MSI handheld leaked MSI to compete with ASUS and Lenovo with a brand-new handheld. MSI CLAW, Source: @wnxod Less than 24 hours since MSI’s first teaser on social media and we now have a picture, name, and full specs of the upcoming device. This gaming handheld is called CLAW, and it will be...
Less than 24 hours after Intel reacted to this with

Could be pretty solid, I think the Arc IGPs are around 4.5Tflops, even if you have to downclock that a fair bit for a handheld you'd comfortably be making something above the Steam Deck's 1.6, and yeah we all know Tflops aren't comparable but speaking in ballparks here and the Steam Deck GPU was before the change in AMD flops (effectively doubling them for not nearly as much performance gain later)