115h in and just discovered that you can change any armor's color. Nerscylla set in black looks badass!
I don't think this has been posted yet, but here's a really good bow video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Enx_rDoWngA
Kills a lv140 shagaru in about 4 minutes, solo. Not only does it show how much of a damage dealer the bow is in this game, but it also shows that spread/elemental bow is not only viable, its extremely good. The relic bow he's using isn't even max raw. Really shows the kama sedition isn't the only bow worth using.
The only thing I could pay attention to was that health bar. Did anyone ever tell her she's allowed to use potions? I almost had a goddamn heart attack.
I don't know if I'm starting to fall out with the game or something, but man am I just not feeling the hunt lately. I've done every weapon type now, and all I see in front of me is grind hoping for the 2% drops. =/
Unfortunately, the only option is to farm the low rank Dah'ren Mohran event quest and hope to get some Armor Stones in the rewards. An easier method to get True Armor Spheres directly is to polish and trade in high rank relics (rarity 7, perhaps?) for points.Where do I farm for Armor Stones? Need them to make Tru Armor Sphere.
Unfortunately, the only option is to farm the low rank Dah'ren Mohran event quest and hope to get some Armor Stones in the rewards. An easier method to get True Armor Spheres directly is to polish and trade in high rank relics (rarity 7, perhaps?) for points.
Talk to the relic polisher in Harth. He's way down at the bottom on the easternmost side.Oh..I can do this? I've got a few rare 7 relics that I don't want. Which NPC do I talk to trade in the rare 7 relics for armor stones?
Yup that's heroicsThe only thing I could pay attention to was that health bar. Did anyone ever tell her she's allowed to use potions? I almost had a goddamn heart attack.
Apex Diablos event quest is a joke.... can't even last 3 minutes and not even getting into Apex form before it's over. Plus a Zenith gem every time? Can Capcom make changes to the quests? I'm gonna abuse this but I still feel bad.
That's definitely the worst part of the game. Nothing should be less than 10-20% drop rate.I don't know if I'm starting to fall out with the game or something, but man am I just not feeling the hunt lately. I've done every weapon type now, and all I see in front of me is grind hoping for the 2% drops. =/
That's definitely the worst part of the game. Nothing should be less than 10-20% drop rate.
Depends on what you want to make, and a lot of the stuff I want to make needs the gem/other rate drops. I could deal with 5%, it's the things less than that which drive me batty.
Maybe the more you want to make it, the less likely the stuff you need will come to you.There probably a similar saying or such heh, but I feel that what happen to me with trying to look more into Brachydios stuff.XD
RNGsus sure works in mysterious ways.
Yeah, it's almost as if the game can sense what you desire the most and deny it to you.Maybe the more you want to make it, the less likely the stuff you need will come to you.There probably a similar saying or such heh, but I feel that what happen to me with trying to look more into Brachydios stuff.XD
RNGsus sure works in mysterious ways.
It's the Desire Sensor of course, but I do wish the game could feed a little more positive reinforcement my way. I've tried to not host rooms not only because of my internet issues, but also because I feel like being passive will let me get those rare carves without me really realizing it. If I hunt without looking for something, then it's all the more pleasant a surprise. But this presents a problem in the game's design, as you don't really gain anything to your armor/weapons by hunting. There's no XP gain, no additional slots unlocked, nothing like that.
I wish there was a way to customize the character and flip genders. I know that's a weird thought but I was looking at the EX Escadora set for the female hunter, and with the bouffy hairdoo... Just something aesthetically different without me needing to do the grind all over again.
Try shifting your focus and finding another angle for enjoyment maybe? Hell I rarely made mixed sets but I've still spent a ton of time trying out different mix set combinations until I find ones I like/can work with (just an example).
Edit: on your last bit about swapping genders I actually wouldn't mind for more variation in armor skins. I like how the Relics have 3-4 different skins yet hate the method for which to obtain them, if the normal armor had multiple skin options when crafting that would be neat. Maybe even different skins requiring slightly different mats, I dunno somethin.
I'm not into the scantily clad style armors but it seems silly to have so many of the female armors be like that when pretty much all the male armor is rough tough absorb a ton of damage looking armor.
Edit: on your last bit about swapping genders I actually wouldn't mind for more variation in armor skins. I like how the Relics have 3-4 different skins yet hate the method for which to obtain them, if the normal armor had multiple skin options when crafting that would be neat. Maybe even different skins requiring slightly different mats, I dunno somethin. Also with the amount of bikini/cleavage female armors you'd think they'd have more Dober style male armor (why isn't there a G rank Dober? or is that stuck in Relics?). I'm not into the scantily clad style armors but it seems silly to have so many of the female armors be like that when pretty much all the male armor is rough tough absorb a ton of damage looking armor.
The problem I personally run into is that I want to min/max real badly. I want those dual stat skills like Honed blade or Benediction and I don't like to settle for stage one of something like Earplugs or Constitution. I got really annoyed by the game today when I was trying to replicate Gaijinhunter's LS set (Honed Blade, Focus, Evasion+1, Razor Sharp) but I am literally one point of focus away from being able to do this build, which means that the only real option for an LS with that particular set of skills is the Parazagged Edge (I need three slots in the weapon to make up for the one extra slot occupied by a Focus gem).
By the way, minor aside but the Miralis legs offer the same contribution to Honed Blade as Rath legs do, but with better defense.
It's sort of why I like Warframe so much. Yeah there's dickloads of grind and arguably it's worse there than in a lot of games, but you also have a massive array of ways to customize just about everything in the game that you own. Your character's colors, some components of their armor, attachments to the character, companion details, the color and design of the outside of your ship, the interior of your ship, hell, you can color your guns however you damn well please.
I'd be happier with an option to just swap the design as you please (Have an A,B,C option in the armor settings like the color choice settings), but I could get the reason for doing it the way you suggested. Even some basic armor color customization would be a boon, rather than a single part of the armor.
I think that's got to be rooted in some kind of culture thing, I don't know. A lot of games have started to move away from that gradually, but it's persisting too well.
Aurous armor, where you can only change the colors of the really tiny square designs on the waist.
Well ending the night with adding evasion +1 to the Chameleos armor along with upgrading each piece a few levels and crafting the Belobog's Scythe.
While many the female armor is scantily, the male armor is too bulky for its own good though. I kinda don't like it in 3U where my hunter feels like faceless space marine. And that's the problem with male armor too where they don't give your room for personality. Many male armor used mask compared to their female counterpart like the Rath Soul Z. I kinda hoped that they give less masked helmet for the male sets in the future.
Grand Mizuha, Selene/Helios, and Sororal/Ace armor set is amazing due to the fact that their customizable armor pigment is huge part of the armor color scheme or visually noticeable. Even small, but noticeable part like Rath Soul Z set is good enough.
I have nothing to add to the armor discussion so i'll just whine about getting so many god damn Akantor gems but no Spheres.
You need help? I'm in the mood punching giant sandbag right now.
Whew well that is done armor wise. Still probably want to mess around with the jewels.
Damnnit Miiverse for not working with this game on the regular 3DS.
I should get around doing that quest.Need them zenith gems.
While many the female armor is scantily, the male armor is too bulky for its own good though. I kinda don't like it in 3U where my hunter feels like faceless space marine. And that's the problem with male armor too where they don't give your room for personality. Many male armor used mask compared to their female counterpart like the Rath Soul Z. I kinda hoped that they give less masked helmet for the male sets in the future.
Grand Mizuha, Selene/Helios, and Sororal/Ace armor set is amazing due to the fact that their customizable armor pigment is huge part of the armor color scheme or visually noticeable. Even small, but noticeable part like Rath Soul Z set is good enough.
I have nothing to add to the armor discussion so i'll just whine about getting so many god damn Akantor gems but no Spheres.