I had to resort to randoms T_T
I hate bias drive bys, especially when I greet them and they just leave![]()
I still find it so weird seeing so many low and high rank armors with handicraft points, though I'm sure I already said that a while back.
I still find it so weird seeing so many low and high rank armors with handicraft points, though I'm sure I already said that a while back.
So I gemmed for Rodeo God, I have a +6 Mounting oo- talisman, and it is amazing. Every other jump attack leads to a mount and those that don't knock monsters on their asses. I love it so much guys, locking it behind G-rank makes total sense now. It makes fights so much easier.
Alright randoms aren't working, got another room up if anyone wants to run something.
*cough* Star Knight comes with Rodeo God by default *cough* and Steady Hand and Challenger +2 *cough* and it's super easy to get Sharpness +1 >.>
ANYWAY, I'm able to join rooms now, what're you guys up to? I want to participate in some hunts.
Join the room, friend!Alright randoms aren't working, got another room up if anyone wants to run something.
Join the room, friend!
We just had two people in the room, was anyone of them one of you here?
That left us with 1 spots open again.
Doing random hunts in the Elder Hall.
No problem.I was Lazy. Thanks for the hunts!
Someone else want to make a room? See if it's my connection that's causing issue.
WHAT THE FUCKTeostra, Shagaru Magala, Kushala Daora, Chameleos, Apex Deviljho, Apex Seregios, Apex Diablos, Apex Zinogre, Stygian Zinogre, Apex Tigrex, Oroshi Kirin, Black Diablos, Brachydios
If it’s a single monster quest and the monster is not on this list, or if it’s a two monster quest and both monsters are not on this list, you will not get beshackled items in your guild quest rewards at all.
So my Gore 140 GQ is USELESS! jskdfhksdjfhsdfj
You guys want to share some GQ with me please? Like 2x Rajang and shit?
That was a mistake, he forgot to add Rajang. http://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/762804-monster-hunter-4-ultimate/71733152/819782195I wouldn't say that, lot's of misinformation around about GQ.
Now I'm not saying it's wrong but it didn't mention Rajang in that quote.
Either way use this to look up relic models: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet...GIZuX0b-_tyy7_TIe8Wv8jkfZE/edit#gid=560953449
Do you have any good Lance or Bow GQ?
That was a mistake, he forgot to add Rajang. http://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/762804-monster-hunter-4-ultimate/71733152/819782195
And thanks, I have been using that link. I can mine beshackled from the Gore quest, but I can't get beshackled from the reward screen.
Do you have any good Lance or Bow GQ?
So my Gore 140 GQ is USELESS! jskdfhksdjfhsdfj
You guys want to share some GQ with me please? Like 2x Rajang and shit?
Just one Deviljho? Aw thanks, but I'm looking for double quests, they give more rewards.I have a 129 Deviljho with Bow/Bowgun bias.
Two different sources:I don't know where you got that information, but it's flat out wrong. Every monster can drop beshackled. IIRC, gore has a 25% chance of dropping beshackled weapons at lv136
What weapon bias are you looking for?
Two different sources:
Both say you can't get beshackled from the reward screen, unless it's a double quest with a monster that drop beshackled, like say, Gore + Rajang/Jho/Diablos...
And I'm looking for Lance and Bow, thanks!![]()
It's confusing, but you can get beshackled from the rewards screen from gore. When those sources say you can't get any beschackled, they are referring to the quest rewards. There are quest rewards and monster rewards. Every monster can get beshackled from the monster rewards. In general though, gore isn't the best monster for farming for beshackled.
If you want to join my lobby, I've got multiple lance and bow quests I can give you:
PW: 8888
Just one Deviljho? Aw thanks, but I'm looking for double quests, they give more rewards.![]()
Thanks to everyone who showed up, had a great time!
Bowgunning "clicked" for me right from the start and I still default to it thousands of hunts later. You'll never be able to take a lot of hits, but fighting from range means many attacks will rarely hit you (like monster spins) while many others will be easier to dodge because you have so much more room to see them coming.Oh well, I'll not be discouraged. Gonna keep trying until one of these weapons click. For some reason the idea of using ranged combat is really appealing to me in this game, but it doesn't seem very forgiving to a new player playing single player.
Welp started playing this today. I'm officially a monster hunter. I think. So far I just murdered a family of friendly looking dinosaurs and turned their flesh into delicious steaks and then gathered some herbs and junk to make a potion. I'm doing all the weapon training quests to try and find a weapon that I like. A lot of them have felt really clunky so far but I think that might just be this game's pace. I'm coming directly from Dark Souls 1/2 which by and large have some pretty clunky combat, but even those feel like Bayonetta compared to this game.
Oh well, I'll not be discouraged. Gonna keep trying until one of these weapons click. For some reason the idea of using ranged combat is really appealing to me in this game, but it doesn't seem very forgiving to a new player playing single player.
You'll never be able to swap weapons mid-fight. Think of it like a one-on-one fighter where weapon types take the place of different characters and each has their own set of regular moves, special moves, attack speeds and so on. All the big monsters have a finite amount of different moves they can use and their moves have various "tells" you can use to know they're coming. Like how Great Jaggi has a dangerous hipcheck move whose windup is quite different from his regular bites. Once you know how the monster behaves, you'll more naturally be able to avoid their attacks, predict their movements, and land hits based on what they're going to do next.Thanks for the tips. I haven't tried either of the bow guns yet. Going to do them all so I'll see if they feel better than the regular bow. One of the ones I liked, I forget the name but it was a sword and shield that turned into a big axe. I think that's the frontrunner so far. Do you ever get the ability to use more than one weapon at a time and swap them on the fly?
I think my general problem with the combat so far is that it seems to be really hard to change your direction after you start swinging. At least half of my swings with any given weapon aren't even in the same zip code as the monster I was swinging at. I'm sure this is just because I'm a noob. I had kind of the same feeling when I started Dark Souls but eventually got really used to the fighting in that game. The monsters in this game are more maneuverable than I was expecting.
Thanks for the tips. I haven't tried either of the bow guns yet. Going to do them all so I'll see if they feel better than the regular bow. One of the ones I liked, I forget the name but it was a sword and shield that turned into a big axe. I think that's the frontrunner so far. Do you ever get the ability to use more than one weapon at a time and swap them on the fly?
I think my general problem with the combat so far is that it seems to be really hard to change your direction after you start swinging. At least half of my swings with any given weapon aren't even in the same zip code as the monster I was swinging at. I'm sure this is just because I'm a noob. I had kind of the same feeling when I started Dark Souls but eventually got really used to the fighting in that game. The monsters in this game are more maneuverable than I was expecting.
I think my general problem with the combat so far is that it seems to be really hard to change your direction after you start swinging. At least half of my swings with any given weapon aren't even in the same zip code as the monster I was swinging at. I'm sure this is just because I'm a noob. I had kind of the same feeling when I started Dark Souls but eventually got really used to the fighting in that game. The monsters in this game are more maneuverable than I was expecting.
Thanks for the tips. I haven't tried either of the bow guns yet. Going to do them all so I'll see if they feel better than the regular bow. One of the ones I liked, I forget the name but it was a sword and shield that turned into a big axe. I think that's the frontrunner so far. Do you ever get the ability to use more than one weapon at a time and swap them on the fly?
I think my general problem with the combat so far is that it seems to be really hard to change your direction after you start swinging. At least half of my swings with any given weapon aren't even in the same zip code as the monster I was swinging at. I'm sure this is just because I'm a noob. I had kind of the same feeling when I started Dark Souls but eventually got really used to the fighting in that game. The monsters in this game are more maneuverable than I was expecting.
So a question on the end quest rewards in GQs. Does it depend on what weapon you used to clear the quest to get better or lesser beshackled gear?
You're a trip Alt, I enjoy that you enjoy helping newcomers so much
@Liquid: Like you I came from Demon's/Dark Souls before I touched MH and I enjoyed the similar mechanics between the two series. Plus I didn't care for magic in the DS games so I felt right at home with MH and it's purely physical based combat (well at least for the hunters). Everyone else has already given better advice and tips than I could give so I'll just recommend doing the beginning tutorial quest for any weapon you have the slightest interest in trying out, some people play every weapon and some play only one or two.
I myself ended up playing primarily charge blade as I thoroughly enjoy the mechanics and playstyle even though I played almost the entirety of my time in 3U with the hammer. I still dabble in great sword, long sword, hammer and dual blades but 9 times out of 10 I'm likely to be rocking the charge blade.
Doesn't mean I'm much good at it though! lol
Edit: would love to see you around here in that case Blue, there's usually a handful of us regularly making rooms (typically enough to fill a room, sometimes we'll have 2 or even 3 going at once but more often than not it's just one) and the more people that are around for that the better![]()
That's what I get for reading the MH reddit earlier. Somebody mentioned rewards were also factored by the weapons n used to clear the quest.IIRC it's dependent on the monster. It could also be a value that was set the moment the GQ was created, but I dunno. I haven't really kept up with that. Still, it shouldn't be dependent on the weapon you're using.
I'm usually in the Splatoon topic, but I thought it was time to come back to Monster Hunter for a bit. I want to stay sharp for MHX. =D That, and I think the G versions of the Metal Raths are out now.