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Movies You've Watched Lately |OT| - 2021

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Rewatched Thor, getting ready for a second viewing of Love and Thunder when it hits D+ tomorrow. It reminded me of how greatly special FX have advanced in a decade. Branagh was gunning for an epic presentation through much of this, you can sense it as a viewer, but the tech just wasn't there, and the score for the movie is also so boring and flat.

It's sad that most of the entertaining portions of this film are the ones involving Jane Foster and her crew, or with Loki, and not those featuring Thor specifically. And going from this to Ragnarok is like whiplash - they clearly had such a different plan for this character in place originally.

The original Ragnarok logo.




Thor Love and Thunder 3/10
Holy shit was this bad. Boring plot, boring humor, bad fight scenes, absolutely horrible visual effects. How did this shit cost $250 million? Did Hemsworth and Portman get $100 mill each? There's like one or two cool location shots and a black and white sequence which looks nice, the rest looks like a Robert Rodriguez movie.
About the only positives I can say is that I like Christian Bale in this, though his character felt under utilized.


Turned off the new Thor about halfway through, after the zeus scene. Just not feeling this at all. They leaned in way too hard trying to make it a comedy and much of it just falls flat. I dont care about valkyrie chick, or lady thor, and even rock dude has just been played out. I wanted to peace out with the Guardians when they left. What a disappointment after how good Ragnarok was.



Thor Love and Thunder 3/10
Holy shit was this bad. Boring plot, boring humor, bad fight scenes, absolutely horrible visual effects. How did this shit cost $250 million? Did Hemsworth and Portman get $100 mill each? There's like one or two cool location shots and a black and white sequence which looks nice, the rest looks like a Robert Rodriguez movie.
About the only positives I can say is that I like Christian Bale in this, though his character felt under utilized.
The way they try to turn EVERY fucking moment into a comedy scene makes it incredibly frustrating to watch.

When the movie started, and Gorr walks into that jungle, gets a sword teleported into his hand, and kills that god, I knew this was gonna be god-awful beyond belief.

Thor is ruined forever, he's doomed to be a dumb fuck for the rest of his Marvel Cinematic Universe career.



Thor Love and Thunder 3/10
How did this shit cost $250 million?

I can only assume it's covid related and the budget ballooned with schedule changes etc. It was originally scheduled to be filmed in August 2020 and then moved to January 2021.
The only time Marvel Studios spend 200+ million is on Avengers films and Civil War.


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
I'm guessing a large part of the Love and Thunder budget was the payroll. You're looking at Hemsworth and Portman, neither cheap now. Waititi, probably pulling a pretty penny as director now. I bet a Russell Crowe cameo that lasted about ten minutes was probably another huge chunk of change. Of course Bale, still a large attraction. And finally all those Guardian actors needing to be paid.

Take that in mind and consider it's the age of COVID, so many deals didn't include points on the back end since no one was expecting to earn much at the box office. Which means actors and directors were demanding more upfront. It's why that Gray Man movie cost so much - tens of millions each went to the two stars of that movie, then a bunch to the Russo Brothers - because Netflix movies don't go to the theaters so there's no money to be made on points. It ended up being Netflix's most expensive movie ever because of it.

I would bet good money that's a large part as to why this movie cost so much. Disney certainly learned their lesson after Scarlett Johannsen sued them, after all, when she was promised money on the backend but then they had to release the film to Disney+ with a tiny theater presence thanks to COVID.

All that said I thought the FX were great. I mean 90% of what we're seeing appears to be CGI and it's some of the best in a Marvel movie.
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I'm guessing a large part of the Love and Thunder budget was the payroll. You're looking at Hemsworth and Portman, neither cheap now. Waititi, probably pulling a pretty penny as director now. I bet a Russell Crowe cameo that lasted about ten minutes was probably another huge chunk of change. Of course Bale, still a large attraction. And finally all those Guardian actors needing to be paid.

Take that in mind and consider it's the age of COVID, so many deals didn't include points on the back end since no one was expecting to earn much at the box office. Which means actors and directors were demanding more upfront. It's why that Gray Man movie cost so much - tens of millions each went to the two stars of that movie, then a bunch to the Russo Brothers - because Netflix movies don't go to the theaters so there's no money to be made on points. It ended up being Netflix's most expensive movie ever because of it.

I would bet good money that's a large part as to why this movie cost so much. Disney certainly learned their lesson after Scarlett Johannsen sued them, after all, when she was promised money on the backend but then they had to release the film to Disney+ with a tiny theater presence thanks to COVID.

All that said I thought the FX were great. I mean 90% of what we're seeing appears to be CGI and it's some of the best in a Marvel movie.

Yeah I guess the cast did take a big chunk of money. I read that Hemsworth alone reportedly got something like $20 mill for the movie.

Personally I disagree with the CG being good. I thought the entire movie looked very fake, all the fake backgrounds were very obvious, all the the compositing was very obvious making it look like the various elements didn't fit together, the action was floaty and weightless, Korg looks like a videogame character instead of there being any attempt to make him look realistic, the floating head from the kid when they communicate telepathically looks like it was made in 2 minutes in after effects, etc. There's a relatively "simple" early scene where they show new Asgard and you've got some location shots with flying ships and even those have a very fake look, like they had just hastily been pasted into the scene.

Some of the CG itself isn't bad, some of the backgrounds look amazing if you took out the actors. But the way it all fails to come together gives it such a fake cartoony look that if Sharkboy and Lavagirl showed up to save the day at the end it would have fit.

Consists of 100% footage from WWII with Martin Sheen narrating. Lots of footage of Hitler looking like any one of our politicians today. Highly recommend. Free on Prime right now.


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!

Probably Luhrmann's most cohesive and entertaining film - and I type that as a huge fan of his Romeo and Juliet. It's just good in every way, though I can see how fans of less artsy movies like this might not like it. I don't think they could have ever found an actor to capture the kind of force of pop culture Elvis was. I mean, he was essentially the first true pop and rock star rolled into one. But this actor did the best I think anyone could have.

It's also a pretty unforgiving character study of the two main characters.

4/5, recommended.
28 Days later

I'm not really that much into Zombie flicks but this one is really good. Only thing that bothered me what the BluRay picture quality. Felt like I was watching VHS.... damn...
I have to say it because someone else will if I don't: it was filmed on an early digital camera, so the low resolution is intentional. It was meant to give it a "being there" feeling at the time. But 20 years later, our mass market cameras are wayyyyy better so now it just looks dated



Nope 5/10
Honestly was expecting more, felt rather slow and found the main characters annoying. Even when it picks up towards the end it wasn't anything special. Admittedly I think the whole buzz around it might have had an effect on my enjoyment. After all the talk of "it's not what you expect!!!" and "make sure you read nothing about it before watching it" I thought it would be something way more crazy and unique.
Get Out is still the only Peele movie I really liked


The Empty man 6/10
Watched this because the image above caught my attention and I read it has a bit of a cult following. It was entertaining, it's no a horror movie but more like a mystery thriller with some creepy vibes which I usually enjoy. My main issue is that a lot of it hinges on the ending and IMO the final twist and reveal falls completely flat in that it's both predictable and not particularly well executed.
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Nope 5/10
Honestly was expecting more, felt rather slow and found the main characters annoying. Even when it picks up towards the end it wasn't anything special. Admittedly I think the whole buzz around it might have had an effect on my enjoyment. After all the talk of "it's not what you expect!!!" and "make sure you read nothing about it before watching it" I thought it would be something way more crazy and unique.
Get Out is still the only Peele movie I really liked

Story reveal spoiler!
What's more unique than the UFO being the actual alien?
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Just watched Elvis. God damn. No wonder the family praised it so much. Wouldn’t be shocked to see it get a Best Picture nomination.

Just watched it, great movie.. but WTF is up with the hiphop on the soundtrack? Jesus that felt so out of place.


Caught 3 movies at TIFF so far, in order of best to worst:

War Sailor (4.5/5)

Incredibly well acted story of Norwegian men who join a shipping company and depart months before WW2 breaks out. The horrors of war on those involved and back home are brought to life. Hopefully, this gets more attention.

Plan 75 (4/5)

Japanese film taking the dystopian premise of it being government sponsored civic duty to off yourself when you’ve hit 75. An intimate and disturbing depiction. Elderly lead actress was extraordinary and is apparently well-known in Japan for her career.

Manticore (1.5/5)

Spanish movie centered on a computer graphics artist that has a taboo obsession, and acts in it a horrid manner before they are caught. I give the director credit for showing the failings of the person in advance, however the film is meandering and in a way uninteresting.

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Caught 3 movies at TIFF so far, in order of best to worst:

War Sailor (4.5/5)

Incredibly well acted story of Norwegian men who join a shipping company and depart months before WW2 breaks out. The horrors of war on those involved and back home are brought to life. Hopefully, this gets more attention.

Plan 75 (4/5)

Japanese film taking the dystopian premise of it being government sponsored civic duty to off yourself when you’ve hit 75. An intimate and disturbing depiction. Elderly lead actress was extraordinary and is apparently well-known in Japan for her career.

Manticore (1.5/5)

Spanish movie centered on a computer graphics artist that has a taboo obsession, and acts in it a horrid manner before they are caught. I give the director credit for showing the failings of the person in advance, however the film is meandering and in a way uninteresting.

If it's a no-no to spoil a new movie, please feel free to disregard, but I'm curious what Manticore is about. It's new so I couldnt find a summary online. He likes to burn stuff?


Gold Member
Top Gun Maverick
Midnight Run
Planes, Trains and Automobiles

Will watch the new Dune soon. My hopes are high as it got good reviews and everyone says it's good. I dont remember much about the old movie except it was long and kind of boring with low budget effects.

Other movies I have on my radar:

Rounders. Seen it before a few times. Great flick
Good Will Hunting. Never saw it. But got great reviews
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The Borderlands - a found footage horrors.

I really enjoyed it, I'm on a massive found footage mission and I love it.

Gonna watch that one with the clowns going ape-shit later 👍


Speak No Evil (2022)

A Danish couple and their kid go visit a Dutch couple that they met on holiday. Sounds like a bad idea and turns out it is. Starts promising but didn't really manage to stay interesting. Some nice tension, but also very unlikely series of events. This should have been done by another director like Michael Häneke or Alex van Warmerdam and then it might have worked.


Confess, Fletch (2022)

A Fletch sequel that thank the gods was not made by Kevin Smith but by Greg Mottola (who has made some of my all time favorite comedy movies) and starring John Hamm, made to match the book a bit more than the Chevy Chase versions, and while I could appreciate it, it was lacking something. Rather forgettable and a bit bland.


A Day (2017)

Cool little Korean thriller with a Groundhog Day premise, with the main guy trying to save his daughter again and again while stuck in a time loop. Not spectacular but I was entertained throughout.

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Parody of actual AJUMP23
3000 years of longing was really interesting. Did not expect all the
large naked people
in the middle of everything. It was good.
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Calamity of a Zombie Girl

It's bad. Boring story, amoral, unlikable characters.. The animation is nothing special.
There is some gore, so maybe fans can get a little bit out of that aspect..
Watched the two Top Gun movies over the weekend.

Never seen the first one and I honestly have to say that it didn’t do anything for me but Maverick…. Holy shit, that movie was LEGIT! I mean, damn… Grade A filmmaking right there. And the plot was intriguing too. Didn’t expect that.


Belle (2021)

Very pretty anime, let down by a weak plot. Basically it's Beauty and the Beast, but the characters are thin as cardboard, as are their motivations, and the VR world's rules made zero sense. It's my least favourite Mamoru Hosoda movie.


Operation Mincemeat (2021)

A very strange true story about an allied plan of deception during WWII made into a very boring uneventful feature film. I'm sure a documentary would have been a lot more interesting than whatever this was supposed to be.


Gunpowder Milkshake (2021)

So they are now just checking off boxes and having an AI generate the whole movie I guess. So woke it almost became parody, a couple of cool action scenes did not save this nonsense.


Dog (2022)

I loved the dog in this, hated everything else. Cliché, predictable, by-numbers filmmaking with a lot of fake heartstring pulling.



Gold Member
i watched Princess Mononoke this morning. i woke up at about 3am and started watching it. i think i got about a quarter of the way in before i started falling asleep. i paused it at almost exactly half way through and went back to sleep. watched the rest of it when i woke up a few hours later.

i'm probably going to have to rewatch it but from what i saw i really liked it. it's maybe my favourite ghibli movie.


Vengeance (2022)

Indie movie directed by and starring the dude that was behind the Office US show. who plays a NY snob that ends up in the South trying to make it as a podcaster. It had some great writing and dialogue, but in the end I felt a bit underwhelmed. Not going to remember this in two weeks I'm sure. Wierd to see Aston Kutcher in a movie role again.


Thor: Love and Thunder (2022)

I'm going to be honest here, I think superhero movies are silly and I can't take them very seriously (some exceptions of course) so the fact that this is almost a parody didn't bother me at all. I did hate the cancer subplot tho, which felt very much at odds with the rest of the film.



My wife and I sat down the other day and watched the Outfit.


One of those "greater than the sum of its parts" pieces of work. Well, not necessarily -- Mark Rylance was pretty great. But the story, screenplay, wonderful direction, along with the fact that everything in the movie takes place in just one place -- the way all of those things come together -- made for quite a nice, little masterpiece.

That being said, I'm really just posting this to solicit opinions from other folks who might have also watched this movie. So, if you have watched The Outfit, do you think...

Leonard was part of the The Outfit, sent there to rid the town of all those people, so they could monopolize the area for themselves?


Gold Member
i watched The Godfather last night. yeah it's taken me this long to watch it!

i actually tried watching it a while back but i couldn't make out what the fuck they were saying at times. i rented it on Amazon and put on subtitles this time. the subtitles weren't 100% accurate but good enough.

it held my attention for almost 3 hours but i'm still not sure why it's considered one of the greatest movies of all time. not saying i thought it was bad. probably need to rewatch it. Marlon Brando's performance was excellent of course. I was disappointed he wasn't there for the full movie and i was anxiously waiting for him to return. Of course everyone and their cat has probably watched the movie long before me so I don't think there's anything new i have to say about it. Great movie but not sure if i'll get around to watching the other movies.

movies i have on my "to watch" list:

Once upon a time in america
The Wailing
The Last Duel
The Innocents
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My wife and I sat down the other day and watched the Outfit.


One of those "greater than the sum of its parts" pieces of work. Well, not necessarily -- Mark Rylance was pretty great. But the story, screenplay, wonderful direction, along with the fact that everything in the movie takes place in just one place -- the way all of those things come together -- made for quite a nice, little masterpiece.

That being said, I'm really just posting this to solicit opinions from other folks who might have also watched this movie. So, if you have watched The Outfit, do you think...

Leonard was part of the The Outfit, sent there to rid the town of all those people, so they could monopolize the area for themselves?

Haven't seen that one yet, will put in on the watchlist!


Gold Member
oh and i forgot i watched Requiem for a Dream the other night too! another movie i tried watching years ago but never stuck with it.

i'm not a heroin/cocaine junkie but the movie resonated with me. i have some addictions and mental health issues so i could really feel what was going on.
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movies i have on my "to watch" list:

Once upon a time in america
The Wailing
The Last Duel
The Innocents

In order of greatness: Goodfellas > The Wailing >>> X. X is still good--Goodfellas and The Wailing are just THAT good. The prequel to "X" just came out, called "Pearl" based on X's main character. It looks even better; can't wait to watch it. Can't speak to the others on your list since I haven't seen them. If you watch the Innocents, you should post your thoughts here--been meaning to see that one, myself.

I've never seen The Godfather. It's like Blade Runner where I've tried to start them a couple times but keep falling asleep, and I don't usually do that while watching movies. I'm sure they're great, but hard to go back to the OGs when you've seen the films that further refined what they accomplished. Plus I'm a millennial and have been programmed to need constant simulation and robot fights lol

Requiem for a Dream was an exhausting watch, which is probably the point. I should go back and watch it now that I'm older and messed up. I could probably relate to the characters a lot more.

Thor: Love and Thunder (2022)

I'm going to be honest here, I think superhero movies are silly and I can't take them very seriously (some exceptions of course) so the fact that this is almost a parody didn't bother me at all. I did hate the cancer subplot tho, which felt very much at odds with the rest of the film.

Thor: Love and Thunder is interesting because 9/10th of the movie was meh, a 5/6 out of 10. But I absolutely loved the ending from the point they're in front of the wish-granting thingy to the end credits. I thought that whole sequence was incredibly sweet and had the heart and emotional weight that was missing from the rest of the movie. So when I think back on the movie as a whole, it leaves me feeling more positive. More movies should nail their endings, and it seems so rare that they do!


Gold Member
In order of greatness: Goodfellas > The Wailing >>> X. X is still good--Goodfellas and The Wailing are just THAT good. The prequel to "X" just came out, called "Pearl" based on X's main character. It looks even better; can't wait to watch it. Can't speak to the others on your list since I haven't seen them. If you watch the Innocents, you should post your thoughts here--been meaning to see that one, myself.

I've never seen The Godfather. It's like Blade Runner where I've tried to start them a couple times but keep falling asleep, and I don't usually do that while watching movies. I'm sure they're great, but hard to go back to the OGs when you've seen the films that further refined what they accomplished. Plus I'm a millennial and have been programmed to need constant simulation and robot fights lol

Requiem for a Dream was an exhausting watch, which is probably the point. I should go back and watch it now that I'm older and messed up. I could probably relate to the characters a lot more.

Thor: Love and Thunder is interesting because 9/10th of the movie was meh, a 5/6 out of 10. But I absolutely loved the ending from the point they're in front of the wish-granting thingy to the end credits. I thought that whole sequence was incredibly sweet and had the heart and emotional weight that was missing from the rest of the movie. So when I think back on the movie as a whole, it leaves me feeling more positive. More movies should nail their endings, and it seems so rare that they do!
i started Goodfellas but fell asleep. Not because of the movie. I'll need to try watch it properly. I was watching it on Amazon Prime but my Prime just ended. I only joined to watch Rings of Power. Not sure when I'm join again. If I can rent Goodfellas somewhere I will do that.

I've not had any time at all the last few days to watch anything. Still to watch The Wailing and X....and everything else on my list lol. Once Upon a Time was also Amazon Prime so it's on the backburner now I guess. I subbed to Netflix so that's my priority for now. I focus on whatever service I'm subbed to then once it runs out I rent/buy stuff.

edit: I tried watching Godfather once before but I couldn't understand a lot of it due to all the italian and the way Marlon Brando speaks lol. I can't remember how far I got into it at that time. With Blade Runner it took me a few tries to get into it. I like the original movie but i think 2049 is the better movie overall. If you struggle to get into the original then try 2049 first. While 2049 requires that you have watched the original you will be fine to watch it I think. Maybe you just need that new more modern movie to get you hooked in order to go back to the original. Both are fantastic so I would highly recommend trying them again :)
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i started Goodfellas but fell asleep. Not because of the movie. I'll need to try watch it properly. I was watching it on Amazon Prime but my Prime just ended. I only joined to watch Rings of Power. Not sure when I'm join again. If I can rent Goodfellas somewhere I will do that.

I've not had any time at all the last few days to watch anything. Still to watch The Wailing and X....and everything else on my list lol. Once Upon a Time was also Amazon Prime so it's on the backburner now I guess. I subbed to Netflix so that's my priority for now. I focus on whatever service I'm subbed to then once it runs out I rent/buy stuff.

edit: I tried watching Godfather once before but I couldn't understand a lot of it due to all the italian and the way Marlon Brando speaks lol. I can't remember how far I got into it at that time. With Blade Runner it took me a few tries to get into it. I like the original movie but i think 2049 is the better movie overall. Both are fantastic so I would highly recommend trying them again :)
2049 was fantastic. I haven't seen a Denis Villenevue movie that wasn't beautiful, engaging, and thought-provoking. Dune is my favorite blockbuster from the past, oh, ten years or so. I'm glad it did well financially and critically, too, because I want Hollywood to back anything he wants to make.

I'm sure I'll get around to finishing Blade Runner eventually. It's just so rainy and slow-paced...spending time in that world is like taking a sedative lol

The Godfather, too. I just need to be in the right frame of mind going in!


Gold Member
2049 was fantastic. I haven't seen a Denis Villenevue movie that wasn't beautiful, engaging, and thought-provoking. Dune is my favorite blockbuster from the past, oh, ten years or so. I'm glad it did well financially and critically, too, because I want Hollywood to back anything he wants to make.

I'm sure I'll get around to finishing Blade Runner eventually. It's just so rainy and slow-paced...spending time in that world is like taking a sedative lol

The Godfather, too. I just need to be in the right frame of mind going in!
ah i thought you hadn't seen either blade runner movie lol. i think i get what you mean... the dark rainy atmosphere makes you sleepy. when i tried watching blade runner the reason i couldn't get through it was because i kept falling asleep lol but then i do need to be 100% wide awake to watch a movie at the best of times.

for any movie that is about 3 hours or more longer you definitely need to be in the right mood for them.

I loved the Dune movie. I had always heard of Dune but never really got into it but the movie got me hooked enough to go read the book and watch the original movie. So excited for Part 2 next year (hopefully).


Fight Club (1999)
First time rewatching this and I am so mad at myself for first watching it when I was in my early teens and was immature without any developed film taste.
Learning the twist on my first watch had maybe 1/10th the impact of what it would have had if THIS was my first watch now that I'm a film snob.
Still holds up even if you know what is coming.


A quick recap of some movies I watched recently, because I'm moving over to the Halloween movie thread for the rest of the month!

Bullet Train (2022)

Pleasantly surprised by this one, it was loads of fun, looked awesome, great cast (weird to see Paperboi as a hooligan). Maybe the dialogue could have been a tad sharper but overall I enjoyed the action and atmosphere a lot.


Three Thousand Years of Longing (2022)

Well this was kinda shit. First half of the movie is kinda cool I guess, but the second half didn't work for me at all or maybe I didn't get it. You know who could have made a visual amazing spectacle with this material? Tarsem Singh! What happened to him I wonder? The Cell (2000) and The Fall (2006) were so good.


Microhabitat (2017)

Small Korean film about a cute Korean girl who decides to stop paying rent to be able to afford whiskey and cigarettes, and hops from couch to couch at friend's places, who are all people with their own dreams and problems, and they don't really know what to make of her and her decision. Pretty good.


Zero Fucks Given (2021)

Belgian movie starring the always very watchable Adèle Exarchopoulos, another social drama film like we love to make over here, about a flight attendant on a low cost airline who takes live from day to day. There's some interesting scenes but some of the dialogue seems improvised and is just not very good, while the actual story unfolds very slowly. I kinda liked it I guess, I just was expecting a tad more out of it.

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