Jeff Vader
Anybody around to do stuff?
Maybe probably.
Edit: Did you add the n3DS sparkly in the time I posted that? Now add it to mine to make Mikey look even more surprised![]()
Ah ok, just thought it was funny that by the time the page refreshed after I posted my reply your avatar changed.
New trailer for the Monster Hunter arcade game.
I have no idea how it is played.
Damn, if only my second class end sooner!
So I guess there's no one hunting anything? I'll probably lock my 3DS down somewhere for the next two weeks, but I would like a nice hunt before doing that.
New trailer for the Monster Hunter arcade game.
I have no idea how it is played.
For the first time since Great Jaggi, I actually mounted something! A team of skilled GAF regulars was tackling Seregios in the Dunes and knocked him over, but I couldn't shoot him since he was on the wrong side of the big dune in area 2. So I decided to roll over the top of it and give him a whack with my bowgun on the way down. I was so surprised when I went through the mounting animation that it took a moment to remember which buttons to hold and mash to bring it down.
I was quite pleased when I finally knocked him over and can see why it's so popular.
Yeah, it's a lot of fun.
Does anyone know which quests will be included in the next lot of DLC?
Are your finals over the next 2 weeks or something?
Mine were 2 weeks ago. I did mostly well, though I did fail one class for the first time in my life.
For the first time since Great Jaggi, I actually mounted something! A team of skilled GAF regulars was tackling Seregios in the Dunes and knocked him over, but I couldn't shoot him since he was on the wrong side of the big dune in area 2. So I decided to roll over the top of it and give him a whack with my bowgun on the way down. I was so surprised when I went through the mounting animation that it took a moment to remember which buttons to hold and mash to bring it down.
I was quite pleased when I finally knocked him over and can see why it's so popular.
Nope, although I'm reasonably sure the Dante palico costume is going to be in it. I'm praying for G-Rank S.Rath, and I know a lot of people are waiting for the Star Knight set.
For the first time since Great Jaggi, I actually mounted something! A team of skilled GAF regulars was tackling Seregios in the Dunes and knocked him over, but I couldn't shoot him since he was on the wrong side of the big dune in area 2. So I decided to roll over the top of it and give him a whack with my bowgun on the way down. I was so surprised when I went through the mounting animation that it took a moment to remember which buttons to hold and mash to bring it down.
I was quite pleased when I finally knocked him over and can see why it's so popular.
Assuming we're getting stuff at the same rate as the Japanese release, we could get a G rank Dah'ren Mohran, 10x Desert Seltas hunt, and a challenge to cut Rathian's tail using a rare 1 weapon. But nothing's been announced for certain.Does anyone know which quests will be included in the next lot of DLC?
Yeah, I can see how mounting could wear out its welcome if done all the time since there's not much to the minigame.It get old fast when you considered mounting as duty.
Also, does recoil still affect your shot when in HBG siege mode?
Yeah, I can see how mounting could wear out its welcome if done all the time since there's not much to the minigame.
And recoil level does affect HBG's siege mode shots just as it would when firing them normally.
In theory, rapid pierce 2 should be powerful and very ammo-efficient against big targets. The problem is that its "average" delay after a rapid-fire barrage is very dangerous. I tried it on a test run against Dalamadur and found it's a great way to take falling meteors to the face.I see, that's why recoil skill still essential for Gravios or Regios HBG.
Also, does rapid pierce 2 any good? I read that it isn't any good, so it kinda makes me regret my decision on building Nether Phloxion :s
In theory, rapid pierce 2 should be powerful and very ammo-efficient against big targets. The problem is that its "average" delay after a rapid-fire barrage is very dangerous. I tried it on a test run against Dalamadur and found it's a great way to take falling meteors to the face.
I've had much more success with the Phloxion against Akantor who's also quite weak to thunder and offers more big safe openings to unload all those shots.
Rapid-fire delays are fixed, so the only option is to take the limiter off and forgo rapid-fire altogether.And there's no way to reduce that waiting time right?
Hmm, has anyone finished the Three Virtues and made the Link armor?
I'm considering that quest some time down the road.
Rapid-fire delays are fixed, so the only option is to take the limiter off and forgo rapid-fire altogether.
I suppose it would be too game-breaking to lower those delays. But that means weapons like the Searulean Firebath and Stygian Invidia are more practical for typical hunts because their elemental shot delays are "low" instead.
Same - really want Gold Rathian in particular for the armour, though it'll also be nice to finally get the Rathscension Switch Axe.
What's everyone's favorite monster? I don't mean this in terms of easy to kill monsters like Seltas but design-wise.
What's everyone's favorite monster? I don't mean this in terms of easy to kill monsters like Seltas but design-wise.
What's everyone's favorite monster? I don't mean this in terms of easy to kill monsters like Seltas but design-wise.
I love the whole Gore Magala family. They have just enough wind-up to their attacks that it's really easy to get in the zone while fighting them. I like their designs too. If I see Gore shows up as an expedition monster, I'll actually drop what I'm doing to go hunt him down no matter what rank he's at.What's everyone's favorite monster? I don't mean this in terms of easy to kill monsters like Seltas but design-wise.
What's everyone's favorite monster? I don't mean this in terms of easy to kill monsters like Seltas but design-wise.
Is there a savage jho g rank guild quest? i've seen this mentioned before, but i am not sure. So far can only find him in expeditions.
G Rank Savage Jho is exclusive to G Rank expedition until DLC hits.
What's everyone's favorite monster? I don't mean this in terms of easy to kill monsters like Seltas but design-wise.
Teostra and Lunastra, easily. They're lion dragons!
Aside from those two, I also like Barioth, Nargacuga (sensing a theme here?) and Crimson Fatalis.
Or try this rendition from the 5th anniversary concert. Teostra's kicks in at about the midway point.Teostra has the most epic theme song.
What's everyone's favorite monster? I don't mean this in terms of easy to kill monsters like Seltas but design-wise.
The byproduct of modern MH design. I'm glad that they went bold with Tri or we'll stuck with Flying Wyvern template #112.I love the whole Gore Magala family. They have just enough wind-up to their attacks that it's really easy to get in the zone while fighting them. I like their designs too. If I see Gore shows up as an expedition monster, I'll actually drop what I'm doing to go hunt him down no matter what rank he's at.
I like Seregios too, though he's not quite as fun to fight. He doesn't look or move quite like anything else in the game.
Monsters with wings?Teostra and Lunastra, easily. They're lion dragons!
Aside from those two, I also like Barioth, Nargacuga (sensing a theme here?) and Crimson Fatalis.
Teostra has the most epic theme song.
Or try this rendition from the 5th anniversary concert. Teostra's kicks in at about the midway point.
Ceadeus second theme.
The byproduct of modern MH design. I'm glad that they went bold with Tri or we'll stuck with Flying Wyvern template #112.
Monsters with wings?
The best
Well, maybe second only to Ceadeus second theme.
The best thing with Japanese publishers is that they do this a lot with their most popular game that have great music to begin with.:O this sounds even more epic! i would love to go to a live concern of MH music.
Good call. Moonquake is right up there with Chameleos theme for me.
Live version of The Lunar Abyss transitioning into Moonquake (Both Ceadeus themes)
The best thing with Japanese publishers is that they do this a lot with their most popular game that have great music to begin with.
Chameleos is definitely top tier too. The somehow able to make "jungle" feel by mixing modern instrument with Japanese traditional flute, that's amazing. I just wish the music isn't muffled when it's enraged since I can barely hear the flute, my favorit part :s
The best thing with Japanese publishers is that they do this a lot with their most popular game that have great music to begin with.
Chameleos is definitely top tier too. The somehow able to make "jungle" feel by mixing modern instrument with Japanese traditional flute, that's amazing. I just wish the music isn't muffled when it's enraged since I can barely hear the flute, my favorit part :s
What's everyone's favorite monster? I don't mean this in terms of easy to kill monsters like Seltas but design-wise.