Self Improvement, denoted by the music note icon, only affects the one who plays it. Other than that, songs apply to everyone in the area at the moment they're recited. The buff icons will also appear next to their names. Some icons are shared with other things though, like the attack up food effect and demondrug use the same icon as the attack up horn song. Some buffs might not have icons either, like Psychic I think.So when being the one with the Hunting Horn and giving out boosts, does the hunting horn boost icon only appear next to my name on my end? I kind of felt like I wasn't giving boosts to the others cause I didn't see them getting the icons heh.
I continuing to like the weapon, through I not sure if I would use it a lot solo. Feeling pretty comfortable with the Hunting Horn/Charge Blade setup now, so time to move forward.
Light/Heavy Bowgun or Bow? Also low rank, high-rank, etc?I'm stuck looking for a good gunner set and I can't think of anything right now. I wonder if I should just keep on focusing on blademaster then worry about gunning later?
I'm G2 right now so most things are open to me, it's just a matter of money and rare drops now. >:Light/Heavy Bowgun or Bow? Also low rank, high-rank, etc?
I went with a HR Artian set for my LBG build. Bonus shot is very nice as is Recoil +1. I gemmed/tali'd to Wide Area +2 for some extra Multiplayer benefits.
Otherwise, something with Evade Up, Evade +1, Loading, or [Element} Attack (matched to the weapon you're using) would be ideal.
So I read through the Gaijin Hunter posts and your post and... Wow. This is so complicated. I get it in essence, but I think I will need to read this all over at least once more before I will be able to apply it practically when it comes to my weapon selection.Yeah those Gaijin Hunter posts made it all clear... unfortunately there's still a ton of math involved and a good understanding of monster elemental weaknesses and location hit damage (arm=20%, leg=15%, head=55%, etc) that you would need to factor in to determine if a particular weapon's elemental is worth the tradeoff for raw.
In very very general terms, elemental attacks do not use motion values (each weapon's attacks/combos have different motion values), and their modifier (just a fixed constant per weapon) is /10 across the board. Weapon raw damage modifiers vary from /1.4 to /5.4 to determine "true attack". Dual blades has a modifier of /1.4, with motion values being anywhere from 7% up to about 25% per hit, depending on the combo you are using. So with DB:
So, say on some monster's leg with a cut of 35% and an elemental of 20%, it might look like this:
Raw/1.4*motion*cut location=damage per hit
196/1.4*.07*.35=3.43 damage for that weak-ass 7% motion hit.
Elemental/10*elemental location=damage per hit
350/10*.20=7 damage tacked on for that same weak ass hit.
That can change drastically if you use stronger, slower attacks and if the monster is weaker to your element (same weapon here).
196/1.4*.12*.35=5.88 damage per hit
350/10*.05=1.75 tacked on
You really loved being kissed by Jho's smelly mouth aren't you?NOPE. JHO IS THE BEST. I CAN'T HEAR YOU OVER HOW AWESOME JHO IS.
You really loved being kissed by Jho's smelly mouth aren't you?
It sucks when you gotta leave an awesome random group.
I want to asked you to farm G rank Savage Jho with then I realize the fucker is expedition exclusives.That's all you. I use ONE dung bomb, if any at all per Jho <3.
Nice on the G2 rank! You thinking of a Solo set or Multiplayer?I'm G2 right now so most things are open to me, it's just a matter of money and rare drops now. >:
Oh and I do mostly lbg since I haven't invested in any hbg's yet.
I know in 3U I used alatreon gunner and it worked for me. I need to do my research into it but yeah i do need rapid fire and evade extender.Nice on the G2 rank! You thinking of a Solo set or Multiplayer?
Rapid Fire/Bonus shot is (imo) pretty valuable as a LBG-er as it'll get your DPS a bit closer to that of a HBG-er. This is especially true if you plan to Paralyze/Sleep/Poison/Etc with your LBG and your particular gun has those shots in Rapid Fire. I'd search for something with Rapid Fire.
Guts (protects against 1-hit KO if your health is above 60-something) and Protection (25% chance of taking half damage; stacks with Feline Defense Lo/Hi) are nice insurances against getting killed, since your Def is much lower.
The Evade skills are especially good especially for HBG.
Not sure about specific armors but those are the skills I like.
G1 Seregios urgent: 65-6744-2586-7793 if anyone wants to help![]()
I'll be playing in a bit. No clue what to hunt, but there's always something!Anyone needs help with anything?
Yep yep xDI'll be playing in a bit. No clue what to hunt, but there's always something!
It's funny but is the seregios gunner set recommend the same way the blademaster set is?
I'm on. Any rooms? Apex rajang? Need to hone some stuff.
So, I've gotten to G-Special Permit, but it's bronze and I don't really have a clear idea how to take the next steps to get to silver or gold crowns. Also I've seen absolutely 0 Apex monsters in multiplayer, where is it all?
Joined a room of randoms, but can bail after this run.I'm interested, and I'll try to not die lol
All this happening while I'm at work :xAnyone for some g2 stuff? Need black grav, the diabloses and chaotic
Also, what's a good gem setup for regios x? I thought protection + hg earplugs
Any good guides for a first time MH player?
Any good guides for a first time MH player?
All this happening while I'm at work :x
One more spot for apex raj 69-6000-2599-5240
Edit: full
He was glitching on my screen too. Very weird. At least we got him.My perfomance really bad, have too much stuff going on currently
Also it seems the game server still isn't on its best shape yet. Rajang fail to synchronize, standing around while other players hitting thing air for me.
For the Charge Blade, how do I do the Super (third A axe attack) by itself, from unsheathed position? (or the fastest way possible).
I need to unleash this on a sleeping creature.