A brutality can be combed into, so at the end of that I would assume.
Hmmm.. guess I need to practice this.
A brutality can be combed into, so at the end of that I would assume.
Ive had an xbox one since launch and I have heard of people doing it for major releases. Just never looked into how to actually make it happen. If anyone has any luck please send some info my way![]()
Faction kills are unique to each faction.
Think there are 5 or so per faction.
A question I have myself is.... when do you use a brutality?
...good for you? I had it crash on me a few times in the past couple days, including one time where I put my game on pause for ~10 minutes to take care of something away from my computer only to come back and see the game had crashed despite literally nothing happening. So I'm not going to trust High Voltage until I'm proven otherwise.
When it seems to be when the opponent has low enough health that their brutality attack will kill them. DUring the SOnya Blade showcase they did one of her brutalities without comboing into it.
Hmmm.. guess I need to practice this.
it did have the option to enable it to be more familiar.
Its pretty simple. I actually always just did it on xbox.com. At the bottom where it says United States, you switch it to where the game is available. Enter new billing information (i live in tianamen square and the captial of new zealand evidently) and charge your card. The exchange rate is about perfect, so itll say like 320 HK dollars and your card is charged 63something US dollars.
However, i do not really recommend it unless youve done it before, only because like i said earlier, i had some issues this last time, so idk if it still works or not. Id wait to see if someone does it often still does it.
I'll have a go at practice mode tonight and set the hp of my opponent at 10%.
Let's see if I can just do a brutality input then without a combo first.
On the move list it lets you know the requirements for each one, like for Johnnys first one you need to land 4 nut punches in one match, and end the final round with one, Mileena has a similar one with the ball roll, I think some are type specific too
Doesn't the billing information have to match your card? Anyways, I may wait like you said to see if anyone successfully has done this for the game. Thanks!
Do I really have to stop by Best Buy today and pre-order the game just to get Goro?
...Bad for you? Perhaps it could be something with your PC? I am not putting HVS on a pedestal but if your crashing that much there may be other reasons for it. Did you have that issue with Injustice also?
I think the original Mortal Kombat (reboot) took about 4 to 7 hours to complete depending on how good you were. There were a heap of road blocks though, including some pretty unreasonable / unfair boss battles and some ridiculous tag battles.
I agree that Ed Boon's promise of the final boss being a surprise ultimately amounted to nothing ._.
Do I really have to stop by Best Buy today and pre-order the game just to get Goro?
For real? Didn't even notice this then!
Oh well, just 2 more hours before I'm home again, going to order take-away diner and play till bedtime. My inner child wants it!
The copy of the game I have came with the code inside. This is the PS4 version btw.
Do I really have to stop by Best Buy today and pre-order the game just to get Goro?
No you don't.Unless you want to pay extra for him later yes.
I wanna play this game so bad right now.
Yeah you get all the info on the finishers screen, obviously you'll have to unlock more in the krypt to get the info on those but at least you start with #1, I've not got a clue how faction finishers work though
I wish that I knew how to play fighting games and really got them. It's a genre that passed me by shortly after the 16-bit era.
You and me both.
I enjoyed the road blocks in MK9 though. It forced me to learn the characters. In contrast, in Injustice I basically just button mashed my way through that story mode very quickly. I think the only fight I lost was the final one, a couple of times. It felt like 3-4 hours. MK9 took me a good 7-8 hours (easily over an hour on the last boss).
Hoping this one is more like MK9 than Injustice.
You and me both.
Same here. Nothing else can hold my interest right now.
Still no unlock times for consoles? Steam looks to be 1est tomorrow
Same here. Nothing else can hold my interest right now.
Sub zero > scorpion
Still no unlock times for consoles? Steam looks to be 1est tomorrow
Brotherhood of Shadows faction kills are super easy.
The first two are R2 left left or R2 right right, from far away.
Midnight eastern.
Oh okay, I think one of the SF ones had the same input, when do you do them, at the time you'd normally do a fatality?
Does this game look any better than the last MK game?
Does this game look any better than the last MK game?
I wish that I knew how to play fighting games and really got them. It's a genre that passed me by shortly after the 16-bit era.
Yes indeed, when you would do a normal fatality.
Bummer, was hoping for an ori and the blind forrest 8pm situation.
Anyone else here in the same boat?
When can I redeem Goro?