Gears of War Chainsaw
God of War 3 comes to mind
Yup!!Izuna drop from Ninja Gaiden on Xbox
I was always so afraid of them that I never saw this lolDishonored - Tallboy Dropkill
Kirkhammer charged R2 in Bloodborne. Slow as hell, but so satisfying if you land it.
love the bloodborne stake driver R2 charge too
Radiant Sweep in inFAMOUS: Second Son.
Square Square Triangle
Deus Ex Typhoon System. So satisfying when you clear an annoying room in one attack.
2B's Heavy Attack with a Spear and Large Sword equipped[/IMsG]
Her finisher is also great:
Also have nostalgia for the simple yet effective Multibounce from TTYD, it's just great to keep it going for as long as you possibly can:
Slow Motion attacks in Viewtiful Joe:
Power Bounce
Power Bounce
Jedi Academy single saber strong vertical slice![]()
Nothing compares to Dante's Real Impact with Gilgamesh in DMC4. It's even better when you time Devil Trigger to get more damage. Greatest move ever.
I take whatever I said back, this is the real answerDying Light drop kick
The Biionic punch was great in general but then the changed the punch in ME:A in to some weak ass jab with barely any impact.Real Impact from dmc4 is really satisfying to land.
Batarian Punch - Mass Effect 3
DMC4:SE Vergil's Judgement Cut End
Ninja Gaiden 2 Izuna Drop
Ninja gaiden 2 Flying Swallow
Ninja Gaiden 2 UTs