Sorry! Posted in the Discord and those guys beat ya to it!
No problem, have fun!Sorry! Posted in the Discord and those guys beat ya to it!
Still trying to level up my Daora Kushala GQ. When I post here I don't get anyone joining so I'll start the room in 2 hours from now. I'll post the room details then.
Random players tend to get tornadoed before poison is applied. The quest is at 131 currently. If people want to do turns I'm happy to do that as well. Just wanted to inch closer to 140.
Starting the Kushala GQ room nowIf I'm around at that point, I'll swing by. I need to remember to do some warm up beforehand.
Starting the Kushala GQ room now
Took off the password. Anyone? Got the GQ up to 138
Polishing and trading in rarity 8 relics for points is an easy way to get True Spheres and clean out your equipment box at the same time. Run a few gathering expeditions for abrasives if need be.I'm going to do something dumb and make a different version of a custom set I already have because the alternate version looks better. Anyone know the best way to farm for True Armor Spheres? I read that a low rank Dahren Mohran DLC quest can give armor stones, but the chance is only 12%.
Yeah, the bottleneck in my ability to polish actually useful relics at this point is solely zenith gems, so I use all spare abrasives and meteor stones I pick up to polish rare 8 stuff for true spheres, since they're the worst.
Polishing and trading in rarity 8 relics for points is an easy way to get True Spheres and clean out your equipment box at the same time. Run a few gathering expeditions for abrasives if need be.
The same guy who polishes the relics will also accept them for trade once they've been polished. You'll always get Caravan Points for them along with items like abrasives and ores. But if the rarity is around 8, you'll also get True Spheres sometimes.There's a way to trade for True Armor Spheres? Is it through the relic polishing guy in Harth? It wasn't until recently that I started to pay attention to him.
Sorry for not being there, I went outside for a walk and ended up running into a friend. Went back to their place and hung out.
My hunt for Kushala parts will happen later this week since I'm busy.
The same guy who polishes the relics will also accept them for trade once they've been polished. You'll always get Caravan Points for them along with items like abrasives and ores. But if the rarity is around 8, you'll also get True Spheres sometimes.
The amount of noobs attempting to complete Bombs over Gogmazios is so high it's making it intolerable...
I have never loved and hated a game as much as this one. And its most likely a case of "git gud" but its so damned frustrating. I cant find a weapon that i like. I want to use dual blades, but they dull after like 1 combo, sword and shield seems weak as hell, i have been settling on charge blade, but enemies move too fast to even land more than one hit before getting tail swiped across the screen or something.
Any tips for a struggling newbie?
Longsword maybe?
Oh man, grinding this to make the (glorious) Amatsu set was hugely frustrating.
I would use my full stock of Lifepowders, my Dust of Life's, I would then Farcaster back to base to pick up more Dust of Life's and people would still die.
Nobody used binders, nobody went for the tail or wings, nobody used the cannon, nobody brought Marcoal.
It was hell :'(
This was when the quest first came out so I would've thought things had gotten better... guess not :lol
The armour is so good looking it was worth it though!
Tried Longsword, much too slow for my tastes. im going to try dual blades again.
but the instant sharpness drop is absolutely infuriating.
I have never loved and hated a game as much as this one. And its most likely a case of "git gud" but its so damned frustrating. I cant find a weapon that i like. I want to use dual blades, but they dull after like 1 combo, sword and shield seems weak as hell, i have been settling on charge blade, but enemies move too fast to even land more than one hit before getting tail swiped across the screen or something.
Any tips for a struggling newbie?
I would stick with SnS. It is a wonderful weapon and not weak at all. The ability to use items while having the weapon out can be a lifesaver, being able to block small to mid roars, the fact that you can roll out of any combo and not get stuck in them like you do with other weapons. They have fast attack and decent sharpness and it won't eat through it like DB. Add the high status and elemental and you have a very very versatile weapon that is a great solo weapon for someone that likes to evade and attack fast or you can even be a group healer with life powders and potions + wide-range.
Also one thing about your DB getting dull is that if the attack hits a hard part of a monster it will chew through your sharpness like crazy. I believe you get minds eye in Demon and Archdemon mode so you don't bounce but it will eat your sharpness even without bouncing.
I don't think I can fit both Sharpness+1 and Razor Sharp on my set unless I get another +5 Edgemaster weapon. My best Edgemaster talisman right now is Edgemaster+2 ooo. It already took me long enough to get the weapons I already have. Getting one that good sounds like it would take forever. Is blue sharpness really that bad?Second set better, but if it were me I'd keep farming for one with good raw AND good sharpness. It took me a couple days but I finally got a set with decent raw (2nd highest possible), purple sharpness (with S+1) and 5 points of Edgemaster which I made a set around and stuck razor sharp on. Oh AND they glow purple. Those things stay purple sharp for a LOOOOONG time. DB's that sink down into blue sharpness a lot are the absolute worst. That 2nd set might be usable depending on the size of the white bar, but it'd be a deal breaker for me personally.
Wow. Didn't even know this was happening.
I don't think I can fit both Sharpness+1 and Razor Sharp on my set unless I get another +5 Edgemaster weapon. My best Edgemaster talisman right now is Edgemaster+2 ooo. It already took me long enough to get the weapons I already have. Getting one that good sounds like it would take forever. Is blue sharpness really that bad?
Alright, I'll try, but I also make it a point to get HG Earplugs on my sets.It's not that hard to get Edgemaster on a set without even having a talisman or a relic weapon with it and it's very worthwhile to do it if you're playing with DBs imo. Try plugging your relevant charms into Athena's ASS and see what it gives you. A lot of popular G-rank sets have Edgemaster pieces. If you absolutely can't get S+1 and Razor Sharp, speed sharpening is really simple to slot onto any set with 5 free slots of any configuration.
Alright, I'll try, but I also make it a point to get HG Earplugs on my sets.
Without even using any weapon slots or my charms, here's a combo that gives you honed and HG plugs.
If you've got hearing charms and weapon slots your options increase drastically.
Even lifepowder spamming doesn't help people with crap armor who refuse to eat moxie.
I don't even need the full set for the evasion set I wanna make, I'm just doing it for the sake of completion.
Ahh so this is what the ASS looks like!
I'm jealous, I'm on a Mac and can't use it so I'm over here using a pen and paper like some kind of caveman.
Man this would save me so much trouble... :'(
5 more attempts at getting the last Bombs over Gog win I need to finish the set.
Number of successes: 0
Carts by me: 1
Carts by the rest of the loser pubs: 14
Number of times I've heard the heroic, "you're about to win!" music before some pub eats a lazer to the face, shattering my dreams: 3
Patience I have left for this quest: 0
5 more attempts at getting the last Bombs over Gog win I need to finish the set.
Number of successes: 0
Carts by me: 1
Carts by the rest of the loser pubs: 14
Number of times I've heard the heroic, "you're about to win!" music before some pub eats a lazer to the face, shattering my dreams: 3
Patience I have left for this quest: 0
I need parts for this quest. Wanna hunt together? EST night time. Also, has pretty decent hunters.
I have yet to do this one but I want that GX Tempest set. My hunting friends are going to try it on Friday night. If you see me online jump into my room. The 3 of us have regular gog down to a 20 minute farm so hopefully this one won't be to bad.
He starts the fight (and spends the entire time) in his pissy, enraged, fireballs and lazers mode, which means he moves around a lot more and you get a lot less time to just wail on him unless he's mounted. One or two IG users is highly recommended.