Mortal Kombat X |OT| This is NOT a Brutality. This is a FATALITY


Kitana – Increased Rising Fan / Rising Blades damage by 2
Kitana – B1 has 9 startup frames (down from 16)
Kitana – B1,2 is now +1 on block (down from +2)
Kitana – B1,4 is now -4 on block (down from +1)
Kitana – Adjusted the hitbox on f1 to connect more consistently

Need an standing overhead that doesn't suck, but this is a please buff.
Full notes:

D’Vorah – Reduced damage of F4,4 by 2
D’Vorah (Swarm Queen) – Increased combo damage scaling after Wasp Grenade
Erron Black - Tackle is now -2 on hit (down from +20)
Erron Black (Outlaw) – Sand Toss / Sand Throw has 5 more recovery frames
Jason – Corpse Grab / Slam should no longer sometimes trade with jumping attacks
Jacqui – Adjusted many hitboxes to connect & combo more consistently
Kenshi – Slightly easier to juggle after Rising Sword / Sword Dance
Kenshi – 1 has 9 startup frames (down from 11)
Kenshi – 1,1,4 can no longer be special canceled
Kenshi – D1 has 8 startup frames (down from 9)
Kenshi (Balanced) – Spirit Charge / Push has 2 more active frames & more pushback on block
Kenshi (Balanced) – Tele-Flurry / Tele-Beatdown is now -9 on block (up from -24)
Kenshi (Possessed) – Reduced the hitbox on Sickle Lift
Kenshi (Possessed) – Demon Assault / Demon Fury is now -23 on block (up from -33)
Kenshi (Possessed) – Soul Push / Charge now has 11 startup frames (down from 14)
Kenshi (Possessed) – Demon Slam / Drop is now -6 on block (up from -21)
Kenshi (Kenjutsu) – Increased Tele-Slam damage by 5
Kenshi (Kenjutsu) – Increased Tele-Toss / Strikes damage by 3
Kenshi (Kenjutsu) - Tele-Push / Blast now has 12 startup frames (down from 15) & is -13 on block (up from -9)
Kenshi (Kenjutsu)—Tele-dash toss is now a high block.
Kitana – Increased Rising Fan / Rising Blades damage by 2
Kitana – B1 has 9 startup frames (down from 16)
Kitana – B1,2 is now +1 on block (down from +2)
Kitana – B1,4 is now -4 on block (down from +1)
Kitana – Adjusted the hitbox on f1 to connect more consistently
Kotal Kahn (Blood God) – Increased effectiveness of Obsidian & Blood Totems
Kotal Kahn (Blood God) – Totems have 5 less recovery frames
Kotal Kahn – Air Takedown / Anti-Air Throw should no longer sometimes trade with jumping attacks
Kotal Kahn (Sun God) - Soul Scorch / Soul Scorch have 5 less recovery frames
Kotal Kahn (Sun God) - God Choke (all 3 levels) damage increased by 3
Kotal Kahn (Sun God) – God Choke (all 3 levels) increased hit advantage by 10
Mileena – 1 has 11 startup frames (down from 14)
Mileena – D1 has 9 startup frames (down from 11)
Mileena – 2 has 8 startup frames (down from 10)
Mileena – adjusted hitbox on b3 to hit more consistently
Raiden – F1 is now a high
Takeda – 1 has 9 startup frames (down from 11)
Takeda – D1 has 8 startup frames (down from 10)
Takeda (Lasher) - Low Slash is now -19 on block (down from -24)
Takeda (Lasher) - Whip Trip / Flip is now -11 on block (down from -21 )

The Erron Black nerfs are real.

double jump

you haven't lived until a random little kid ask you "how do you make love".


Comics, serious business!
Thinking about picking up ermac.

The changes to Erron won't impact me too much tho. I've been finishing off F1,3,DB4 with 21122 DF2 (bleed stab) anyway since the change to the neutral jump. This combo does more than 30% damage when the bleed is taken into account.

I only do sand toss on hit confirm, too.

I can see the sand tackle change really fucking over higher level players like sonic fox.


Huh. I don't think the hotfix is out on PSN yet.

Just tried D'Vorah and her f4, 4 - f4, 4 - db4 combo still does 28%

Then tried Jacqui and her hitboxes are as iffy as ever.


Huh. I don't think the hotfix is out on PSN yet.

Just tried D'Vorah and her f4, 4 - f4, 4 - db4 combo still does 28%

Then tried Jacqui and her hitboxes are as iffy as ever.
Don't think its live on PSN yet. Xbox though I think has the hotfix and Tanya both. Hopefully us PSN peasants don't have to wait most of the night to get our Tanya fix.


Comics, serious business!
Ok, according to the steam forums a 3.75gb patch is ready for release later today (apparently Steam patches go out at a set time).

Hopefully we get the new balancing, improved ranked matchmaking, ability to quit out of laggy ranked games, and other general improvements (e.g., memory leak, crashes, etc.).


Ok, according to the steam forums a 3.75gb patch is ready for release later today (apparently Steam patches go out at a set time).

Hopefully we get the new balancing, improved ranked matchmaking, ability to quit out of laggy ranked games, and other general improvements (e.g., memory leak, crashes, etc.).

Cross your fingers.


Tanya is AMAZING. So much more interesting than Jason and overall just more fleshed out and that's just from playing as a Pyromancer.

Super excited to try her other styles tomorrow although I've historically not enjoyed weapon styles as much.

But yeah her normals and her specials are very cool.

Some of her character interactions are great too.

My favourite is with Kung Jin

"A Handsome Shaolin!"
"Sister you're barking up the wrong tree"


Tanya and the Klassic Skin Pack are up on US PSN.

EDIT: And Tanya still says "coming soon" in game. Probably because the patch isn't up yet.

gg PSN.


Comics, serious business!
PC match notes!!

Memory Leak fix
• Fixed Ermac Spectral meter issue.
• Fixed Kitana Mournful infinite combo issue.
• Added unlock counter for Krypt.
• Online Chat Room, challenge, and Ranked ping meter enhancements
• Ranked match cancel if ping meter is not 3 bars or better.
• Match making improvements
• Krypt switches fix.
• Fixed crash occurring when receiving online VS challenge while editing Kombat Kard.
• The Faction War Page is now accessible.
• Improved navigation in the controls menu.
• Fixed input for the Recording prompt in Replays.
• Updated Lin Kuei Faction Kill 2 to properly display all shurikens.
• Two players can no longer use preset commands bound to the same key.
• The initial Choose Your Faction screen call outs now update properly when switching between keyboard and controller.
• Attempting to leave Online Rooms no longer cause occasional crashes.
• Frame Smoothing option no longer causes issues on High-End PC configurations.
• Hourly Towers are now available in the Living Towers menu.
• All player Kombat Kards show the backgrounds, borders, and icons.
• Audio Option test will no longer distort.
• Fixed an issue where sometimes the game would load to a black screen (with audio only.)
• Fixed an issue where viewing recorded videos would bring up an incorrect message instead of the video.
• Changing the Screen Resolution without rebooting the title will no longer cause visual issues.
• Invasion Towers now display player names correctly.
• Fixed an exploit that broke the Shrine of Dead Koins.
• Updated controller input prompts.
• Players can now go online while in offline mode on Steam.
• Move Lists now update when characters switch sides.
• In Online, challengers no longer receive an accept button prompt after a challenge is declined.
• Kombat Kard background “Dry Heat” now unlocks after meeting the requirements.
• Backing out of any game mode to a main menu while Offline no longer displays an erroneous error message.
• Fixed several resolution and image issues with Cassie Cage’s Selfie Fatality.
• AI that performs Brutalities or Fatalities no longer counts towards progression.
• Unlocked costumes now display on weak/no internet connections
• Fixed the damage information displaying incorrectly while in Practice mode in Fullscreen Mode.
• The map in the Krypt can now be moved when using a keyboard.
• Fixed Kenshi’s Spinning Hell move when attacking opponents at the edge of arenas.
• Users no longer lose control when going to Tower Select or Character Select from the in-game menu of a tower.
• Improved custom control’s stability when transitioning from spectating to match.
• Using K’s and L’s no longer closes the chat window.
• Players can now edit the left stick’s controls.
• Opening the Controller Preset menu no longer causes the control scheme to revert to Custom1.
• General Kombat Kard updates and fixes.
• General player history fixes.


So, Tanya's very fun! I haven't even tried her Naginata variation yet but Kobu Jutsu is great.



I think I like naginata the best but I really can't find any decent meterless combos. She doesn't have a real great launcher. =

Use f2 as a footsie tool canceled into df3 to d2 and go from there. Her combos aren't easy but are good. Not really about launchers in this variation to me, ex df3 works too though.


Comics, serious business!
So on PC you can decline a ranked match even with full green bars... Not good.

I know this because I declined a guy with a 4% win rate. I know, I'm awful lol. But as an excuse it was my first post patch game with Erron black and I didn't want to get destroyed.

On that subject, his nerfs don't appear to be that bad in practice.
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