rotating order of quests as usual.
Hall ID: 42-8509-8654-0070
P/w: 9099