I wanna listen alanah take on this.I mean they did just fire one so...
I wanna listen alanah take on this.I mean they did just fire one so...
This forum sure loves seeing people lose their jobs and their livelihoods completely fucked.
incredible that the moron in chief, who bet the whole division on this brilliant strategy, is still raking in millions, while people that actually create stuff get fucked on a monthly basis.The Gamepass model is a failure. Training your “customers” not to buy games is an awful strategy. AAA ROI is hard enough even when you actually sell games.
I want to see them too.I wanna listen alanah take on this.
The problem is the damaged caused ... we can see this in hollywood .. lets take Star Wars ... they killed that franchise.. nobody gives a flying fuck anymore.... It would take years or some stroke of early George Lucas geniuses to uplift star wars again.I feel like the next 10 years are gonna be rough for the people who have created their personality around pronouns and LGBTQ rights. Once these big corpos which are just large soulless engines created to make money and they realize that this whole DEI thing ain't working.
Source: 2022 Google PC & Console Insights Report
If this is the result of an actual online survey, where were were they looking for participants? Were only Retard Era moderators allowed to participate? Because I don't believe at all that 98% of all PC and console players think that games featuring diverse characters and stories are important.
BTW The way the responses are set up is also indicative of the results they wanted. Four of the five possible answers are a positive response to inclusivity. Why weren't people asked the question "It is important that games feature diverse characters" and then ask the participants if they "agree completely", "agree somewhat", "neither agree nor disagree", "disagree somewhat" or "disagree completely"?
Besides that, the real point is not whether games should have diverse characters, but the way it is implemented. Nobody is against a diverse set of characters in a multiplayer game set in a futuristic world. This only becomes a contested issue when diversity is forced, when the devs are more interested in the political message of a game than the gameplay, etc.
If it`s someone who`s been actively trying to spit in your drink....This forum sure loves seeing people lose their jobs and their livelihoods completely fucked.
Because Microsoft is the only gaming company laying off people right?buy all this companies then fire everyone ms hurted gaming
I feel like the next 10 years are gonna be rough for the people who have created their personality around pronouns and LGBTQ rights. Once these big corpos which are just large soulless engines created to make money and they realize that this whole DEI thing ain't working.
A person's ability to find another job after being laid off has nothing to do with the fact that being laid off is a terrible thing that shouldn't be cheered for.Did Microsoft also take away her skills and experience as well as her ability to find another job when they let her go?
Ninja Theory?
Ninja Theory:
Is it me or does it seem that many here have a certain obsession and desire for the closure of Ninja Theory to be announced?....Ninja's Theory
yeah, pretty much the only company swallowing publishers at a yearly pace.Because Microsoft is the only gaming company laying off people right?
I work in public education. If I were to post this anywhere and I got caught, I would be let go too.
2 publishers in 5 years is a yearly pace?yeah, pretty much the only company swallowing publishers at a yearly pace.
Ninja Theory, 343, Turn10… It’s weird to see people cheering for layoffs just because of console warring.Is it me or does it seem that many here have a certain obsession and desire for the closure of Ninja Theory to be announced?....![]()
This forum sure loves seeing people lose their jobs and their livelihoods completely fucked.
Is it me or does it seem that many here have a certain obsession and desire for the closure of Ninja Theory to be announced?....![]()
Is it me or does it seem that many here have a certain obsession and desire for the closure of Ninja Theory to be announced?....![]()
only because they were delayed by watchdogs.2 publishers in 5 years is a yearly pace?
You have no reason to feel sad for any of them. You should, at the very least, be able to empathize.I will feel sad or give my condolences to the ones who really work hard or make difference. I'm not stupid to feel bad for any person, and no offense feeling sad for any clown sounds like incredibly dumb.
People like her makes no difference in the game development.
Good ridance. Offer your job for her if you're so sad about it.
You have no reason to feel sad for any of them. You should, at the very least, be able to empathize.
Also, how do you know if they make a difference or not?
The people who manage payroll do not directly contribute to development. Community managers do not, facilities managers do not. The team that makes sure all the other people in the company are happy and are able to do their best work do not directly contribute. The person responsible for making sure all the subscriptions for all the tools the art team, music team, and developers use do not directly contribute to development. Yet they're all employed.
Why do you think that is?
Do you really think that a team of 150 can be made up of just designers and engineers?
It's been 5 years since 2021? Time flies.2 publishers in 5 years is a yearly pace?
Xbox is the most bipolar company out there. It has vasilated between closing studios and then celebrating their devs alot this past year.
That's a cause for concern
Three in this thread in a short time...... and the same in each thread of layoffs even when it comes to other companies (generally all in the industry) or not specifically Xbox. Repeating yourself continuously even when the news does not indicate anything is a sign of obsession no matter where you look at it.Ninja Theory has been talked about being on the chopping block ever since Tango and Arkane Austin were shuttered. Not just here. It's been speculated widely on youtube and twitter. Three folks mentioning NT in this thread isn't really eyebrow raising.
When they are repeated in every thread of layoffs or closure of Studios even when they don't even concern XBOX or if the news itself is not indicative of anything.....After the recent closure streaks, can you really blame them?
The problem is that in MS the executives also do the PR .. and then.. shit happens when in one week you do something and next week you are PRing the exactly opposite of what you just did...It's just different people doing different jobs.
The marketing guys always have to paint the "good guy" picture, the executives who actually take decisions don't give a fuck and they get rid of things they believe have little chance to be successfull and profitable.
Three in this thread in a short time...... and the same in each thread of layoffs even when it comes to other companies (generally all in the industry) or not specifically Xbox. Repeating yourself continuously even when the news does not indicate anything is a sign of obsession no matter where you look at it.
The discussion about NT has its origin in the same obsession/desire of people linked to the console war, taking advantage of the latest cases of studio closures and layoffs and here is a reflection of that war and obsession.
MS has a lot of potential Studios to close when the time comes. Perhaps Phil&friend will announce the closure of one of them before NT and yet I have the feeling that it will be a disappointment for some.
It's been 5 years since 2021? Time flies.
If Tango got closed when HiFi Rush exceeded all expectations, and people are pissed, so they're looking to see if the same rules apply to other studios.Is it me or does it seem that many here have a certain obsession and desire for the closure of Ninja Theory to be announced?....![]()
jeeebuz, yeah i would be fuming if my shop gets the axe before this trainwreckIf Tango got closed when HiFi Rush exceeded all expectations, and people are pissed, so they're looking to see if the same rules apply to other studios.
reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeYou people are actually fucking insane.
Celebrating people getting fired now? Fucking go outside. Or perhaps actually play some videogames.
we do its just that you are shouted down by the overly woke ones.Why yes that's what I meant. Not all of us think this way and hopefully others understand that.
There should be an entity where completely new games being made and out of ms reach, cause that healthy, but the alternative is not all this companies then fire everyone ms hurted gaming