Mortal Kombat X |OT| This is NOT a Brutality. This is a FATALITY


Looks like I'll need to get my CronusMax configured on my Xbox One for my old Mortal Kombat arcade stick


fighting the last minute urges to get this from Nuuvem

mhmhhhmhmhmhm seeing my fight stick at the corner of my eye doesnt help

but the netcode is gonna suck I just know it
I'm not huge into the fighting game scene so this is probably a dumb question, but when can we expect some tier lists to start flowing in?

It already started. Lol

In seriousness though, a good while. People have to learn the match-ups, and then there's the three variations.

People will call out characters being underpowered/overpowered. But it'll change because people haven't explored enough.
Fuck that!

Where are my White Lotus brethren.
White lotus repper right here brah. Although I think that isn't true. Lin Kuei has been at 40℅ since Friday. I don't think it has updated yet.

Also I'll be starting my ps4 stream soon. I plan on running aroun d the krypt and doing some online. Let me know if you guys wanna see some things. I suck though so bear with me on that end lol.


I'm worried they might be serious about only sending them when the game is released :(

Except they usually send the keys out whenever the game's available to pre-download. That's how it was for every other game I got from them.

Unless this is High Voltage being dicks, in which case fuck them.


I still haven't decided which faction I'll choose. I'm too much of a hipster to choose Lin Kuei, the one I like the most, lol. Basically any other one except Special Forces.
I've got fifteen gigs left to download and eight and a half hours until launch. I really hope my mediocre internet speed gets the job done in that time. I am craving story mode.


Except they usually send the keys out whenever the game's available to pre-download. That's how it was for every other game I got from them.

Unless this is High Voltage being dicks, in which case fuck them.

I'm pretty sure this decision is out of High Voltage's hand.


If anyone can compare the koin payouts before and after the day-1 patch, that would be super helpful. I'm going to do the single player stuff first, so I don't mind keeping it offline for a bit if there's a big difference.
If anyone can compare the koin payouts before and after the day-1 patch, that would be super helpful. I'm going to do the single player stuff first, so I don't mind keeping it offline for a bit if there's a big difference.
Keep it offline. I noticed I'm not getting a lot of points.
Check out your kombat card as well. The icons,backgrounds, and borders all add to exp,fxp(faction XP),or joins.
Alright, should I buy this, people who have it?

- I like MK9, but didn't really ever get into the competitive side

- I played a ton of Injustice, but some parts of it (mostly animations and visuals) kept it from being my favorite fighting game

- I felt mildly uncomfortable playing MK9 in front of people because of character designs for Sonya and stuff.

- Sold my stick so I'll be playing on controller.
Alright, should I buy this, people who have it?

- I like MK9, but didn't really ever get into the competitive side

- I played a ton of Injustice, but some parts of it (mostly animations and visuals) kept it from being my favorite fighting game

- I felt mildly uncomfortable playing MK9 in front of people because of character designs for Sonya and stuff.

- Sold my stick so I'll be playing on controller.

I will say this, they totally fixed the godawful character design part, specifically for the female characters. For the most part, they look like actual combatants, instead of what they were in MK9.


Alright, should I buy this, people who have it?

- I like MK9, but didn't really ever get into the competitive side

- I played a ton of Injustice, but some parts of it (mostly animations and visuals) kept it from being my favorite fighting game

- I felt mildly uncomfortable playing MK9 in front of people because of character designs for Sonya and stuff.

- Sold my stick so I'll be playing on controller.
Female designs are way, way better this time. No bikini stripper ninjas this time, and Sonya is actually wearing stuff over her now-normal-sized breasts. Also I think this game looks good (from screens and video), I also disliked Injustice.


I will say this, they totally fixed the godawful character design part, specifically for the female characters. For the most part, they look like actual combatants, instead of what they were in MK9.
Female designs are way, way better this time. No bikini stripper ninjas this time, and Sonya is actually wearing stuff over her now-normal-sized breasts. Also I think this game looks good (from screens and video), I also disliked Injustice.

This was like my #1 complaint about MK9, the characters look so good in this game.
Alright, should I buy this, people who have it?

- I like MK9, but didn't really ever get into the competitive side

- I played a ton of Injustice, but some parts of it (mostly animations and visuals) kept it from being my favorite fighting game

- I felt mildly uncomfortable playing MK9 in front of people because of character designs for Sonya and stuff.

- If you like MK9, then you'll like MKX. Maybe even more. You could always play through the story, towers, getting everything in the krypt, etc. All thr single player stuff included which is great.

- MKX is a huge improvement from Injustice. Animations are a whole lot better from what they've done.

- You don't have to worry about those types of designs in this game.
Female designs are way, way better this time. No bikini stripper ninjas this time, and Sonya is actually wearing stuff over her now-normal-sized breasts. Also I think this game looks good (from screens and video), I also disliked Injustice.

I will say this, they totally fixed the godawful character design part, specifically for the female characters. For the most part, they look like actual combatants, instead of what they were in MK9.

Great news, thanks guys! I might have to get it then, I think that's what was really holding me back haha.

The animations look a little smoother too, yeah?

- If you like MK9, then you'll like MKX. Maybe even more. You could always play through the story, towers, getting everything in the kryptonite, etc. All thr single player stuff included which is great.

- MKX is a huge improvement from Injustice. Animations are a whole lot better from what they've done.

- You don't have to worry about those types of designs in this game.
Well there you go lol. Thanks!
Alright, should I buy this, people who have it?

- I like MK9, but didn't really ever get into the competitive side

- I played a ton of Injustice, but some parts of it (mostly animations and visuals) kept it from being my favorite fighting game

- I felt mildly uncomfortable playing MK9 in front of people because of character designs for Sonya and stuff.

-I loved MK9 and I really like MK10 so far. Not sure which one I like more yet...But the roster, graphics, new mechanics, and overall variety of things to do make it really fun. Only complaint so far is netcode bugs out sometimes, and there aren't that many stages. Online has been fun for me even though I'm getting whooped left and right.

-I didn't like Injustice too much, so I can definitely say I like this one way more.

-You are probably gonna feel even more uncomfortable playing this in front of people cause it's pretty damn gruesome. The fatalities are crazy awesome this time.


Dammit... I wasn't planning to get this at launch, but between "free" Goro, Best Buy's $10 in rewards with preorder and 20% off via GCU, I caved; preordered it for PS4 over the weekend.

I'm thinking Lin Kuei will be my faction of choice to start with. I've always been a Sub-Zero fan, so it seems like a fitting alignment.


Female designs are way, way better this time. No bikini stripper ninjas this time, and Sonya is actually wearing stuff over her now-normal-sized breasts. Also I think this game looks good (from screens and video), I also disliked Injustice.

Yeah I have to agree with this. They did such a better job when it came to females in this game that I was shocked. Hell
looked really hot.


Any deals going on for the digital PS4 version? I'm about to drop $80 on this shit, so I just wanna be sure i'm not missing out on anything.
Ooh, Quick Look Live on Giant Bomb in an hour for MKX.


I feel bad i haven't really been around GAF threads for the game, but its because i really wanted to stay away from spoilers. I only know a few of the new characters well, and i've only seen one fatality and a couple of X-rays. I knew, as someone who has always loved the franchise and basically loved every entry in the franchise, that i didn't need to be convinced that this game would be good. Soon though, i can truly start getting hyped with everyone!


Story Mode impressions:

Kung Jin apparently
came out of the closet
and Raiden was all like "Bitch, I know." Kung Jin just piqued my interest 1,000%.

I love how they made Cassie
the next true "Champion."

It's all Raiden's fault again LMAO. Liu Kang and Kitana didn't get much to do in the story but I guess they'll all be front and center come the next game.

I have to say that I applaud Netherrealm Studios for showcasing 12 fully voiced past and present female fighters. Everything felt equal, you were never in fear of thinking, "When will the girls finally get something to do?" like in other games of different genres. Even cameos from Tanya, Sindel, Li Mei, and
are put to good use.
got one line but she's lucky to be alive lol. Job very well done!
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